Wednesday, 26 August 2020
RT @AyannaPressley: A 17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15. He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives. Fix your damn headlines.
RT @BernieSanders: I strongly support the NBA, WNBA and MLB players who are striking for racial justice. Real change takes place when people come together and demand it. It is time for the police who shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back to be fired, arrested and prosecuted. Now.
RT @WesleyLowery: As curfew struck in Kenosha tonight, law enforcement showed up, hit a reporter’s car, created a bunch of conflict with protesters who had previously been peaceful, and then after about 15 minutes drove away
RT @grassroots_law: Jacob Blake. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. This system isn't broken—it’s working exactly as intended. It was designed to oppress us, maim us, and kill us. It can’t be fixed. That's why we’re calling on EVERY city to defund the police NOW. Join us:
RT @realStanVG: It would be wrong to think that today’s NBA, WNBA and MLB boycotts were about one shooting in one city. This is frustration and anger that after 400 years of racial oppression there has not been nearly enough change. How much longer will we tolerate this racial oppression?
The Seattle Mariners just decided not to play in their game tonight versus the San Diego Padres in protest of police brutality in this country. Both the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants decided not to play in their game tonight for the same reason.
RT @EdgeofSports: The Seattle Mariners have voted not to play tonight’s game vs. San Diego Padres. The strike wave is now entrenched in the staid world of baseball. This is a sport that a week ago was freaking out because a young player hit an inappropriate grand slam.
RT @Mathieu_Era: FED UP. Ain’t enough money in world to keep overlooking true issues that effect the mind body & soul of what we do. We cannot be happy for self when our communities are suffering & innocent folk are dying.. since George Floyd, there have been at least 20 other police shootings.
RT @shaunking: As expected, it was just confirmed that Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey brutally shot Jacob Blake 7 times in his back. The local police department refused to name him, but the Wisconsin Department of Justice just did so moments ago.
RT @MichaelBloch15: Two NJ police officers “wore disguises when they rode their bikes to the vehicles, smashed out the windows and slashed all the tires on Sept. 3 between 3 and 4 a.m.” The cars belonged to a man who had recently filed a complaint against the officers.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
RT @STOPSpyingNY: The #NYPD's newest surveillance tactic: bypassing the courts to issue their own document demands. Learn why this tactic is so dangerous and why our @foxcahn calls it "a blatant end run around judicial oversight."
RT @theappeal: The police killings of Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Maurice Gordon, and many more began with a traffic stop. Just over half of voters now say traffic enforcement should be handled by cameras or non-police agencies—not armed cops.
This is what she says about Kenosha Police Officer Luke Courtier. He’s in protective custody in a hotel because people thought he shot Jacob Blake. POLICE COULD END THIS RIGHT NOW. They are deliberately protecting the man who shot Jacob. What’s his name?
RT @Reuters: Jacob Blake's lawyers demand officer who shot him be terminated and say a civil lawsuit is being prepared: - Blake is currently in surgery and paralyzed - Bullets shattered vertebrae - Needed part of colon and small intestine removed - His mom says he is 'fighting for his life'
RT @shaunking: To the Kenosha Police Department, If you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him. Fuck it. Your protection of his identity is unethical. What's his name?
RT @OmarJimenez: New details on Jacob Blake’s medical status: -Currently in surgery -Along with damage to his spine he has holes in his stomach -Kidney + liver damage -Nearly entire colon and small intestine removed Yet, “Miraculously Jacob is alive,” says his legal team. #JacobBlake
RT @shaunking: What's the name of the officer who shot Jacob Blake? Lots of speculation. WHAT IS HIS NAME? That this man did THAT and we still aren't 100% sure of his name is outrageous. That man is somewhere deleting all of his racist social media posts, cleaning up his whole life.
To the Kenosha Police Department, If you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him. Fuck it. Your protection of his identity is unethical. What's his name?
RT @Ruth_HHopkins: The US Supreme Court has DENIED Navajo citizen Lezmond Mitchell’s Request for a Stay of Execution. Unless Trump commutes his death sentence, he will be put to death tomorrow against the wishes of the Navajo Nation & the victims’ family.
RT @APStylebook: Avoid the vague "officer-involved" for shootings and other cases involving police. Be specific about what happened. If police use the term, ask: How was the officer or officers involved? Who did the shooting? If the information is not available or not provided, spell that out.
RT @Yamiche: Attorney Benjamin Crump: “It is going to take a miracle for Jacob Blake Jr. to ever walk again.” He said the bullets severed Blake’s spinal cord and shattered some of his vertebrae. He added that Blake is in surgery today and still fighting for his life.
Monday, 24 August 2020
RT @Reuters: In an exclusive interview with @Reuters, a young man speaks publicly for the first time about a years-long sexual relationship with the Falwells, one of the most influential power couples in American conservative politics
RT @CoriBush: The McCloskeys tried to villianize me @ the RNC tonight. They can call me whatever they want—I’m used to it. People have called us everything you can imagine since we started protesting in Ferguson. It didn’t stop us then & it won’t stop us now ✊🏾 #RepublicanNationalConvention
RT @RexChapman: Arguably, I may be the most visible recovering opioid addict in America. I’m from KY. Born and raised. White. Best HS player in America (arguably). College All-American. NBA lottery pick. 12-yrs NBA. The epidemic is killing middle America. The GOP decided this issue was partisan.
RT @AttorneyCrump: Kenosha city council passed an ordinance in 2017 requiring all officers wear body cams. But they never bought them. They're in the budget.. in 2022. If it weren't for a neighbor's video, the police shooting of Jacob Blake would've vanished & no officers would be held accountable.
RT @georgejoseph94: BREAKING: New docs reveal 100s of internal NYPD findings of false statements, improper invoicing of cash/drugs + other misconduct. 1 cop, accused of drug planting on body-camera before, had 2 findings of improperly documenting drug seizures the same year:
RT @ClimatePower: As a physician, epidemiologist, and former director of @DetHealth, @AbdulElSayed knows that the only way to defeat the COVID-19 and climate crises is by leading on science. We need leaders who will trust our nation's experts—watch and share this video ahead of #RNC2020:
RT @DARollins: Regarding the 10x increase Bail Motion. I did not know my office had taken this position until the ACLU told me. This Motion will be withdrawn and I will be speaking to my staff. I may not agree with everything the Bail Fund does, but my office, as in me, Rachael, was wrong here.
RT @TheNorthStar: Norman C. Francis Knocks Jefferson Davis Off the Block: A Street Renamed | From @drose225 The street formerly known as Jefferson Davis Parkway, president of the Confederate states, has been renamed Norman C. Francis Parkway.
RT @KristenClarkeJD: .@AOC pressing a reluctant Louis DeJoy to turn over his calendar to ethics officials so it can be screened for conflicts of interest. She also gets DeJoy to concede that he probably has been in contact with officials/friends at XPO since starting at #USPS DeJoy: I'm new to this.
RT @WesleyLowery: "officer-involved shooting" is journalistic failure on multiple levels: first, it is confusing and inadequate to communicate the truth (an officer shot someone). second, it allows the subject of the reporting (the police department) to dictate the language used in the coverage
RT @aaronlmorrison: SCOOP: The father of #JacobBlake will speak at the March on Washington this Friday, @TheRevAl publicist @rachelnoerd told me tonight. The families of #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor #AhmaudArbery #RayshardBrooks + others will also attend the march.
RT @TessaDuvall: .@shaunking said the system that allows these police killings is not broken, but actually designed to oppress Black people. "When people say Black lives matter, we want to see how Black lives matter in your budget."
RT @BurkeCNN: Giancarlo Granda has confirmed to me that he had a sexual relationship with Becki Falwell from 2012-2019, and that Jerry Falwell Jr. would sit in the corner of the room and watch while Granda and Becki Falwell had sexual relations.
RT @shaunking: As you can imagine, it appears that Jacob Blake is going to have a series of life-changing injuries after being brutally shot at close range. We believe he will survive. His battles - physical, legal, and spiritual - will be many. And he’s going to need our help in every way.
RT @theappeal: Today in Coronavirus in Jails and Prisons: ➡️What makes Ohio prisons so deadly ➡️CDC urges corrections officials to conduct mass testing ➡️The Washington Post editorial board finds a surge in jail and prison COVID-19 outbreaks ’morbidly unsurprising'
RT @TheNorthStar: @drose225 “Both sides of the binary recognize the power in harnessing and/or suppressing the Black vote. Both sides are deeply versed in the history and cultural obligation tied to the Black vote as both sides have been a beneficiary of it at some point in American history”
As you can imagine, it appears that Jacob Blake is going to have a series of life-changing injuries after being brutally shot at close range. We believe he will survive. His battles - physical, legal, and spiritual - will be many. And he’s going to need our help in every way.
RT @theappeal: DO TRAFFIC STOPS NEED ARMED COPS? On #TheBriefing, our panel discusses whether heavily-armed police the right people to enforce traffic laws—and potential ways to make traffic enforcement safer for everyone.
RT @shaunking: I am told that not a single officer on the scene of the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin was wearing a body camera. If not for that cell phone video, police would've sure concocted a story of their own about what happened.
RT @Crosscut: Opinion | Anti-racism is more than making a Black woman the head of an inherently racist police department, expecting her to change it, then using her as a scapegoat when people rise up and demand a real return on our investment in public safety.
RT @BernieSanders: The police who shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times must be fired, arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Congress cannot wait any longer to act forcefully to end the horrific violence against Black Americans at the hands of police.
RT @RealJusticePAC: .@DAMikeSchmidt has dismissed charges against more than half of the people arrested at protests in Portland since May. His office is focusing on solving homicides instead of silencing free speech. DAs across the country should follow this lead.
RT @justicedems: Justice Democrats small-dollar donors have raised over $118,000 for @AlexBMorse's campaign taking on Corporate America's Favorite Democrat Richard Neal -- with an average contribution of just $25! With one week left, chip in to keep the momentum going.
RT @ethanbrown72: Re-upping this important @cjr piece "Stop using ‘officer-involved shooting’": by 1974, the Los Angeles Police Department "institutionalized the phrase, with a Lt. Bob Helder holding the title of 'supervisor of the Officer-Involved-Shootings Section.'"
Last night, here in Louisville, we were literally with the family of Breonna Taylor when we learned of the horrible shooting of Jacob Blake. The cycle of police violence in this country must be broken. A body camera won't do it. The whole system must be dismantled.
RT @divafeminist: Twitter News out here using what John Leary calls the “bloodless language” of officer-involved shooting. Stop using passive voice and decentering the victim. A cop shot and attempted to kill #JacobBlake.
RT @ByMikeBaker: Even when cops in Washington State are fired for misconduct, the state rarely takes the step of decertifying them. The state has never decertified an officer for using excessive force. Great story by @mreicher
RT @GangiFromProp: Reading that Wisconsin police have long checkered history of murdering people w/o consequence. Won’t break the chilling cycle of police violence til pols in power fire the guilty cops. In fact, pols’ past inaction has led directly to the reprehensible shooting in Kenosha.
RT @KenidraRWoods_: Thank God Jacob Blake is alive to tell his story. Thank God Jacob Blake won’t be another hashtag like the many other black lives who have fell victim to the injustices/racism in this country. God, I’m angry. But I’m grateful for his life.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
RT @planetzainab: an 18-year-old muslim boy in staten island was assaulted with a baseball bat. during the attack, he was told “i’ll break your fucking jaw” “go back to your country you piece of shit” “sand n***er” “fucking arabs” “i’m going to get my people to take care of you.” via @CAIRNewYork
RT @igavigan: This hits home as a Jew politicized in large part by the postindustrial racist blame game at work in Reading. Jewish education gave me my first way to think systematically about liberation. Time to get serious ourselves about it!
RT @TheNorthStar: #InTheseTweets | Twenty-Eighth Edition | From @drose225 "What Swift is alluding to here is what we have known about Trump all along, which is that among other things, he is incredibly thin-skinned. On top of being thin-skinned, he’s petty."
RT @AlexBMorse: As a proud Jew, I deeply understand our community's need for safety and self-determination. And as a Jew, I will not allow endless occupation to continue in my name. Let's fight the attacks and build this movement together:
RT @davidminpdx: The Supreme Court struck down non-unanimous juries and called them racist in intent and effect, but Oregon’s AG @EllenRosenblum is fighting efforts to apply that ruling to old cases. Racist systems should be dismantled not preserved.
RT @aayoub: Here is what @AndrewBatesNC and the Biden campaign are missing - there is no one who can bring out the Arab and Muslim vote like @lsarsour. You want to win in key swing states where we have a large population? How about working with her instead of condemning her.
RT @StefanieLFox: There is no doubt @lsarsour is a visionary, tireless leader for our movements for justice. Her relentless and powerful work speaks for itself. The attacks on Linda say *nothing* about her and *everything* about the establishment of the Democratic party.
RT @MoveOn: .@lsarsour is a leader in the fight for justice for all of us. @andrewbatesnc's statement is unfortunate. Biden can support Israel without implying that critique of Israeli gov’t policy is antisemitic or condemning advocates for Palestinian rights. 1/2
RT @lsarsour: My existence is resistance. Unapologetically Palestinian American. Unapologetically Muslim American. Unapologetically from Brooklyn, New York. I wake up like this every day. It’s these identities and my work that has made me one of the best organizers in this country.
RT @husainaltaf: @MoveOn @lsarsour @AndrewBatesNC Thank you and we are hoping @AndrewBatesNC will do the right thing and apologize and retract the condemnation. State what Biden stands for without resorting to unbecoming attacks on a leader in the Muslim community.
RT @dj_diabeatic: Linda always has my back, and I'm always going to have hers. She's one of the most brilliant and kind-hearted leaders and organizers around. She fights tirelessly for the safety and betterment of ALL communities. I'm proud and so honored to call her my friend.
RT @YousefMunayyer: Few communities have been thrown under the bus more than Arab, Palestinian and Muslim Americans. Yet I can not think of a single person who has done more to get her community and many more engaged in politics like @lsarsour. Biden should leave the Islamophobia to Trump.
RT @rachelbtiven: I am disgusted and dismayed that the Biden campaign “condemns [the] views” of @lsarsour. Do they condemn caring for your neighbors, Jewish and non-Jewish? Do they condemn working for the dignity of every person? Because I know Linda, and that’s what she stands for.
RT @CraigCons: I have been a long time admirer & supporter of Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour). Her tireless work is both inspiring & necessary at this point in our nation’s history. I am disappointed that the Biden campaign smeared her. It is wrong. The Democrats need Linda today & in the future.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
RT @realStanVG: Huge victory for justice, REAL JUSTICE, in Central Florida with Monique Worrell’s win. She will build on the reforms of Aramis Ayala and fight to end mass incarceration, cash bail and trying kids as adults. And she will hold police accountable.
RT @realStanVG: Congratulations central FL for electing Monique Worrell as States Attorney. She will work to end mass incarceration, cash bail and kids being treated like adults and she’ll hold police officers accountable. Community by community we can make the criminal justice system JUST.
RT @monivettec: Quote from Monique Worrell: “This victory is for every brown girl who was told she couldn’t. Who was lied on. Who was told it wouldn’t happen. Who was told she was too inexperienced. Who had the doors shut just for God to open them right back up.”
RT @TheBreakdown: Every day I see people rightly ask why more "good cops" don't speak out on police violence. Well - today I'll show you why. This brave officer posted his professional opinion about the murder of George Floyd - and just got fired over it. Apple:
RT @Taniel: NEW: Monique Worrell wins the Dem primary to become Orlando's new prosecutor. Outgoing prosecutor Aramis Ayala faced massive GOP retaliation, & chose to retire. She endorsed Worrell, the most progressive candidate, as did Bernie Sanders. Context:
RT @desmondmeade: Monique Worrell’s victory is a win for the people of Orange and Osceola County. We made an investment in our people. We made an investment in policies that we know will transform communities that have been marginalized for decades.
RT @ryanjreilly: NEW: The Portsmouth Police Department — which slapped very questionable felony charges on politicians, civil rights leaders and public defenders — is also trying to prevent the city's progressive prosecutor from taking charge of the cases.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Congratulations @MoniqueHWorrell on the victory tonight! Voters throughout Orange and Osceola Counties made their voices clear: they want a criminal legal system that truly keeps them safe, and a State Attorney that will bring real reform.
RT @shaunking: YES!!! 🎉🎉🎉 It’s official! Monique Worrell just won her race to become the State Attorney for Orange and Osceola Counties in Florida. She is brilliant and brave and will change the justice system from the inside out. THANK YOU to voters, donors, staff, and volunteers.
YES!!! 🎉🎉🎉 It’s official! Monique Worrell just won her race to become the State Attorney for Orange and Osceola Counties in Florida. She is brilliant and brave and will change the justice system from the inside out. THANK YOU to voters, donors, staff, and volunteers.
Monday, 17 August 2020
RT @mollycrabapple: Seeing Bernie speak tonight is such a heartbreak because it is a reminder of a future we won’t have, one in which the American president would have tried to address the rot that is impoverishing and killing us What a shame. Still not over it
RT @ErikaAndiola: We need to work so damn hard to defeat Trump. But I can assure you. We will continue to remind a Biden administration that he MUST end family detention on day 1. Yes, kids are STILL in cages and some of those cages were created by Obama and Joe.
RT @theKimansta: On January 4th around 1 AM, I was driving home after working a Kings game. At a stop sign in Land Park, a CHP officer shone a light in my passenger window, clocked my visual appearance, then stalked me through the streets for about 6 minutes before flashing his lights.
RT @AymanM: When I was a young boy growing up in the MidEast I used to make home videos pretending I was a newscaster. Today, I hosted my first show as an Anchor of a news program on an American news channel. To all the kids out there, don’t give up... dreams do come true. #Onwards
RT @ErikaAndiola: I really need to say this. @MichelleObama talking about children in cages hurts a lot. So much. Her husband used to do this too. The fact that Trump is worse on this issue, doesn't make what they used to do to migrant children any better. Family detention was created under Obama.
RT @fortforatlanta: I am Biden delegate + I'm going to vote for @joebiden. But voted against the @dnc platform. I couldn't vote for platform that didn't support Medicare for All when 27 million have lost job based health insurance in crisis. It's moral imperative for #M4AllNow. #gapol #DrawTheLine
RT @kai_newkirk: As the Democratic convention starts tonight, I'm proud to share the ballot I cast as an Arizona Bernie Sanders delegate. I voted No on the platform because it excludes #MedicareForAll. M4A would save tens of thousands of lives each year. We cannot wait. #DrawTheLine #M4AllNow
RT @DocMellyMel: The governor JUST SIGNED #AB1460!!!! AUTHENTIC #EthnicStudies will become a requirement in the Cal State system. THANK YOU @AsmShirleyWeber for your vision and fortitude! And to the best union on the planet @CFA_News! And of course @BLMLA @Blklivesmatter @WP4BL!
RT @justicedems: “Congressman Neal just doesn’t understand the urgency of the moment. He’s been [in Congress] for 30 years — a tax credit here, a tax credit there....We need to actually meet the urgency of the moment.” -@AlexBMorse #MA01 #MorseDebate
RT @ryangrim: NEW: A Massachusetts state party leader told College Democrats to destroy communication records that showed coordination with the state party in the hit on @AlexBMorse from @EoinHiggins_, @DRBoguslaw & me
RT @AOC: It’s great that Kasich has woken up &realized the importance of supporting a Biden-Harris ticket. I hope he gets through to GOP voters. Yet also, something tells me a Republican who fights against women’s rights doesn’t get to say who is or isn’t representative of the Dem party.
RT @kai_newkirk: John Kasich on AOC this morning: she's "just some member" who doesn't represent the Democratic Party. The @DNC & @JoeBiden need to prove Kasich wrong & show @AOC the respect he won't. She should give the keynote or have at least as much time to speak at our convention as Kasich.
RT @kai_newkirk: John Kasich on AOC this morning: she's "just some member" who doesn't represent the Democratic Party. The @DNC & @JoeBiden need to prove Kasich wrong & show @AOC the respect he won't. She should give the keynote or have at least as much time to speak at our convention as Kasich.
RT @theappeal: In the wake of nationwide protests demanding police budgets be slashed, the Rochester City Council will vote tomorrow to fund a $16 million new police substation. City Councilmember @marylupienroc joins #Dispatches to discuss.
RT @pdxlawgrrrl: Orlando prosecutor race plays out in the shadow of retaliation against reform, in a state that desperately needs it. Florida transfers more kids into the adult justice system than any other state. And in 2016, 62% of kids sent to adult court were Black.
RT @TiffanyDCross: I’m on an @AmericanAir flight. With far too many ppl. Wearing #Trump2020 gear. And masks. Around their necks. Not on their face. Don’t. Fly. I had no choice bc I was on air today. If you can avoid it, don’t. #COVID19 won’t kill us. But stupid people seemed determined to.
RT @alexkotch: This is the 2006 bipartisan bill that bankrupted the USPS by requiring it to fund a retirement account for its workers 75 years into the future. No other gov’t agency has this burden, and I seriously doubt any business does. Bill was clearly an attempt at privatization.
Sunday, 16 August 2020
RT @shaunking: 🎉🎉🎉 We did it!! My new book, MAKE CHANGE, just made the New York Times Bestsellers list!! Thank you to all the people who forgot to cancel me 😂😂😂 Now, let’s overtake Sean Hannity, and put the lessons to good use for the rest of this year!
RT @ChuckModi1: “It’s just another way to silence us” Protesters rebuild BLM Memorial after U.S. Chamber of Commerce in partnership with DC DPW remove old memorial to “put in a museum”. Protesters view it as just another tear-down #DCProtests
RT @BWestbrookAZ8: As I was elected to do as a pledged Bernie Sanders delegate, I have officially submitted my ballot for Bernie Sanders. I voted NO on the Democratic Party platform because it does not include #MedicareForAll. I voted YES for the Rules Committee resolution. #DrawTheLine #M4AllNow
RT @kai_newkirk: A new poll on who Democrats want to hear speak at our convention, shows that more want to hear @AOC (63%) than Hillary (58%) or Bill Clinton (56%). Only 38% want to hear John Kasich. 60 seconds? No. Give AOC the keynote or at least as much time as them. #LetAOCSpeak
RT @CoriBush: I cast my DNC ballot last week. I’m proud to have voted for @BernieSanders, but I had to vote against the platform. My people are dying, & I cannot support a platform that does not include #MedicareForAll, which would save lives. Tens of thousands of lives. Literally.
RT @RosaGoldensohn: In the sitting room of the house Kawaski Trawick grew up in Milledgeville, Ga., his mother, father, sisters, and grandmother formed a circle and prayed for the strength to watch a video of him being shot to death.
RT @BernieSanders: What's happening in Iowa is absolutely unacceptable. While Trump plays golf, tens of thousands of Iowans don't have electricity or running water in the middle of a pandemic. This storm hit almost a week ago. Do your job and declare a federal disaster, President Trump.
RT @RashidaTlaib: Today, I cast my DNC ballot and voted NO on the proposed platform. I constantly hear from constituents demanding we push for a single-payer system and away from this for-profit system that is leaving people to suffer and die just because they cannot afford health care. 1/2
RT @BrentWelder: HELP NEEDED ASAP compiling a simple but credible list of possible impeachable offenses by the Postmaster General. If you see such a list or know someone who is working on it, pls let me know. Also need to identify prominent experts that have or are making the case for it. Pls RT
RT @GunnelsWarren: Please read this thread & ask @markos to retract his bogus article ridiculously claiming Trump's attack on the Postal Service was enabled by Bernie Sanders. This nonsense needs to stop now. We should all be uniting to defeat Trump, not rewrite Bernie's record to save USPS.
Saturday, 15 August 2020
RT @ACLU: Edward Snowden blew the whistle on illegal government activity kept secret for years, sparking a global debate about the proper limits of government surveillance. We've said it before and we'll say it again: Snowden is a patriot and should be pardoned.
RT @davidminpdx: The mayor of Chicago has, for several days, lifted the bridges and restricted public access to large parts of the city — in what can only be described as a massive incursion on basic civil liberties. Today, in response there was a protest, that police violently attacked.
RT @paulajean2020: Today @BernieSanders gave WV the chance to speak truth to power. This 100% people-powered campaign is about just that- lifting the voices of everyday folks. Let's flip this seat & build a #SenateSquad2020 to take our power back. Can you chip in $5 now?
RT @mehdirhasan: Amazing how many news outlets are just reporting straight that the president's brother died in hospital tonight without telling us how he died or acknowledging that it's odd we're not being told how the president's brother died.
RT @BuffyWicks: Remember: on Nov 3rd, the future of our court system is on the ballot. Our ability to pass common sense gun safety laws is on the ballot. We can’t allow the NRA to continue to bend the law. Our communities can’t afford their destructive agenda to go further unchecked. 🗳 #VOTE
RT @georgejoseph94: SCOOP: The NYPD’s facial recognition unit generated a report on the #BlackLivesMatter activist whose home was besieged by dozens of officers last week. The report utilized the activist’s Instagram photo:
RT @ScottHech: When the cop who murdered Eric Garner was finally fired 5 years later, this NYPD union head who just endorsed Donald Trump lost his mind & claimed the decision left the NYPD “rudderless.” He was furious that his troops couldn’t kill w/o accountability. This is who the NYPD is.
RT @JamaalBowmanNY: I’m speechless. NYC is a beautifully diverse, working class, democratic city. The NYPD is clearly showing they are not interested in working with the people of our city. This explains their continued aggression against innocent people. It’s time for dramatic change.
RT @AOC: NYPD union endorsed Trump. I’m sure this is part of their neighborhood outreach plan. Also, does anyone else see a potential problem with police unions - enforcement arms of the state with lethal weapons - promoting “preferred” candidates for office or is that just me?
Friday, 14 August 2020
RT @jewelhurtado_: .@DemConvention needs to #LetAOCSpeak. Young people will be tuning in to watch the convention. Giving @AOC the keynote or as much speaking time as Kasich will inspire young people to vote in NOV. 60 seconds is unacceptable. @YoungDelegates Join & sign:
RT @davidminpdx: Oregon’s governor wanted to close two prisons but House Speaker @TinaKotek — a phony “progressive” with an awful record on criminal justice issues — refused to allow a vote. Apparently black lives don’t matter to Kotek.
RT @miriamkrinsky: 1/ BREAKING: 63 current and former prosecutors, including 8 VA Commonwealth’s Attorneys, filed an amicus brief urging the VA Sup Ct to preserve discretion of @parisa4justice to dismiss cases & advance smarter and more just CJ policies. Read more:
RT @TexasTribune: 2/ The allegations, detailed in a filing first obtained by @ProPublica and @TexasTribune, maintain that guards systematically abused at least 3 people in a facility overseen by @ICEGov — often in areas of the facility not visible to security cameras.
RT @TexasTribune: Thread: Guards in an immigrant detention center in El Paso sexually assaulted and harassed detainees in a “pattern and practice” of abuse, according to a complaint filed by a Texas advocacy group. With @propublica:
RT @BernieSanders: Our fight for Black lives must include taking on a prison-industrial complex that criminalizes poverty and devastates communities of color. Tune in for a conversation with progressive candidates for state attorney in Florida, @MoniqueHWorrell and @JoeKimo
RT @matthewferner: The federal government has given millions of dollars to corporate landlords accused of inhumane eviction practices, poor maintenance of their buildings, and unfair rent increases. And unlike their landlords, tenants have received little, if any, govt help
Thursday, 13 August 2020
RT @RashidaTlaib: We MUST move away from a profit-based health care system that prioritizes the bottom line over public health. Most of us agree, and we need to hold @DNC to a higher standard than the for-profit status quo. Health care is a human right. Thank you @RoKhanna for voting like it is.
RT @ErikaAndiola: One of the most powerful (not to mention popular) Latinas in Congress and she gets 60 seconds to speak at the #DNCConvention. 60 seconds! This is unacceptable. Sign this petition telling the @DNC to do better Stop taking our community for granted.
RT @Grassroots_News: Are you curious what the joint city council budget proposal really means? How does it measure up to community demands to #DefundAPD by $220 Million and reallocate to R.E.A.L. solutions that #FundCommunityNotPolicing? Here's a thread 🧵 1/x
RT @YoungDelegates: 60 seconds is not enough for an elected official who speaks for so many in our generation. We’re calling on the DNC to put more young elected officials in the convention line up over older party figures and to #LetAOCSpeak
RT @joekimok: I am so proud to have @BernieSanders endorsement. For years he has led the fight to dismantle mass incarceration nationally and bring a revolution to our criminal justice system. Thank you Senator. #NotMeUs
RT @sunrisemvmt: We're throwing support behind our partner @Dreamdefenders & candidates they support for State Attorney in FL! @MoniqueHWorrell & @JoeKimok have been endorsed by @BernieSanders & need your help to win their primaries on Tuesday! They're crucial for defunding police in FL!
RT @cmclymer: As a DNC delegate, I was incredibly disappointed + troubled to find out @JulianCastro wasn't invited to speak at the DNC this year -- esp. given that he was the only Latinx presidential candidate in the primary and brought attention to so many critical issues. However... (thread)
RT @daeshikjr: Durkan 2 month Timeline: -Ordered police to brutally attack protestors -Refused budget cuts from police -Vetoed $90 mil plan for covid relief -Blamed resignation of police chief on “racism” -Using city resources to fight recall decision in Supreme Court
My son and I love the @BrooklynNets so much. They’ve kicked ass in the bubble. Don’t have their top 2 players. Missing 5 players total. Lost their coach. STILL MADE THE PLAYOFFS as a #7 seed and give teams trouble nightly. Not many teams could do that.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Austin has cut their police budget by $150 million and will invest in a new vision for public safety: violence prevention programs, supportive housing, substance use and mental health treatment, and emergency medical services instead of police.
RT @FilmmakerJulie: Dolly Parton expresses support for BLM, explains why she took the word Dixie off a Dollywood ride 3 years ago: "As soon as you realize [something] is a problem, you should fix it. Don’t be a DUMBASS."
RT @VincentRK: S. Korea has lost 305 lives 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭 since the pandemic started. We lose 305 lives every 8 to 10 hours. Deaths per million USA: 514 S. Korea: 6 Good governance, resources, and wise risk-benefit judgment calls made a big difference.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
RT @AlexBMorse: We have 4 hours left until our biggest FEC deadline. It's been a long week and I don't want to call rich people for money all night. My opponent (@nealforcongress) doesn't have to put up with this. Chip in now to help us close our $13,129 gap ➡️
RT @AlexBMorse: I’m so grateful to the thousands of grassroots donors who have chipped in to make this the best fundraising day of our campaign. Let’s keep the momentum going. Chip in whatever you can before midnight ➡️
RT @IndivisibleTeam: Homophobic smear campaigns have no place in our elections and should be condemned by Democrats everywhere. We’re proud to endorse @AlexBMorse. And we're increasing our initial investment in this race: our 6-figure buy across TV and digital hits next week.
RT @jdelreal: This is extraordinary. The leadership of the UMass Amherst College Democrats conspired to ruin Alex Morse’s congressional campaign by seeking to entrap him via social media chats and then blowing up the conversations to insinuate sexual improprieties.
RT @shaunking: I’m not canceled. Every month, I trend and people say I’m “canceled.” But I’m not. You might not like me, and that’s just fine, but you didn’t make me. And you literally don’t have the power to cancel me. You do have the power to not like me. That’s about it.
RT @NC5PhilWilliams: Other Class A misdemeanors in #Tennessee: Violation of order of protection, cruelty to animals, DUI, flying a private plane while drunk, theft of $1,000 or less, selling a firearm to a felon, use of inmate labor for private purposes. What did I miss?
RT @NC5PhilWilliams: #Tennessee - where "camping" on state property by #BLM protesters will now be a felony under just-passed legislation. But use of violence or intimidation to prevent a person from voting is Class A misdemeanor.
RT @NC5PhilWilliams: #Tennessee - where "camping" on state property by #BLM protesters will now be a felony under just-passed legislation. But law, still on the books, says a sheriff who allows a prisoner to be removed from jail for lynching only commits a Class A misdemeanor.
RT @shaunking: I’m never going to sign letters against cancel culture. Or rail against it. It’s overrated. It doesn’t even work. You can mock me, hate me, crack jokes about me. You can block me. Or unfollow me. But I’m just not getting canceled. I won’t go away. 😂😂😂
RT @shaunking: I’m not canceled. Every month, I trend and people say I’m “canceled.” But I’m not. You might not like me, and that’s just fine, but you didn’t make me. And you literally don’t have the power to cancel me. You do have the power to not like me. That’s about it.
RT @KristenClarkeJD: Kimberly Gardner, a Black woman and duly elected prosecutor in St. Louis is being targeted by the state's Governor who is pushing a bill intended to strip and diminish her power. This is RACE & GENDER-based targeting of an elected Black official.
I’m never going to sign letters against cancel culture. Or rail against it. It’s overrated. It doesn’t even work. You can mock me, hate me, crack jokes about me. You can block me. Or unfollow me. But I’m just not getting canceled. I won’t go away. 😂😂😂
I’m not canceled. Every month, I trend and people say I’m “canceled.” But I’m not. You might not like me, and that’s just fine, but you didn’t make me. And you literally don’t have the power to cancel me. You do have the power to not like me. That’s about it.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
RT @chesaboudin: Today we released the Season 1 Finale of Chasing Justice w/ progressive prosecutor @DARollins. She and @RachelRMarshall and I discussed obstacles to our movement--and how we can overcome them. A great end to our first season! We'll be back soon with Season 2. @ChasingPodcast
RT @CoriBush: “Bush has never been inside the Capitol. ‘I’m kind of glad that I haven’t because, the first time I get to cross the threshold [might] be as the congresswoman,’ she says. ‘I am excited for it to finally be the people’s house.’”
RT @ggreenwald: “Bankrolled by pro-Israel donors, Antone Melton-Meaux has spent more than twice as much as Omar the on television ads, and outside groups have kicked in to increase his advantage.” Money wasted as @IlhanMN easily rolls to victory:
RT @KumarRaoNYC: 1) Ilhan Omar just thoroughly beat back a primary challenger 2) Eliot Engel—who conspired w Republicans to lead the grotesque and unfounded attack on her last year for criticizing the AIPAC lobby—was thoroughly defeated in his primary. You love to see it.
RT @kai_newkirk: I just submitted my DNC ballot. I joined with 100s of delegates across the nation in voting NO on the Democratic Party platform to protest the exclusion of #MedicareForAll. The vast majority of Democrats support M4A, and our platform should reflect that. #DrawTheLine #M4AllNow
RT @portlandmercury: Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt announced a new policy that will limit the types of charges pressed against protesters in Portland. He won't pursue charges for "Interfering with a police officer," the most common charge against protesters since May 29.
RT @LApubdefunion: Black cyclists in Long Beach were about 3.5 times more likely to be stopped for a suspected bike infraction than white cyclists in 2019, according to data from LBPD. This data was collected under California’s Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA). 1/
RT @shaunking: Please don't start acting like Biden now has this thing in the bag. He doesn't. It's not over. Not even close. We've been down that road before. Biden-Harris will have to win in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, New Mexico. And have to compete in Georgia, Texas, Arizona.
Monday, 10 August 2020
RT @daeshikjr: Seattle Police Chief @carmenbest is resigning. This is hours after Seattle City Council votes to cut Seattle PD budget—including a pay cap on Seattle officer salaries. Her salary would’ve taken more than a 40% cut.
RT @latimes: Camping is often called America’s favorite outdoor activity. But camping and national parks have a complicated past when it comes to racial equality and equal access for all. One modern barrier to entry: the cost of camping gear.
Epstein used money to clean up his image after serving a mere 13 MONTHS in prison for his gross crimes against literal CHILDREN. He did what all billionaires do and became a "philanthropist". He made sure people relied on his wealth and would turn a blind eye. #SurvivingEpstein
The majority of sex trafficking does not look how we think it does. At its core, it is trapping people in circumstances where they physically or mentally cannot escape sexual abuse. The mental aspect can be harder to recognize but is just as important. #SurvivingEpstein
Epstein was a small man addicted to feeling powerful. He brutalized vulnerable girls to achieve this feeling. His methods were calculated, sadistic, and propelled by his team of extraordinarily wealthy people who were in on it. #SurvivingEpstein
RT @TamikaDMallory: Beyond Ghislaine, there are others who need to be held accountable for the abuse inflicted against these girls. Anyone who turned a blind eye was COMPLICIT. This goes for us in our families too. We all have a duty & responsibility to protect vulnerable girls. #SurvivingEpstein
Jeffrey Epstein had an entire island that he used to traffic and abuse girls. His gross amount of wealth ensured he had a secluded place where he could do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted. He bought his way through the legal system. #SurvivingEpstein
RT @theappeal: Today in Coronavirus in Jails and Prisons: -A new research project aims to better understand how COVID-19 spreads through jails -The virus continues to sweep through California’s death row -Federal prison employees are suing for hazard pay
RT @AdyBarkan: .@realDonaldTrump’s order to delay payroll taxes is a shameless stunt to try to defund Social Security and Medicare in the midst of a pandemic. @SenatorCollins understands this, and yet she is letting Trump attack seniors - a key constituency she has pledged to protect. THREAD
Sunday, 9 August 2020
RT @lifetimetv: #SurvivingEpstein hears firsthand from brave survivors who have experienced grooming and sexual abuse. You can be there for children in your life by being prepared to spot the warning signs. @RAINN
The national elephant in the room is that while Jeffrey Epstein was openly grooming and molesting CHILDREN, he was developing relationships with men and women in power all over the world. The two aren't mutually exclusive either. #SurvivingEpstein on Lifetime right now.
Saturday, 8 August 2020
RT @SparksAnthony: What happened to #BlackWallStreet wasn’t a rare thing. #BlackExcellence has historically been seen as a threat to be crushed at least as often as it is celebrated. It’s one reason why we emphasize land as a character on #QueenSugar. Read up. Then pull up.
RT @RosannaXia: Manhattan Beach was once home to a community of Black beachgoers, the most prominent Black-owned beach resort by the sea. But the very white city seized the land and ran them out of town. A new generation is now demanding the city atone for its racist past
RT @choo_ek: I had one minute to the next trauma. I babbled stuff incoherently and am pretty sure I got it wrong. The words of one random disheveled Asian doctor don't change much against a lifetime of experience to the contrary. But I will carry this with me. We have so much work to do.
RT @choo_ek: What is the goal of all our anti-racist pledges over the past summer? It's that this family can walk in with full confidence that their loved one is valued and cherished here and that we will fight for his life with everything we have, no questions asked.
RT @choo_ek: ...had to worry that the racism inherent in the system and in people everywhere meant they had to spend their few moments with me putting him in a favorable light, shifting any possible implicit negative frame I had (e.g., "hoodlum" or "criminal") to get him the care he deserved.
RT @choo_ek: Nothing in recent memory has broken my heart as much as gradually realizing that a family of a shattered man whose chief concerns should have been - when can i see him, when does he get out of surgery, do you know his meds and allergies, his mama gets to go in first...
RT @choo_ek: They told me that he worked for [well known company] And that he was a [respected role] at that company That he was on his way to work That he is loved in the community A good brother and son That he was well dressed before the blood soaked his clothes
RT @choo_ek: I was taking care of a patient the other day who was very seriously injured. And I stepped out to talk to his family briefly and give them an update. For context, he was Black. I told them what was going on quickly and asked if they had any questions. And this is what they said.
RT @ScottHech: It’s official. The Manhattan DA had charged a 28 year old Black man with a Class D violent felony—assault on a police officer—for yelling into a megaphone. Mandatory minimum 2 years in prison. Max 7. Just one more reason to finally vote Cy Vance out this year.
RT @areltah: She was a mother, preparing breakfast for her three children when she was shot. The bullet ruptured her heart’s major artery, pierced her liver, & shredded into her pancreas. What kind of single bullet does such broad damage? The explosive type that Israel tests on our people!
Could you imagine if Biden spent 6 months letting the country think he’d pick a Black woman as Vice President, only for him to pick a white moderate like Gretchen Whitmer? She’s horrible on justice issues and refuses to release Michael Thompson from prison. A major letdown.
RT @CarlinaRivera: This show of force by the police - which did not result in an arrest - comes just 10 days after the arrest of Nikki Stone by plainclothes officers. The NYPD must explain themselves to @CCRB_NYC, @TishJames, and @NYCCouncil.
RT @NicholsUprising: “No other VP candidate has Bass’s breadth of support. Joe Biden and all who want to unify the party should take that to heart.” — Arizona DNC delegate @kai_newkirk on the endorsement of #KarenBass for VP by 300+ delegates from 40 states
RT @TheTNHoller: 🚨WATCH: “Y’ALL ARE EVICTING A WOMAN WITH FUCKING COVID.” @MEM_PoliceDept (Memphis) EVICTS A COVID-SICK WOMAN FRESH OUT OF THE HOSPITAL w/o warning- to recover her dead partner’s dead mom’s MEDICAL DEBT—despite @ShelbyTNHealth saying STOP 🛑 A MESS:
RT @JerryDunleavy: In case you were wondering, in the entire article there’s no mention of Hillary & Tim Kaine. So it wasn’t just a bad tweet or awkward phrasing — this article by Maureen Dowd claims a man & woman haven’t run together on a Dem presidential ticket in 36 years, & the NYT just ran it.
RT @KristenClarkeJD: BREAKING: Today's Friday night massacre --> Louis DeJoy, Trump donor and the new postmaster general, sacked top Postal Service officials, and reassigned 23 postal executives. The U.S. Postal Service is being hijacked in the middle of an election season.
Friday, 7 August 2020
RT @CristineDeBerry: I did it. I am on the ballot in November in Marin. Feeling nervous and proud. Check for me, way way down ballot for Southern Marin Fire District. I’ll be one of the only women of color on the ballot in Marin. Work to do! #Emerge #EmergeCA #VoteBlue2020
RT @Taniel: Joe Arpaio has lost. He ran what he called a concentration camp. Detained immigrants in horrid conditions. Profiles and stopped Latinx people & disregarded court orders to stop. Oversaw gruesome deaths. He was ousted in 2016, and failed his comeback — likely end to his career.
RT @BernieSanders: Every time Elon Musk pokes fun at government assistance for the 99%, remember that he would be worth nothing without $4.9 billion in corporate welfare. Oh, Elon just l-o-v-e-s corporate socialism for himself, rugged capitalism for everyone else.
RT @ryangrim: Axelrod is being polite. But if you check @KamalaHarris FEC records, she spent more on oppo research than anybody has ever seen. When called on it, her camp said it was “self research” but nobody believed it. That’s what this is referring to...
RT @Marissanne2011: I never thought I'd be sharing my experience @stlpublicradio with you all in this way. But recent inaction has led me to speak up and out. Let it be VERY clear... complicit, complacent, or racist adjacent — I’m not here for ANY of it….
RT @GunnelsWarren: Every time Elon Musk pretends that he is a self-made billionaire, remember that his companies wouldn't exist without $4.9 billion in corporate welfare. Bernie is right. Elon is a hypocrite. #TaxElonMusk
RT @CoriBush: You can’t just say, “If you don’t like it, go vote.” Voter ID laws, lack of paid leave, notary requirements, gerrymandering, reduced polling places. The list goes on. 55 years ago the landmark Voting Rights Act was passed, but we still have so much more to do.
RT @RoadshowFilms: Watch the trailer for Judas and the Black Messiah, a movie about the betrayal and assassination of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Black Panther Party. Starring Daniel Kaluuya and LaKeith Stanfield. Only in cinemas 2021.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
RT @NationalNurses: Nurses are thrilled that Pramila Jayapal, author of the visionary #MedicareForAll Act of 2019, won the Democratic primary in #WA07 by a crushing landslide. RNs agree wholeheartedly with @PramilaJayapal that, "It is time to remove the profit motive in healthcare."
RT @BernieDelegates: “Susan E. Rice would be a travesty if she were chosen to be his VP candidate, or for any position in his Cabinet. She pushed for every war, against Iraq, Libya, Yemen. She has left a trail of carnage in her wake.” @marcywinograd
RT @KandissCroneTV: Big showing of support for 14yo Semaj Miller, gunned down in South L.A. July 29th. Killer still at large. Family and friends say the rising basketball star was a kind heart who was loved by many. He was set to play ball at Compton H.S. this fall.
RT @maggieNYT: Kanye West was reluctant to attack Trump (who won't attack him), eager to criticize Biden, and all but confirmed his run is designed to harm Biden. So rarely does the quiet part get said out loud as it does in 2020.
RT @JohnJHarwood: In June and July, Georgia reported more than 125,000 new virus cases, turning it into one of the globe’s new hot spots. That was more new cases than Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Australia combined during that time frame.”
RT @LaurenLeatherby: New with @DLeonhardt: Roughly 1.9 million people in the United States tested positive for the coronavirus last month, more than five times as many as in all of Europe, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Australia, combined. Why the United States stands alone:
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
RT @RealJusticePAC: HONOLULU: You have only 3 DAYS LEFT to vote for a prosecutor who will dismantle mass incarceration, and decriminalize mental health issues, drug addiction and poverty. Find your closest ballot drop-off location and vote for @Esser4J by Saturday at 7pm:
RT @mehdirhasan: If you’re still in denial about how Trump is planning to delegitimize this election and the result, if he loses, then, sorry, you’re crazy. He is literally telling us his anti-democratic Orwellian game plan every single day. He’s not hiding it.
RT @NabilahforGA07: 100 miles from where Ahmaud Arbery was murdered, DA Fraser, a white supremacist & self proclaimed Nazi is running for re-election in Dublin, GA This video is appalling. Pls support Chief Asst DA @adrianelove4DA she is running to defeat this racist 16 yr incumbent VOTE THEM OUT
RT @jacobsoboroff: Life without a government safety net during COVID is the reality for millions of undocumented workers critical to the U.S. economy. Here in L.A. low-wage workers were barely surviving before COVID. @NDLON is trying to help, and fight for longterm justice.
RT @ninaturner: .@RepKarenBass would make a great VP! Her commitment to the grassroots is evident in her work from activist to the statehouse & Congress. She has a record of building coalitions especially during tough times in South LA. She supports #MedicareForAll & other progressive causes.
RT @ninaturner: .@RepKarenBass would make a great VP! Her commitment to the grassroots is evident in her work from activist to the statehouse & Congress. She has a record of building coalitions especially during tough times in South LA. She supports #MedicareForAll & other progressive causes.
RT @daeshikjr: Some big wins so far in cutting Seattle PD budget by 50% -Police are out of Seattle Public schools -Police in charge of removing homeless encampments are cut -Remaining 2020 Police recruitment budget is cut -Police Horses are cut Cuts will happen until 8/10 so keep pushing!
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
It’s official! @CoriBush just won her congressional race in St. Louis! Her opponent ran one of the dirtiest campaigns I’ve seen in my entire life. It didn’t work. SO BIG! Shout out to @JusticeDems & @BernieSanders & grassroots groups that had her back!
RT @HthrTylr: Sadly, some people are shocked that my nephew worked full time, had life insurance, car insurance, was a great father to his daughter, great son, uncle, and more. When black men are murdered, don’t assume they are thugs. Their resume shouldn’t be necessary for your compassion.
RT @shaunking: Seattle is on the eve of a historic vote to defund police and make long due investments in Black community and true forms of public health and safety. This movement has changed the politics of policing forever. Show up to the march tomorrow starting at the KC Youth Jail at noon.
A huge congratulations from our entire team @RealJusticePAC to @StLouisCityCA Kim Gardner on winning re-election with a MANDATE VICTORY in St. Louis. You were GREAT! A huge shout out to all of our donors, staff, and volunteers for helping in this race. Such an important win!
Seattle is on the eve of a historic vote to defund police and make long due investments in Black community and true forms of public health and safety. This movement has changed the politics of policing forever. Show up to the march tomorrow starting at the KC Youth Jail at noon.
RT @daeshikjr: White Supremacist pointing their rifles at unarmed peaceful Black organizers is the side our Police Chief @carmenbest is defending. I hope @SeattleCouncil doesn’t forget that as they vote to defund SPD next week on August 10th. We are all watching.
RT @TheNorthStar: This is what it looks like when WOC take up space and walk in the power of who they are. Rai and Blanca talk with Melanie Hart about traversing white-dominant education spaces as a confident woman of color.
RT @CoriBush: THIS. IS. IT! We've talked to voters, we've built coalitions, we've oragnized our communiites, and now, the polls are OPEN! If you need a ride to the polls text "RIDE" to 314-370-2929. If you see any possible voter suppression call 1-866-OUR-VOTE. #MO01, go vote💜
RT @cnni: "That video served as my final confirmation that I was doing the best thing for my life by departing the [US] permanently." Demetria Brown is one of many African Americans leaving the US for many reasons, including racism and fear of police brutality.
RT @ScottHech: This is a violent felony. This is a human rights violation. This is child abuse. This is racism. This is cruelty. This is American policing. The little girl in the little bicycle helmet is wailing. "I want my father!"
RT @EliNSavit: I absolutely won't seek to sentence kids to life without parole. It's cruel. The Supreme Court has held such sentences are presumptively unconstitutional. And nearly half of US states have barred such sentences. This shouldn't even be an issue for progressive prosecutors.
RT @axios: .@jonathanvswan: “Oh, you’re doing death as a proportion of cases. I’m talking about death as a proportion of population. That’s where the U.S. is really bad. Much worse than South Korea, Germany, etc.” @realdonaldtrump: “You can’t do that.” Swan: “Why can’t I do that?”
RT @RoKhanna: The smears against @KarenBassTweets are disgusting, racist, and sexist. They called Dr. King a communist and a socialist for standing for justice and peace. The Rs are afraid b/c Bass will energize our base & win independents. Let’s have her back.
Monday, 3 August 2020
RT @hansilowang: BREAKING: Census Bureau confirms all #2020Census counting efforts will be cut a month short, risking a severe undercount of people of color. Collecting responses online, over the phone & by mail, plus door knocking at unresponsive homes, to end on Sept. 30
RT @Taniel: a first: All 3 candidates running for prosecutor in Michigan's Washtenaw Co. (Ann Arbor) tomorrow told me that they favor abolishing criminal disenfranchisement (i.e. all adult citizens can vote, incl. from prison). First time I've encountered this unanimity in a DA election.
RT @RealJusticePAC: ST. LOUIS: Justice is on the ballot on Tuesday! As Circuit Attorney, @VoteGardner2020 has fought for reform and against mass incarceration, all while keeping our communities safe. Let’s keep her work going. Find your polling place here:
RT @tomaskenn: Here is the Central Florida Republicans club having an indoor meeting with dozens of their members. Not a single mask in sight. The reason why Florida is the global epicenter of COVID-19 and why we are seeing weekly record deaths is due to selfish people like this.
RT @RealJusticePAC: .@VoteGardner2020 has: 📉 Reduced mass incarceration ⚖️ Fought for the wrongfully convicted 🏥 Prioritized treatment over jail Tomorrow, let’s make sure she can bring more change to St. Louis. Locate your polling place:
RT @AttyStepMorales: This is from 2 whole years ago, talking compassionate release & overincarceration with @FAMMFoundation & we are still facing the same issues right now. This is why I keep fighting for transformative change & not incremental change. We need to get this right. The work continues.
RT @theappeal: On July 14, the day William Haymon turned 16, he spent his 511th straight day in jail. He has been incarcerated without bail in rural Lexington, Mississippi, since February 2019. Advocates say he’s just “one of thousands” in the same situation.
RT @BrentWelder: #BREAKING: Here’s the list that the DNC did not want you to see. The record of how the DNC Rules Cmte members voted on my anti-corruption amendment to reject corporate PAC money and ban corp lobbyists. They rigged the process, but the @BernieSanders nominees got you this list.
RT @ninaturner: So the people want #MedicareForAll, but the politicians do not. And even a global pandemic, millions suffering job loss, eviction notices and no healthcare can move these politicians. 🤔I wonder why? Could it be there allegiance to their owner/donors? Asking for a friend😳.
RT @ChuckModi1: “We’ve got more cops in our schools than counselors, and working computers. We have to get cops out of our schools, to divest in police depts., and to invest in Black lives” — DC Educator at #DCProtests yesterday #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor
RT @VickyPJWard: NEW: Deutsche Bank has opened an internal investigation into the longtime personal banker of Trump and Jared Kushner over a 2013 real estate transaction between the banker and a company part-owned by Kushner. Per @davidenrich @JesseDrucker:
Sunday, 2 August 2020
RT @RBReich: In the middle of a pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the President of the United States is spreading conspiracy theories, deploying federal agents to American streets, and golfing. It is a toxic mix of lies, authoritarianism, and incompetence.
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