Saturday, 31 October 2020
RT @zeanes: Can confirm now that an Alamance News reporter was arrested by police while taking photographs at the protest. Arrests began happening shortly after protesters took an 8 minute moment of silence in the street in honor of George Floyd.
RT @robyntomlin: UPDATED: “Melanie Mitchell said her 5- and 11-year-old daughters were pepper-sprayed just after the moment of silence. She said Graham police approached the crowd assembled in the street ... and soon began spraying pepper spray. ... Both kids threw up.”
RT @will_doran: Voters marching to the polls in Alamance County today were turned back after sheriff's deputies pepper-sprayed them Alamance is one of the key counties that will likely decide which party controls the state legislature next year #ncpol #ncga
RT @harrisonjaime: 🚨 Ballots are being tossed out in South Carolina 🚨 Thousands of ballots have been thrown out because of confusion around whether a witness signature was required. Democrats and Republicans should be united on this. This is voter disenfranchisement.
RT @BreatheNewWinds: After fighting for a year to elect @BernieSanders, I stood in line for 3 hours today to instead #VoteForBiden. I wasnt happy about it, I wasnt excited about it, some of you will call me a hypocrite, but below I highlight why I feel in my heart that it was the right choice. #VOTE
RT @billmckibben: Americans are understandably preoccupied right now. But a typhoon with winds gusting to 235 mph is now crashing into the Philippines--possibly the strongest storm ever to make landfall on earth. If you pray, now would be a good time
RT @ScottHech: A peaceful march to vote in NC. Church organized. Parents & children. A moment of silence. Seconds later: Pepper spray & arrests. Children as young as 3 vomiting. A woman in a wheelchair was sprayed. These are violent felonies. This is voter suppression.
RT @DJJudd: Trump has finished and left, but there’s thousands of supporters who have been let loose into the night with no sign of the shuttles they’ve been told will take them back to parking. People are filling the street, blocking the road for ambulances and police.
RT @Greg_Palast: In the run up to the 2018 election, Georgia’s Secretary of State canceled the registrations of over half a million voters. We found that at least 340,134 Georgians had been illegally removed from the voter rolls. Are YOU one of The Purged? #SaveMyVote2020
RT @Booker4KY: Can’t find the words. Another loss to COVID. He was a counselor to our family since I was little. The pastor of our church for 20 years of my life. Another giant gone from this virus that is in no way a hoax. This has been a decade of a year.
RT @Cleavon_MD: As an Iraq war vet and ER doctor, I risk my life every fucking day at work treating patients with COVID. I'm not asking for a thank you, but I am asking that Trump doesn't lie and disrespect us. I've never seen such a weak draft-dodging coward in my life. He is unfit to lead!!
RT @Cleavon_MD: Trump: You know, our doctors get more money if someone dies from COVID Truth: I took a 20% pay cut due to less patients. Lost 3 colleagues & 27 y.o. cousin. Cried countless times delivering news of deaths to families. I'm doing more for the U.S. than you!
RT @GeorgeGascon: .@ava is a leading advocate for justice reform & I am proud to have her support. Ava has committed her platform and talent to amplify marginalized voices, stories, & people. She captivates audiences with her art & ignites discussions around racial & systemic injustice. #LADA2020
RT @paulajean2020: I'm Paula Jean Swearengin, Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate from West Virginia & an everyday mountain mama. This campaign is about folks like us being represented in DC - not the wealthy elites and corrupt political dynasties. #UniteOurFight
RT @GunnelsWarren: America First: #1 in COVID-19 cases & deaths #1 in prison population #1 in billionaires #1 in student debt & medical debt #1 in war spending #1 in gun violence #1 in prescription drug prices #1 in people dying because they're uninsured Yes. I'm sick & tired of all this winning
RT @CameronMcNeish: Remember taking some disadvantaged lads hillwalking in Glen Nevis. Sean Connery was filming a scene for Highlander. He spent time with the lads for photographs and autographs and he couldn't have been kinder to them. Very possibly changed their lives.
RT @BrendanKeefe: How good was Sean Connery? He was a prospect for Manchester United; disarmed a jealous mobster on set; and was initially disliked by Ian Fleming, but his performance won over the Bond author so thoroughly, Fleming wrote 007 a half-Scottish background.
Friday, 30 October 2020
RT @maxxszabo: "The biggest race is in Los Angeles, which has the largest jail population in the country, and where incumbent D.A. Jackie Lacey is running against former San Francisco D.A. @GeorgeGascon. The differences between the two could not be starker." -@MooreMaya
RT @RAICESTEXAS: We’re not here to make you feel better, @MilesTaylorUSA. Sit down, and don’t go on @CNN again. The only reason anybody knows who you are is because you truly did horrific things. If you're sorry for your sins, then go away and think about what you can do to help repair the harm.
RT @daeshikjr: They left KP’s body on the ground for almost 12 hours after he was shot multiple times. Witnesses saw KP looking terrified and running. Still no answers from the @ClarkCountySO. This happened in Vancouver, WA. When will #BlackLivesMatter?
RT @BadFoxGraphics: Right wing teen hero Kyle Rittenhouse loses court battle, faces extradition to Wisconsin on homicide charges after killing two demonstrators in Kenosha where he will be tried as an adult
RT @AP: An Illinois judge ordered a 17-year-old accused of killing two demonstrators in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to be extradited across the border to stand trial on homicide charges. The ruling against Kyle Rittenhouse came after a hearing in Waukegan, Illinois.
RT @BernieSanders: Trump and Republican governors don’t want you to vote. We’ve got to fight back and the first step is to create a historic turnout in Georgia and nationwide. Join us live with @NikemaWilliams and more:
Thursday, 29 October 2020
RT @oneunderscore__: Months before the NY Post story, a document passed around far-right websites detailed a vast Hunter Biden conspiracy. The document's creator, Martin Aspen, claimed to be a Swiss intel professional. But Aspen's face was created by AI. He doesn't exist.
RT @AliVelshi: The Hunter Biden “dossier” disseminated by Trump’s close associates appears to be from a fake “intelligence firm” called Typhoon Investigations. The author of the report, “Martin Aspen” does not exist. By @BrandyZadrozny & @oneunderscore__
RT @JeffSharlet: Addendum: Lot of responses telling me word I'm looking for is "fascism"--a word that *is in the thread's first tweet.* But the point of the thread is to look closer, to consider the particular manifestation of a fascistic phenomenon, the better to oppose what's happening *now.*
RT @JeffSharlet: The police nationalist memes of cops w/ kids aren't false. Police, for all the profound & fundamental problems w/ American policing, often do good things. One can recognize that & still see police *nationalism* for what it is: The replacement of civil authority w/ armed power.
RT @JeffSharlet: Police nationalists endorse police violence under cover of police benevolence. One often finds them trading memes of cops with little kids, often a little blonde white girl or--thought to immunize against charges of racism--a little black boy.
RT @JeffSharlet: Implicit in the slogan "Back the Blue" when used by police nationlists is the fantasy of a coming conflict (which aligns neatly with QAnon's idea of a "storm") in which "backing the Blue" will mean choosing a side in a civil war not so much feared as anticipated.
RT @JeffSharlet: I've been reporting on the Right for 20 years. I believe self-definition matters. Police nationalists now call their flag "Back the Blue"--a statement they experience not as non-partisan but as transcending partisanship. It's an assertion of ultimate authority. But worse...
RT @JeffSharlet: That's because the Nazi flag only means one thing. The police nationalist flag now means many things: anti-Black Lives Matter (which is how it began), Trump, &, yes, a martyred memory of officers killed in line of duty. It's like Trump: it twists.
RT @JeffSharlet: You may have seen a popular meme of the anti-Black Lives Matter police nationalist flag with stripes pulled away to reveal a Nazi flag. I get the sentiment, but it obscures fact that this authoritarian flag is, now at least, far more versatile in its service to neo-fascism.
RT @JeffSharlet: Police nationalists often merge "law & order" w/ an authoritarian idea of Christianity. But in essence I think it's a secularization of authoritarian faith, fetishization of a fixed, received "law & order" similar to fundamentalist "natural law" w/ state power replacing divine.
RT @JeffSharlet: Police nationalists are white supremacists (including occasional non-white ones; it's an infectious disease) who don't want to think of themselves as such. Police nationalism allows them to fetishize force as "law" and relieves them of having to think about what law is.
RT @JeffSharlet: Police nationalists, like the civilian creator of the Blue Lives Matter flag, are mostly *not* law enforcement. Rather, they're people who form an identity, a sense of themselves, *through* fantasizing punishment for others. Hence the popularity of the Punisher motif.
RT @JeffSharlet: Growing dominance of "Blue Lives Matter" flag w/in Trumpism suggests a formation close to but not identical w/ both white nationalism & police state: I'll call it "police nationalism." Identity founded on fetishization of an explicitly brutal & implicitly racist idea of policing.
RT @JeffSharlet: First the black, white & blue anti-Black Lives Matter flag flew outside of Trump rallies, then on stage, next to the US flag; in Wisconsin last week it replaced the US flag behind Trump; now the American flag, with all its complications, is just gone, & a fascist banner waves.
RT @nytimes: The Justice Department effectively ended its civil-rights inquiry into the killing of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Black boy carrying a pellet gun who was shot by a Cleveland officer. Officials have not told his family that the officer will not be charged.
RT @charlie_savage: EXCLUSIVE: DOJ a year ago quashed its civil-rights investigation into the police killing of Tamir Rice by blocking career prosecutors from using a grand jury -- but has kept it technically open & never told the family it will bring no charges. w/ @ktbenner
RT @tomaskenn: At 7pm ET join @UWDAction for a call featuring @JamaalBowmanNY, @RepChuyGarcia, and @AnnaForFlorida. Be part of the largest youth immigrant led voter outreach effort in history and help us vote Trump out in 5 days 👇
RT @RealJusticePAC: Three laws supported by @GeorgeGascon & opposed by @LADAoffice: 🔹 Prop 47: End abusive sentencing practices 🔹 Prop 57: Stop charging children as adults/expand parole 🔹 AB392: Only allow police to use force as a last resort The choice for DA is clear.
RT @davidsirota: Watch the clip. @Ossoff is absolutely correct — as @DailyPoster reported, the bill Perdue touts as supposedly protecting preexisting conditions actually helps insurance companies eviscerate health care protections. Read here:
RT @ossoff: David Perdue lined his own pockets – trading medical stocks and dumping casino shares – while he lied to us about the threat of a virus that's now killed over 220,000 Americans. He doesn't deserve to be re-elected. #GASen #GASenDebate
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
RT @mehdirhasan: “Before you hoist Miles Taylor on your shoulders for a ticker-tape parade, don't forget: Taylor was at the heart of the administration's child separation policy...So much for ‘thwarting’ Trump's worst 'impulses.’ He helped implement them, anonymously.” Me:
RT @andrewkimmel: So... let me get this straight. All the damning evidence to bring down Biden was available in hard copy only... and only one copy existed and it was lost in the mail going to Tucker? Did I get that all right?
RT @RealJusticePAC: Jackie Lacey is a walking conflict of interest. She takes money from police unions and almost never holds them accountable. @GeorgeGascon will re-open and investigate past police shootings & work toward a future where these cases are handled by an independent body — not the DA.
RT @Nicolemarie_A: My latest: Most Latina domestic workers are facing a “full-blown depression” as they grapple with housing, food insecurity. About half of workers who lost their jobs weren’t contacted by their employers; 3/4 didn't receive compensation. @NBCNews
RT @choosedemo: Donald Trump has openly said he might not respect the outcome of our election. We need to prepare for that possibility while focusing on keeping the election process strong & robust. The best way to stop a coup is to not have one. Sign the pledge at
RT @theappeal: Trump has openly signaled that he’ll try to steal the election. @JulianCastro explains why the president’s lies about mail-in voting are baseless: “The first line of defense is to know about the 'blue shift,' and to insist that we count every single vote.”
RT @choosedemo: Donald Trump has openly said he might not respect the outcome of our election. We need to prepare for that possibility while focusing on keeping the election process strong & robust. The best way to stop a coup is to not have one. Sign the pledge at
RT @WillieNelson: Join me, congressman @JoaquinCastroTX, @CynthiaNixon, @DeniceFrohamn, and @ErikaAndiola on @RAICESACTION’s Get Out the Vote to Vote Out Hate Webinar TONIGHT at 8PM CST to make sure all y’all Texans get out and vote!
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
RT @awinston: This is the Stratetgic Response Grouo, Bratton’s NYPD protest special cops. I wrote about *some* of the 700 SRG a couple weeks ago & their rampant misconduct histories. I have identified >15% of the unit thru my research. Got names/media? DMs are open
RT @chadloder: Looks like Philly PD smashed the windows of a passing vehicle that was trying to turn around, then dragged the parents out and beat them on the ground in front of their terrified children. [@MrCheckpoint]
RT @keribla: The Texas prison system is continuing with its "Spooky Week" thing, and this time they are featuring... Eastham Unit, a prison w/a reputation for brutality, including a history of convict leasing. It's located on the site of a former slave plantation.
RT @senpizzo: Very sad to get the call today, but I’m incredibly appreciative of my colleagues in the @FLSenate tonight. The very last bill to pass in regular session was the Tammy Jackson Act. The House removed her name, we put it back in and passed it at nearly midnight.
RT @letsgomathias: NEW from me & @ryanjreilly: Of 3 men arrested on weapons conspiracy charges, one is a Marine discharged from service last month after an investigation into his ties to neo-Nazis. Arrests appear linked to recent threats against a prominent BLM activist.
RT @Taniel: NEW: Criminal justice & mass incarceration are on 2020 ballot in many states. We've covered local & state elections—DAs, sheriffs, referendums, & more—all year. Now, rolling out a new interactive tool to explore criminal justice battlegrounds. Dig in!
RT @nathanTbernard: Joe Rogan says kids are "getting polio from taking vaccines" after Alex Jones spreads conspiracy that Bill Gates is trafficking vaccines that get 100% of people sick. Great work hosting this, @spotify.
RT @nathanTbernard: Joe Rogan hosted far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on his podcast today. They pushed anti-vaxx conspiracies and broadcasted banned Infowars videos. Rogan continuing to platform these far-right sickos is incredibly gross and dangerous.
RT @RealJusticePAC: DA Jackie Lacey has sent 23 people to their deaths — almost all people of color. @GeorgeGascon has joined five other local prosecutors to end the death penalty in California. Who do you trust to end mass incarceration and fight for a fair and just legal system?
RT @ScottHech: NEW ORLEANS: There are *seven* current/former public defenders running for criminal court judge in New Orleans. If they win, they'll flip one-third of the judicial bench. Freedom. Police accountability. Alternatives to incarceration. Powerful voice in reform conversation. Vote!
RT @Ash_Kalra: Incredibly grateful to have the support of Senator @BernieSanders in my campaign for another term in the California State Assembly! Thank you Bernie for invigorating the progressive movement and for supporting down-ballot progressive candidates throughout the nation 🙏🏽 #NotMeUs
RT @ScottHech: I was asked recently why more public defenders & civil rights attorneys should be judges. A lot of reasons, but one that stood out: We know that in practice, the law doesn’t work at all the way it’s written. It’s unequally enforced, not followed at all, or non-sensical.
RT @ditzkoff: Apple TV+ says it’s struck a multi-year deal with Jon Stewart that includes a “new, original current affairs series” that will “explore topics that are currently part of the national conversation and his advocacy work.”
RT @nytimes: Jon Stewart will soon have his own show again. The former anchor of “The Daily Show” has reached a deal to host a current affairs series for Apple TV+, the company announced. The show will feature one-hour episodes, each dedicated to a single topic.
Monday, 26 October 2020
RT @RashidaTlaib: We are going to take back the White House & Senate next week with a resounding mandate from the people to fight back against Trump’s illegitimately stacked judiciary. We must expand the Court if we’re serious about the transformational change the people are crying out for.
RT @daeshikjr: The only way Biden “wins” is if he kicks Trump’s ass in the election. It can’t be close. There is no telling the fuckery the GOP will pull if Biden wins by too small of a margin. Especially if we lose the SCOTUS to a right wing majority.
RT @daeshikjr: How do we explain the level of emotional denial from Trump supporters around their own racism? Every Trump supporter I interviewed claimed their party was for “everyone”, yet the party they support refuses to denounce white supremacy. Starting at the top with Donald Trump.
RT @mjs_DC: How radical is Kavanaugh's theory? John Roberts felt compelled to reject it in a separate opinion, correctly noting that federal courts should keep their noses out of a state court's interpretation of its own state's election laws. Roberts is now the moderate on voting rights.
RT @mjs_DC: This is VERY BAD NEWS for voting rights. Appallingly bad. Brett Kavanaugh used a footnote to throw his support behind an extreme theory that would severely limit state courts' ability to protect voting rights. It's the revenge of Bush. v. Gore. Actually, it's much worse.
RT @mjs_DC: The headline news here is that, by a 5–3 vote, SCOTUS made it harder for Wisconsin residents to cast a ballot and make sure it's counted. But arguably the bigger news is that Brett Kavanaugh endorsed a theory so radical that the court refused to adopt it in Bush v. Gore. My God.
RT @mjs_DC: Holy shit—Brett Kavanaugh just endorsed Rehnquist's concurrence in Bush v. Gore, which was too extreme for Kennedy or O'Connor. This is a red alert. I can't believe he put it in a footnote. This is terrifying.
RT @alexkotch: A really good development if you're interested in progressives having real power next term. I think Jayapal is well equipped to lead the revamped caucus. They need to enforce the new rules extremely strictly or it won't work.
RT @zellnor4ny: I’ve really been struggling on what to say about the mass shooting that took place in our district last week. Six people were shot; one of them killed. The individual that died was a young man named Theo, who you see here playing in our Stop the Violence basketball games 1/4
RT @davidminpdx: Democrats can always be counted on to underestimate their opponents, to refuse to fight, to be terrified of wielding power, to seek to preserve some fictional norm that has long-ago been incinerated. It’s the very essence of being a Democrat.
RT @theappeal: Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is a serious blow to the criminal justice reform movement: “She has a deeply, deeply troubling record when it comes to people who are caught up in the criminal justice system.”
RT @keribla: More than 500 prisoners have been executed in that building, as it houses the state's death chamber. So posting about the "spooky" building's "past inhabitants" who are dead because your agency executed them seems like an odd word choice.
RT @TessaDuvall: Kenneth Walker doesn't like attention or talking to people he doesn't know. But, he did share with @dctello and I few things he hasn't said before. "If she's not here, nothing else matters." Our latest on the Breonna Taylor case:
RT @Taniel: Virginia has one of nation's higher incarceration rates. Dems have sent Northam a bill that'd make 14K people eligible for earlier release. 1,480 would qualify for immediate release (≈4% cut in VA's prison population). An earlier bill went further.
RT @alex_sammon: So, Nancy Pelosi is officially wants another Speaker term. First, we need to talk about how she has spent the last 9 months boxing out one of the most progressive, diverse, and *the most* female Congress ever, and turning it into a chamber of one.
Sunday, 25 October 2020
RT @ByMikeBaker: Oh my goodness. These coronavirus numbers: • 78,586 new cases today. That's up nearly 50% compared to last Saturday (52,761) • 7-day average of 68,110 is highest of pandemic • We are getting a lab-confirmed infection every 1.3 seconds
RT @BarackObama: Eight months into the pandemic, as new cases are breaking records, we need an administration that’s not going to wave the white flag. A year ago today, @JoeBiden was talking about the leadership we need to get prepared for a pandemic, and he’s got a plan to get it under control.
RT @kai_newkirk: This time we need a progressive challenger for the Speaker position. Could be Jayapal, perhaps Barbara Lee. 100+ 2021 D House members will be in Prog Caucus. Chances of victory are low but we need to show progressives are serious about organizing for power collectively.
RT @SopanDeb: I missed this earlier. Observe how Peggy Noonan refers to Kamala Harris dancing at her rallies - which makes her “insubstantial, frivolous,” while Trump, who has also been dancing at his rallies is...not.
RT @DocMellyMel: Black Studies literally saved my life. #EthnicStudies also saves the lives of many of my students. Grateful for the #AB1460 win, the vision of @AsmShirleyWeber & the work of @blmla & @CFA_News that made the CSU #EthnicStudies requirement LAW! @PanAfricans
RT @TheNorthStar: America the Voiceless is counting down the days to the election by going through the past episodes! On episode 1, @leslieherod joined the show to speak about how Democrats are leading the charge in this year's election on all levels. Hosted by @_mariaeperez & @nrojas0131
RT @RealJusticePAC: The Los Angeles DA race is the most important local prosecutor election of 2020. @GeorgeGascon has made it clear that he will end mass incarceration and hold killer cops accountable. Listen to him on @TamarindoCast & vote for real justice this weekend!
RT @ConnieSchultz: Watching Pence bungle this @60Minutes interview about Covid and thinking about how @SenSherrodBrown and I will be separated from all the people we love this Thanksgiving because we want to be with them for Thanksgiving 2021.
Saturday, 24 October 2020
RT @Ash_Kalra: Here’s an image of @BernieSanders prepping for a rally in Pennsylvania as he is campaigning hard to defeat the fascist in the White House. Bernie is as decent a man as there is in politics. The shockwaves of the movement he started will be felt for decades. #NotMeUs
RT @DrEricDing: New—Texas’s epidemic so bad now, Governor Abbott is requesting the help of a military hospital to help civilian hospitals in El Paso, which is experiencing a surge in #COVID19 cases and hospitalizations.
RT @BernieSanders: It can be a bit uncomfortable to tell your friends and neighbors they've got to vote. But it'll be a hell of a lot more uncomfortable if Trump wins. Let’s be uncomfortable for the next 11 days. Let’s have the highest voter turnout in history and send Trump packing. #VoteEarly
RT @daeshikjr: It’s desperation time for the bigots who support Trump. They have been empowered by Trump’s refusal to denounce white supremacy. And this is the a snapshot of what we will face on a regular basis if their fascist leader loses the election.
RT @Taniel: We're 10 days away: a perfect time to find out more about all the levers of powers that will be decided! My cheatsheet of what I'm watching, & why, now sits at 435 items. Congress, DAs, Justices, legislatures, referendums, sheriffs, mayors, & more.
RT @mollycrabapple: I always think about how New York City has nearly the same population as Switzerland, and millions more than Laos or Denmark or Paraguay. Changing politics in New York City, as DSA did, is no small thing. It’s on par with changing the politics of many nations
RT @JooHyun_Kang: Hard news. Bobby was a social justice warrior for so long & on so many issues. Love and condolences to his @VOCALNewYork fam and all who loved him, were inspired by him & organized with him on HIV/AIDS, ending the drug war, taxing the rich & so much more. Rest in power Bobby.
RT @AP: BREAKING: Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she'll vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett. She was a rare Republican opponent of confirming a Supreme Court justice before the election but says, "I do not hold it against her." The final vote is expected Monday.
RT @KristenClarkeJD: Shameful. Sen. @lisamurkowski has solidified her legacy with this move. An Amy Coney Barrett WILL put the #SCOTUS in position to fully reverse gains made on civil rights, women's rights, LGTBQ rights and more.
RT @SeanPenn: Just heard Biden on Covid strategy. He’s dead-on. I’ve been working test sites since day one. Talking to Fauci & all the top scientists. It’s EVERYTHING that will get America back to work and FLOURISHING. I’d been ambivalent about Biden. My ambivalence is gone. Biden for America.
RT @BeAHeroTeam: We raised nearly $4m to defeat @SenatorCollins when she didn’t listen to us. Now @LisaMurkowski is voting for Amy Coney-Barrett — putting Roe and the ACA at risk. Let's show Lisa that there’s a price for her betrayal. Donate to her 2022 future opponent:
Friday, 23 October 2020
RT @matthewferner: Orange County DA Todd Spitzer is a disgrace - he conned the voters of OC into believing he's a reformer when he's the exact opposite, he's been covering up the same misconduct that Rackauckas covered up, he fully owns the swirling scandals that rot OCDA
RT @davidminpdx: Philly DA Larry Krasner exonerates a man after 30 years in prison, wrongfully convicted of murder. Krasner admits that a lawyer who previously worked for his office, Richard Sax, illegally withheld evidence at trial.
RT @weareoversight: A new report says the parents of 545 children separated at the border can’t be found. We obtained a January 2018 memo from DHS highlighting problems with the early “pilot” family-separation program. One “negative impact” listed: “New populations of U.S. orphans.”
RT @davidminpdx: One of the iconic moments of the George Floyd protests was the burning of the Third Precinct in Minneapolis. The press used the event to suggest racial justice protesters are dangerous radicals. Now it appears it was a coordinated attack by RIGHT WINGERS.
RT @GregoryMcKelvey: Let’s be clear. The people of Portland voted with 87% of vote for limits. Ted broke the law. Now city resources are being used to defend Ted and argue that money is free speech. In short, Portland is working to expand the scope of Citizens United against the will of the people.
RT @nwmalinowski: NYPD cop who *twice* was caught on his own body camera planting drugs on someone -- overseen by a sergeant who has apparently done the same -- is facing no consequences from NYPD, Staten Island DA or @NYCMayor
RT @DrEricDing: 📍BREAKING—US sets another new record of 83,000 #COVID19 cases in a single day. This comes after 77,000 cases were reported the day before (itself the highest ever). Smashing the previous record just a day later is insane! This is only getting worse. 100k/day possible soon.
RT @theappeal: Most of the 700,000 people in jail are still eligible to vote, because they are in pretrial detention or serving sentences for minor offenses. But few can actually do so. "The de facto disenfranchisement of jailed citizens is a democratic failure.”
RT @ESOP_STL: There are no blue or green people, but there are black people, and St. Louis County Police have none in Homicide. That fake clearance rate is as much of a joke as this picture. And the nerve of them to quote Dr. Martin Luther King, but not answer why there are no black Detectives
RT @ErikaAndiola: Every single thing that Trump said yesterday about the 545 migrant children was a lie. Tomorrow, attorneys from our Children’s Program will speak about their experiences, what they saw on the ground & what you should know. Register to attend here 👉🏾
Thursday, 22 October 2020
RT @RAICESTEXAS: Fact check: Migrant children separated by the Trump administration during Zero Tolerance came with their families, not coyotes. We know. We worked with the children who were sent to shelters after being separated. Facts matter.
RT @RevDrBarber: The human beings I met in the middle of the Rio Grande River three years ago today were not "illegal." The system that keeps them separated is illegal before God. And clergy, esp. white evangelicals, are under the indictment of the moral law of God until we stand against this.
RT @shaunking: White male domestic terrorist arrested in a van with over $500,000 in cash, enough guns and bullets and bombs for a small army, pictures of other white domestic terrorists, and a plan to kill Joe Biden. THIS SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE.
White male domestic terrorist arrested in a van with over $500,000 in cash, enough guns and bullets and bombs for a small army, pictures of other white domestic terrorists, and a plan to kill Joe Biden. THIS SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE.
RT @NickOchsnerWBTV: New: A man was arrested in Kannapolis, NC in May with a van full of guns and explosives. Agents say they found electronic records showing he had researched Joe Biden's address and considered carrying out a mass shooting
RT @emmaplatoff: “This looks and smells like classic whistleblower retaliation,” an employment attorney told me. “This situation looks like what the Texas Whistleblower Act was designed to prevent. And the timing looks bad.” Here's a helpful primer from @TXAG:
RT @TexasTribune: A second whistleblower was fired from the Texas attorney general’s office after accusing Ken Paxton of crimes that included bribery and abuse of office. Employment attorneys say Paxton may be violating the Texas Whistleblower Act.
RT @TexasTribune: Several senior aides in Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office accused the state’s top lawyer of bribery and abuse of office. On Tuesday, one of them was terminated. "It was not voluntary," she said.
RT @SFDAOffice: Today, District Attorney @chesaboudin announced his cosponsorship of California State Assemblymember Rob Bonta's legislation to require prosecutors to recuse themselves from the prosecution of police misconduct if they accept money from police unions.
RT @chesaboudin: Proud to have cosponsored Assemblyman @RobBontaCA's first-in-the-nation bill along with @ProsAlliance. It's only when DAs are not financially beholden to police unions that the public can be confident in the decisions prosecutors make about holding police officers accountable.
RT @TheNorthStar: One of the most prominent social and political action organizations was the Young Lords. Their focus began with improving the lives of Puerto Ricans on both the island and the diaspora, to a broader goal of fighting for civil rights for all marginalized people.
RT @AAPolicyForum: 🚨NEW:🚨 A second grand juror in Breonna Taylor's case has come forward to confirm that the the grand jury was only allowed to consider wanton endangerment charges against Det. Hankinson. There was never a chance that AG Cameron would allow the officers to be held accountable.
From a purely political perspective, the Trump campaign might literally be the worst political campaign of all time. It's a floundering dumpster fire. That they think people want to hear about Hunter Biden as the main issue right now, in this pandemic, is outrageous.
RT @theappeal: A group of public defenders-turned judicial candidates in New Orleans hopes that experience will make the legal system fairer for everyone. “To have these candidates who stand for our values come together and try to make change is really uplifting.”
RT @GeorgeGascon: Tonight, our campaign volunteers sent over 125,000 texts to LA voters. In just two hours. We are now on track to contact over 1 MILLION LA voters by Nov. 3. To everyone donating their time and energy to bring about much needed change - Thank you. #LADA2020
RT @jkbjournalist: It is mind-boggling to me that the court is continuing to protect powerful men involved with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. If they didn't do anything wrong, why don't they allow full disclosure here?
RT @jkbjournalist: BREAKING: In a 400-plus page deposition taken in 2016, accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell repeatedly denies knowing any underage girls were even present with Jeffrey Epstein. The documents are heavily redacted. Names blacked out include Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
RT @ddale8: Trump tells his lie story about how he was just joking when he asked for Russia for help getting "whatever it was, Hillary's emails or whatever," and "everybody laughed" but TV cut off the clip. He was serious. In a silent room at a news conference.
RT @TessaDuvall: "Anything he says is irrelevant," Kenneth Walker said. "He's a murderer. Not me. "I've never killed anybody. He has, though." Walker and Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly each say the other is responsible for Breonna Taylor's death. More w/ @dctello:
RT @JoAnnPDX: Yesterday I was appalled by the Mayor's insinuation that the upcoming Fall BMP budget vote is not the time or place to talk about the Portland Police Bureau's budget. His proposal misses the moment by a mile.
RT @TheBreakdown: On the latest episode of The Breakdown Live, @shaunking explained the crisis & the movement to end the SARS unit in Nigeria. He also explains how much of US culture has been replicated throughout the world - even the bad parts including police brutality.
RT @ethanbrown72: Richard Cephus, a 55 year-old Black man w/pre-existing conditions making him susceptible to COVID-19, escaped a virus-wracked N.C. fed prison in April. He's since been caught—and is seeking leniency. "I signed up for a jail sentence, not a death sentence."
RT @theappeal: Home to nearly 4.5 million residents, Arizona's Maricopa County may decide the White House and control of the U.S. Senate. But voters must also decide two high-stakes local elections: for sheriff and county attorney.
Rudy is now saying that, like all normal people, when he decided to lay down in the bed, alone in his room with a woman, that he decided to tuck his shirt in, and took an extended time tucking it in, over and over again, right around his genitals.
RT @mattdpearce: “After she removes his microphone, Giuliani, 76, can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers. They are then interrupted by Borat who runs in and says: ‘She’s 15. She’s too old for you.’”
RT @thegarance: "the former NY mayor and current personal attorney to Donald Trump is seen reaching into his trousers and apparently touching his genitals while reclining on a bed in the presence of the actor playing Borat’s daughter, who is posing as a TV journalist."
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
RT @BernieSanders: The real looting in America is 644 billionaires becoming $931 billion richer during a pandemic, while Republicans continue to deny 25 million+ unemployed Americans the $600/week they need to pay for rent & put food on the table. We need an economy that works for all, not the 1%.
RT @robferdman: Just to be clear, this is a very big deal. Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron has fought hard to make sure the Breonna Taylor grand jury proceedings remained secret, and lost. Now jurors are allowed to talk freely, and the public can learn what actually happened behind closed doors
RT @davidminpdx: Earlier this year Denver created a non-police first-responder program in which mental health professionals respond to 911 calls related to mental health issues. They’ve responded to 350 calls and have needed to call for police backup zero times.
RT @mehdirhasan: The GOP is the party of "paper patriotism...if @Kaepernick7 takes a knee they'll never watch a football game again... Everybody supports the troops, until the troops need support. And then they disappear." Jon Stewart to me on the @MehdiHasanShow tonight:
RT @Femiakuti: Just got off the phone , I spoke to @anthonyfjoshua and explained everything going on in Nigeria right now .He didn’t fully understand the gravity of what was going on. He is in TOTAL support of #EndSARS #EndBadGoveranceInNigeria #endpolicebrutality
RT @matthewferner: .@TarraSimmons5 is running to become the first person in Washington's legislature in modern history who was formerly convicted of a felony. She's fighting to make sure everyone has "a first chance so they won't need a second chance later on in life"
RT @CNNAfrica: "Members of the Nigerian army pulled up on us and they started firing. They were shooting, they were firing straight, directly at us, and a lot of people got hit." Eyewitnesses say Nigerian forces opened fire on protesters in Lagos
RT @Mayorspeaks: UPDATE: A Doctor friend of mine in one of the hospitals in #Lekki just confirmed that about 23 people with bullet wounds has been rushed to his hospital alone, and more people are still coming. #LekkiMassacre is Real and the world needs to know, Keep retweeting #EndSARS
RT @bello_adams: They just brought down heavily armed soldiers reinforcement and a truck now at the lekki toll gate, I believe to pack the deads, so they won't be proofs.. Nigerians weep💔💔💔💔💔💔 #EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeria #BadGovernance #EndSWAT
RT @StephanieBusari: I have spent the past hour along with my colleague @eoin9411 speaking to eyewitnesses to piece together what happened tonight. They told us that the protesters were barricaded on both sides of the toll gate and fired on. Full report here #EndSARS
RT @Jidenna: To the African diaspora, Nigeria needs you to amplify rn! The Nigerians that are in your crew, your class, your sports teams, your offices, your playlists, your films, your hospitals...they all need you rn. We need you to be even louder than we’re known to be. #EndSARS
RT @Jidenna: My God. Seeing the mayhem back home 🇳🇬 is heartbreaking. Be safe during the curfew, fam. The demonstrations will resume but tonight, be wise. The crooked politicians, police, & business tycoons paying people to disrupt, assault, & kill protestors cannot kill the truth. #EndSARS
RT @KevinDubouis: Several Nigerian protesters have been killed as soldiers opened fire at a key protest site in Lagos, witnesses said. The government is seeking to end two weeks of marches against police brutality that have mushroomed into broader nationwide demonstrations.
RT @shomaristone: Juror in Breonna Taylor case said grand jury did NOT agree fatal shooting was justified. The statement came after a judge ordered records in the proceedings released to show if "publicly elected officials are being honest.": @NBCNews. #BreonnaTaylor
Monday, 19 October 2020
RT @shaunking: This will win a Pulitzer. The great team @Reuters found a staggering 4,998 people who’ve died in America’s jails... WITHOUT BEING CONVICTED OF A CRIME. An abomination. And a secret that cities and counties never wanted us to know.
RT @thrasherxy: So Saturday I drove 800 miles and caught up on podcasts, and I can't say strongly enough how @InTheDarkAPM's @madeleinebaran and @reveal's @aurabogado are doing some of the most important work of my generation of journalists, particularly as interviewers
This will win a Pulitzer. The great team @Reuters found a staggering 4,998 people who’ve died in America’s jails... WITHOUT BEING CONVICTED OF A CRIME. An abomination. And a secret that cities and counties never wanted us to know.
RT @imillhiser: I just filed my piece on the really scary court order we just got from the Supreme Court. But let me just say that, if Democrats win this election, and they don't pack the Supreme Court, they could very well never win a national election again.
RT @davidminpdx: While the presidential election gets the most attention, if you care about ending mass incarceration, there’s a ton of important races further down the ballot. @Taniel has the list of 30 Prosecutor and Sheriff races to keep you eye on.
RT @ScottHech: Exactly 3 years ago. They said he was beyond redemption. 22 Arrests. Imprisoned 19 yrs. All driven by drugs. Arrested for sale in 2017. Faced 12 yrs. Begged for treatment. Prosecutor refused. Judge took a chance on him. Now: Sober. Case dismissed. He wanted me to share.
RT @TheJeffBridges: As the Dude would say.. New S**T has come to light. I have been diagnosed with Lymphoma. Although it is a serious disease, I feel fortunate that I have a great team of doctors and the prognosis is good. I’m starting treatment and will keep you posted on my recovery.
RT @rklein90: The school told high school students to watch PragerU videos and write about the clips' most important messages. At the same time, the company says COVID19 has given them new urgency to influence K12 curriculum (they cite the 1619 project as one reason)
RT @rklein90: NEW: An Ohio school has been assigning kids PragerU videos for class. The site has videos like 'the left ruins everything' & 'playing the black card' Turns out, PragerU is amid a new push to get into K12 schools. They say 'so many' teachers have signed up
RT @RealJusticePAC: Los Angeles County has voted TWICE to reject capital punishment but @LADAOffice continues to sentence Black and Brown people to their deaths. L.A. deserves a DA who will share our values and end the use of the death penalty. Vote for @GeorgeGascon.
RT @mehdirhasan: "There's nothing fun or funny about these Trump rallies. They're crude, they're vicious, they're incitement, plain and simple." - my mini-rant, citing examples & studies, responding to Lara Trump's claims that Trump's rally threats are just a bit of fun.
RT @DavidSegalRI: Good to see @SenSchumer on offensive, even if this motion failed. Forcing Mitch to keep Rs in DC and off the trail during final days of election. And every increment of SCOTUS delay matters. Let’s keep this up, and more.
RT @ilyseh: Thank you @SenSchumer for trying to stop this sham. Forcing this nomination through while your colleagues across the aisle ignore the American people's need to for COVID relief is an abomination and they should be called out at every turn.
RT @JohnBonifaz: Now we're talking @SenSchumer Calling all Senators opposed to this nomination: You all need to stand up + use all procedural powers to block this illegitimate SCOTUS nomination + this attack on our democracy. This action should be followed by many others. @FSFP #NoBusinessAsUsual
RT @kai_newkirk: This is exactly what we need the entire Democratic caucus to do: use every tool to fight this illegitimate nomination tooth and nail. Thank you @SenSchumer. Nothing should move in the Senate but the massive COVID relief the GOP's been blocking for months. #NoBusinessAsUsual
Sunday, 18 October 2020
RT @Seamus_Malek: Remember every single politician, pundit, and media outlet that told you the coup in Bolivia wasn't a coup, and that Evo Morales was despised by Bolivians everywhere. Never listen to them again. The strongest rebuke possible was just given to them at the ballot box tonight.
RT @BenjaminNorton: On the morning of Bolivia's election, I visited a working-class largely indigenous community in the northern mountains of the capital La Paz as an electoral observer These humble communities are the base of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party, which just won in a landslide
RT @CDRosa: The margin of victory is too big to steal the election. Rightwing coup president Jeanine Añez concedes that the Bolivian rightwing had been routed and the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) has won. Democracy has won! The Indigenous people of Bolivia have won! Pachamama has won!
RT @thiccgenius: Añez admitting MAS won shows how overwhelming the mandate was. If there was any possible way to block MAS they would have done it. For a US comparison, the margin is 4% greater than Reagan's landslide in '84. Just an overwhelming victory.
RT @OVargas52: On a personal level, I can't believe this is finally happening, but it's what we've always known. Despite the massacres, despite the persecution, despite US intervention, the MAS is back and even more powerful. They can't put a lid on the majority of the people.
RT @BernieSanders: We have now done 15 virtual rallies in battleground states. The message is the same. Trump became president by winning PA, MI and WI by only 110,000 votes combined. Your vote counts. Let us respond to Republican voter suppression by voting in record-breaking numbers.
RT @mehdirhasan: Let that sink in: the top infectious disease scientist in the US government in the midst of a pandemic needs a security detail because the president’s supporters, egged on by the president - his boss, head of the government - hate him and want him gone.
RT @TahanieNYC: I spent this beautiful day at the 92nd street farmers market with residents of Holmes houses. Fresh organic vegetables & great conversations. I’m looking forward to building our families up and investing in our communities to create a safe, successful and just society for all.
RT @Esser4J: Honolulu Police solve 6% of rapes and murders. Each year their clear rates for these crimes continue to decrease as their budgets continue to increase. If this disconnect isn’t a sign of the need to radically transform policing I don’t know what is.
RT @shomaristone: Indiana officer fired after ties to neo-Nazi internet forum are revealed. The recruit, Joseph Zacharek, is believed to have participated in a forum called “Iron March” four years ago, a police official said: @timstelloh, @NBCNews.
Saturday, 17 October 2020
RT @GunnelsWarren: Over the past 3 years, NY billionaire Ronald Lauder increased his wealth by $1.7 billion, while New York City says it can't afford $900 million in back pay owed to public school teachers. #TaxTheRich
RT @Taniel: When you want the professional status and prestige that comes from playing along the fiction that courts are apolitical spaces that won’t affect all of our rights & lives based on ideological programs, but also you need to recruit progressives as an audience for your new project.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Early voting has begun in New Orleans! Vote for the @FlipTheBench slate to end cash bail and prioritize public safety over incarceration. Find your nearest early voting location here:
@LeoGlickman1 @TahanieNYC Of course she is. I liked her answer and even spoke with her about it. She’d never apply these gang laws in Black and Brown communities. When she said “it depends” it was because of creative ways she’s considering using them against police and corporate rackets.
RT @FacebooksTop10: The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from: 1. Dan Bongino 2. Dan Bongino 3. Fox News 4. Fox News 5. Dan Bongino 6. Donald J. Trump 7. Franklin Graham 8. Breitbart 9. Dan Bongino 10. The Dodo
RT @ClaraJeffery: 2/ Last year, @MonikaBauerlein and I wrote about how Facebook's changes to its algorithm hurt legit news orgs as it pumped right-wing disinfo machines. We used the impact on our traffic as an example: BUT
RT @ClaraJeffery: 1/ I am enraged. Excellent reporting from WSJ's @dseetharaman and @EmilyGlazer finds that Facebook engineers—with sign-off from Zuckerberg himself—retooled their algorithm to throttle traffic to high-value progressive news orgs, @MotherJones IN PARTICULAR
RT @protest_nyc: Important new @theappeal piece (and accompanying thread) by @awinston on the #NYPD's own Strategic Response Group (SRG), whom many area demonstrators have likely seen and/or been confronted with in the past 4+ months of racial and social justice protests.
RT @theappeal: The Florida Sheriffs Association is one of the most successful anti-reform organizations in the state. “On criminal justice, Democrats and Republicans are finding common ground. Unfortunately, it’s law enforcement and prosecutors calling the shots.”
RT @ethanbrown72: That man—Dennis “Todd” Rogers—struggled with bipolar disorder and was shot to death while behaving erratically outside a 24 Hour Fitness. The LA DA said the deputy's shooting was reasonable because he feared for his life—even though Rogers was only "armed" with hair clippers.
RT @TahanieNYC: #MyNameIs Tahanie. My mother named me. I’m my parents’ 6th child (of 10) & my name rhymed with the sibling that came before me. It means “joy/happiness” in Arabic & it inspired me to help families find joy & happiness stolen from them by abusive systems of authority.
Friday, 16 October 2020
RT @CNN: “We’ve come to such a point of crisis that I had no choice but to say something.” - Caroline Giuliani, daughter of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, on urging Americans to “end this nightmare” by voting for Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris.
RT @ryanjreilly: NEW: I spoke with the anarcho-punk band bassist currently in jail after a Trump appointee charged him over a bag of weed. He says the FBI special agent who interviewed him back in June didn’t care about the pot, but did question him about Antifa.
RT @daeshikjr: These electeds salivate at the chance to demonize activists for “uncivilized behavior” in hopes to redraw the line to make themselves look like the most acceptable “progressives” in the room. No fact checks. Nothing on police violence. Moderates just gatekeeping change.
RT @daeshikjr: A large part of QAnon’s consumer base are radical right wing Christians and found it fascinating that this committed Christian Trump Supporter admitted she’s been struggling with the anonymity with QAnon, telling me she stopped listening after “listening to it quite a bit”
RT @TheBreakdown: The @grassroots_law Project is organizing a special community just for our work in Texas and we want you, and everybody you know in Texas, to join us. We're launching in 12 days and need YOU on board. Listen to today’s episode here:
RT @nytopinion: Donald Trump “stands without any real rivals as the worst American president in modern history,” writes the editorial board. Today, we are publishing a special section to remind readers why President Trump is unfit to lead the nation.
RT @Taniel: This is 🔥: a group of 7 current & former public defenders are running for judge in New Orleans, with the idea of (finally) using the vast discretion of judicial offices to change the city & fight mass incarceration.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
RT @Bradshaw2020: $24.12— that is the avg contribution to this campaign. Thanks to YOU, we’ve raised nearly $1 million! 🙌🏾 On Nov. 3, let’s show our opponent that he can’t buy the election when the power of the people is on our side. Keep it going! Pitch in $24.12 now ⬇️
RT @AshAgony: "Civil liberties experts say [NYPD's] Strategic Response Group’s [aka SRG] recent crackdown on ICE protests is the most brutal suppression of protests in decades—and many of its officers are the subject of significant misconduct allegations"
RT @Bobbin_Singh: The intentional pivot by the Wheeler campaign and surrogates to peddling far right talking points is incredibly dangerous and representative of character. Again, those who are endorsing him are inheriting this as their own voice. #NotWheeler
RT @dananessel: These were very credible and very serious threats to our elected officials and the public in general. The swift actions taken by state and federal authorities this past week are nothing short of heroic.
RT @AymanM: The biggest news headline tonight wasn’t in the townhalls: US federal investigators are examining whether emails allegedly found on a laptop at a Delaware repair shop are linked to a foreign intelligence operation per sources speaking to @NBCNews
RT @ErickFernandez: While we're speaking about Mr. Rogers, watch this clip from 1969 of him testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Communication to prevent budget cuts to public television. After a heartfelt six minutes, he convinces the chairman to not cut the budget.
RT @wendellpotter: Judge Barrett says she'd base rulings about health insurance on how "the founders" might have intended. This might make sense if health insurance companies actually existed then. As a former insurance exec, here's why her approach is laughable when it comes to healthcare: (1/10)
RT @GunnelsWarren: And today, Sheldon Adelson increased his wealth by another $329 million. He's now worth $28.3 billion, lives in a Vegas mega-mansion, owns a 300-foot yacht, a 380-passenger private jet & received a $670 million tax break from Trump. While 30 million Americans lost jobs.
RT @nytimes: Sen. Ben Sasse, a Republican, told constituents that President Trump cozied up to dictators and white supremacists, mistreated women, and failed to adequately confront the pandemic, according to audio of the call obtained by the Washington Examiner.
RT @kaitlancollins: Sasse: "I mean, the way he ignores that the Uighurs are in literal concentration camps in Xinjiang. Right now, he hasn't lifted a finger on behalf of the Hong-Kongers...His family has treated the presidency like a business opportunity. He's flirted with white supremacists."
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
RT @krystalball: President Obama had the house and a supermajority in the senate. He passed an insurance giveaway health care bill w no public option, failed to break up the banks, failed to rescue homeowners, and then has the audacity to blame progressives for his administration’s failures. Wow.
RT @LegalAidNYC: "They’ve taken children as young as 12 into interrogation rooms and given these children sodas or food, and even in some cases with children as young as 16 cigarettes and use that as a rouse to collect their DNA," - @TerriRosenblatt.
RT @KFILE: NEW: “Public calendars from the University of Notre Dame's law school show at least seven additional talks not listed on Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Senate paperwork, including one with the law school's anti-abortion group, according to a CNN KFile review.”
RT @DrEricDing: BREAKING—New records reveal that, while Trump & his advisors were publicly giving rosy outlooks on the pandemic, they were privately giving dire warnings to wealthy investors behind closed doors, triggering sell offs. So disgusting—They knew. #COVID19 🧵
RT @kai_newkirk: What more do Senate Dems need to see? Not only is the nomination illegitimate––a flagrant violation of *the GOP's own rule*––they're trying to ram it thru at the expense of relief for millions of desperate Americans. Use every tool. Shut it down. #NoBusinessButRelief
RT @tmprowell: If your US household has not entered its data in the census, pls do it online TODAY Wed 10/15 at before 11:59p Hawaii time. The data are used to reallocate Congressional seats & Electoral College votes for the next decade. #VOTE
RT @mehdirhasan: John Bolton: "This is really about as low as it gets. The fact is that Hillary Clinton...took the MEK off the U.S. list of terrorist organizations" Me: "She took them off in 2012, you were speaking with them in 2010 when they were still a banned group."
RT @ScottHech: Meet Cassandra Greer-Lee. Public school teacher. Fierce advocate. In March, her husband was caged in Chicago jail. Strong, but terrified of the COVID outbreak there. “Is anyone surviving this?” She called *132 times* to try to get help. Soap. Masks. Anything. No response. More:
RT @mehdirhasan: Me: "All those innocent Iraqi civilians. All the men and women, children killed by U.S. airstrikes. Some in massacres...None of those weigh on your conscience? None of those keep you up at night?" John Bolton: "You don't know what you're talking about."
RT @TheNorthStar: “On This Day” is The North Star’s series that highlights important moments in history. 56 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent resistance to racial prejudice in America.
RT @ScottHech: Thinking about Cassandra. She called a Chicago jail *132 times* to try to save her husband from COVID. She was ignored. While Trump downplays COVID & chooses not to protect himself & others, her husband had no choice. No mask. Soap. Crowded. He died. Watch:
RT @BernieSanders: The Senate should be passing a strong stimulus package. The Senate should be ensuring we have a free and fair election. The Senate should be addressing climate change. The Senate should NOT be dealing with a nomination that will literally be voted on days before the election.
RT @DrGaryDHughes: Tonight, my mom is on advanced life support. I’m losing her to Covid-19. I’m devastated, helpless to do anything, and numb. Please. Take the virus seriously. Wear a mask. Distance yourselves. It’s not going away on Election Day. Listen to me. @JTMooreMS @CDCgov @NC5PhilWilliams
RT @SenSanders: If you paid $12.99 a month for an Amazon Prime membership, you paid more to Amazon than it paid in federal income taxes over the past 3 years combined—after making nearly $30 billion in profits. Yes. It's time to make corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
RT @DrEricDing: BREAKING—Secretary Eugene Scalia's wife, Trish, has tested #COVID19 positive. Eugene Scalia negative still. Both attended the Rose Garden event seated in the second row, directly behind Melania and next to Kellyanne Conway. ➡️38 WH-orbit positive now!
RT @daeshikjr: I interviewed different Trump Supporters who are running for office. Marliza Melzer is running WA Stare Rep 33rd LD and told me she won’t fight for access to healthcare for her constituents. But later shared how government funded healthcare is how she survived her own pregnancy.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
RT @theappeal: In Maricopa County, Arizona, a bipartisan majority of voters—71% of Democrats and 51% of Republicans—say they want a county attorney who won’t prosecute women for seeking an abortion if the Republican-controlled Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
RT @JulianCastro: It’s inspiring to see this, but indefensible that a voter would have to wait in line an entire day to cast their ballot. Vote—and vote early. We can get rid of politicians making it harder to do your civic duty.
RT @DrEricDing: 📍BREAKING—First ever reinfection death from #COVID19 has now been scientifically confirmed. An 89-year old woman infected 2 months ago; recovered. New reinfection by different strain (🧬verified), then led to death. ➡️ Total now up to 23 reinfections.
Monday, 12 October 2020
RT @jeppsaddison: 21 people arrested today protesting Amy “covid” Barrett What were you doing while they were in jail? Did you at least call your senators? Don’t be the person that stands by & let’s everyone else do the heavy lifting. Pick is the phone & help us out! It’s not easy being arrested
RT @ryangrim: NEW: An environmental group went undercover and caught a mining company and a vulnerable Republican senator in a corrupt arrangement. Could cost him his seat and save the sockeye salmon fishery all at once. From @rmc031
RT @ElaineReyesTV: Guys!! They are DONE. After 11 hours, Kevin, his wife, their first time voter teen daughter and her best friend cast their votes. #EarlyVote #CobbCounty #Georgia #Vote. A few more deets to come...I want to know where people go to the bathroom!! ELEVEN HOURS!!!
RT @Siobhan_ODowd: @shaunking @Everlean_R Can’t imagine anyone in Ireland waiting 6 hours to vote, huge respect for all there in that line. Can’t imagine a situation either that would require anyone in Irl to wait 6 hours in line , unless the polling station went on fire or something
RT @letsgomathias: New: In light of Michigan militia plot news, I did a reporter's notebook piece looking back at covering 4 years of right-wing violence, how the president's rhetoric often inspires it, & how the MAGA movement is very much a fascist one.
RT @mjs_DC: This story is incredibly alarming. California Republicans are allegedly creating fake drop boxes and tricking voters into depositing their ballots in them. Apparently they’re trying to prove voter fraud is real by committing actual election fraud.
Sunday, 11 October 2020
I’m a lifelong MJ fan, but seeing LeBron take 3 teams to 10 NBA Finals is just amazing. 4 titles. Most points. Most games. Most minutes. This one is special. It’s true that Jordan was 6 for 6. But 9 seasons he didn’t even make it to the finals.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Los Angeles has the largest jail system in America, and @LADAOffice continues to fill jails and allow police to kill with impunity. But a new day is dawning. The people are demanding justice. Drop off your ballot for @GeorgeGascon this weekend:
RT @shaunking: Thousands of conservatives have used Twitter to say that an Antifa/BLM/Joe Biden supporter killed a Trump supporter. The tweets have been seen millions of times. Denver Police then say it was all a lie. It was a private security guard w/ none of those connections.
RT @9NEWS: Update: A private security guard, hired by 9NEWS, is being held as a suspect in the deadly shooting. A 9NEWS producer has been released after DPD said it was determined they were not involved in the incident.
Here is the story of the #denvershooting in 4 images. Fascist confronts local NBC News security guard. Fascist then slaps and assaults the security guard. Fascist then sprays bear mace at guard. Guard then shoots fascist. Fascist dies from gunshot from security guard.
RT @KellyScaletta: How come when a white supremacist shoots a church full of black people, we have to wait for all the facts, but when a security guard shoots a white supremacist in self defense, conservatives rush to the conclusion it was antifa? #DenverShooting
Saturday, 10 October 2020
RT @ErikaAndiola: No matter how many comments like these I get, it still hurts. These people don’t know me. They don’t know how much I have fought to stay in the country I grew up in. Friends, if you have a chance, support our Podcast and leave a rating. Anti-immigrants are already on it.
RT @mehdirhasan: Chris Christie was sacked by Trump in 2016. He came back to help him debate. Now his life may be in danger as a result. The bizarre cult of Trump, and the huge sacrifices that people make for this man who does not give a damn about them, will be something I’ll never understand.
Friday, 9 October 2020
RT @reason: According to newly released transcripts of interviews with Louisville police officers, they knew a month before they invaded Breonna Taylor's home that the "suspicious packages" that supposedly justified the raid came from Amazon.
RT @ashtonpittman: NEW: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith says Republicans are "coming guns loaded" and "packed" to fight any Democratic efforts to delay Amy Coney Barrett's hearings. The violent metaphor comes two years after a "public hanging" quip nearly derailed her last campaign.
RT @GunnelsWarren: Do you need any more motivation than this? Inject this into your veins. Graham wants to provide h-u-g-e tax breaks to billionaires and make massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Bernie would do the exact opposite. Yep. Elections do have consequences - big time.
Thursday, 8 October 2020
RT @ryanstruyk: HANNITY: "Have you been tested recently?" TRUMP: "Yeah, I just saw the doctors today. They think I'm in great shape. I'm in great shape." HANNITY: "Did you test negative?" TRUMP: "And I will tell you, I took this Regeneron. It's phenomenal."
RT @themaxburns: A heavily medicated @RealDonaldTrump tells Sean Hannity that @JoeBiden will make America "a 9th world country, not even a 3rd world country," and says Biden has committed to tearing down buildings and replacing them with "new buildings with tiny windows."
RT @Ash_Kalra: Honored to have endorsement of Senator @BernieSanders for my re-election campaign! Also, see my colleagues: ✅ @JonesSawyerAD59 for Re-election ✅ @SenHJMitchell for LA County Supervisor ✅ @KansenChu for Santa Clara County Supervisor Ballots are on the way so let’s vote!🗳
RT @JasonLeopold: NEW/BREAKING: In response to our motions filed in federal court today seeking immediate release of Russia docs in response to Trump tweets, Judge Walton has ordered DOJ to respond to our filing & CONFER W/WH & GET WH'S OFFICIAL POSITION ON DECLASSIFICATION
RT @donie: #BREAK Facebook is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation into an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the company says. Federal criminal complaint details how the suspects had used Facebook, including a private Facebook group, to discuss the alleged plot.
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
RT @FreeRodneyReed: In 2015, a witness wrote a letter to Texas AG Ken Paxton stating she heard Jimmy Fennell threaten to kill Stacey Stites, right prior to her death. Guess what Paxton did? Nothing! He ignored it and neglected to notify Rodney Reed’s defense team.
RT @theappeal: The 13th Amendment abolished slavery—except as a punishment for crime. This loophole allows governments and corporations to quietly exploit the cheap labor of incarcerated people, perpetuating America’s legacy of racism.
RT @theappeal: House candidate Jamaal Bowman on the urgency of reaching people who are reluctant to vote: “Tens of millions of people are not consistently politically engaged because we haven’t done a good enough job of engaging them. This is not on them. This is on us.”
RT @dctello: Jaynes is likely part of the ongoing FBI investigation. The PIU file released today shows the day after his interview with investigators, officers sought records from his computer. Did he know his activity was suspect? "Employee may have suspicions," the investigator wrote.
RT @dctello: In a PIU interview — the first time the public has heard Jaynes' account — he said he asked Sgt. Mattingly to check because of his work with the airport unit. Asked if he meant to mislead the judge, he said, "No, not at all," but noted he could've worded it "differently."
RT @shaunking: Few DA’s offices in this country have caused more harm, and done more damage, to more people than the Manhattan DA’s Office. @TahanieNYC is going to change the office from the inside out. We all need to get behind her. Chip in now @
RT @dctello: Detective Joshua Jaynes, who wrote in a sworn affidavit he'd verified with the postal inspector about packages at Breonna Taylor's apartment, told investigators in May that, actually, he'd asked another LMPD officer to check:
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
RT @tomvaswani: They even tested it with "secret pilot program", separating *breast-feeding mothers from their infants*. Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein (Harvard, now partner at King & Spalding, Is this what the Justice Dept is for?
RT @shearm: Rod Rosenstein, the former Deputy Attorney General, told prosecutors that they should prosecute all migrant adults, without regard to the age of children they had with them, according to the draft report from the DOJ inspector general.
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