Friday, 31 July 2020
RT @RepJayapal: "There's great value in confronting abuses of power directly, in public view, with such clarity...It's a formidable prophylactic against political apathy to see one’s fury at seemingly unchecked injustices expressed. It’s representative democracy at work."
RT @JumaaneWilliams: What is going on? Is the @nypost of all papers coming through....? We need leadership on this terrible surge of #gunviolence not excuses that are dangerously devoid of facts Victims, mourning families and the entire city deserve more than that
RT @theappeal: For more than 6 minutes, Lionel Morris asked police to let him up. “I can’t breathe,” he said, handcuffed, lying on the ground. “If you can talk, you can breathe,” officers answered. Morris had no pulse when EMTs arrived, and died en route to the hospital.
RT @SessiBlanchard: My friend, a black trans woman, is having a mental health crisis in The Bronx and they responded with 8 police officers, one with a riot shield. A single EMS officer is here. Friend was refusing to come out of apt bc of cops. When another friend (who’s a MD) got her to come...
RT @ScottHech: Knee to his back. For 6.5 minutes. “I can’t breathe.” Dead. All caught on video. Yesterday: “The officers involved in Morris’s death were cleared of criminal wrongdoing by the Arkansas State Police and prosecutors.”
RT @RachelBLevinson: This is a devastating read. It is breathtaking how bad our situation is, and how much is due to criminally incompetent & negligent leadership. Americans are dying, losing jobs, seeing their children’s schooling evaporate - why? To own the blue states.
RT @ArielCohen37: Jaw dropping. “Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically.”
RT @mattduss: Imagine the administration had intel on an imminent terrorist attack that would kill over 100,000 people, and chose to do nothing because it was politically easier. That’s what we have here. We need to be talking about accountability. For all of it.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Hawaii’s incarcerates 390 prisoners per 100,000 people. This makes Hawaii is one of the top 20 incarcerators in the world. @Esser4J will transform this inhumane system and focus on treatment instead of sending people to jail in Honolulu.
RT @chesaboudin: Today, I joined 31 other prosecutors and 44 correctional leaders in calling for the closure of youth prisons. As we explain in our letter, conditions in youth prisons were inhumane before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now they are horrific.
RT @WalkerBragman: The Democratic Party has made clear that it will not deliver: - Legal marijuana - Monthly relief with automatic adjustments - Rent forgiveness - Student debt forgiveness - Medicare-for-all - Fracking ban - Even minimal military budget cuts - Video game military recruitment ban
RT @hollyotterbein: Another interesting moment from the DNC rules committee meeting: A proposed charter amendment "rejecting corporate PAC money & banning corporate lobbyists from serving on the DNC" was tabled, un-tabled after a progressive complained, and then defeated.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
RT @matthewferner: Sixteen-year-old William Haymon has spent more than 500 days in an adult jail in rural Lexington, Mississippi without being charged. There are no state rules governing how long a person can be incarcerated without being formally charged with a crime.
RT @ethanbrown72: When LA Sheriff's deputy Austreberto Gonzalez anonymously reported a fellow deputy to internal affairs for assaulting a colleague he received a text message reading "ART IS A RAT." Austreberto said he was then harassed by The Executioners, a "deputy gang."
RT @BrentWelder: Many Biden nominees abstained but 105 of them are now on the record opposing this anti-corruption amendment. I believe every @BernieSanders nominee supported it. Thanks to all real progressives for having my back and fighting against corporate corruption.
RT @BrentWelder: ...virtually all Biden nominees on the cmte voted to “table” the anti-corruption amendment to try and kill it without having to go on the record. BUT the @BernieSanders nominees on the cmte revolted behind the scenes and we won a motion to get a recorded up or down vote...
RT @BrentWelder: Today as a @BernieSanders nominee on the @DNC Rules Committee I proposed an anti-corruption amendment to ban corporate PAC money to the DNC, and to ban corp lobbyists from serving on the DNC. The Biden camp recruited a corp lobbyist on the Rules Cmte to speak against it, then...
RT @miriamkrinsky: 1/ BREAKING: Over 70 elected prosecutors, youth correctional administrators & law enforcement leaders call to CLOSE ALL YOUTH PRISONS in this joint statement with Youth Correctional Leaders for Justice @CUJusticeLab: #beyondyouthprisons
RT @ethanbrown72: LA Sheriff's deputy gangs like The Executioners, Banditos and the 3000 Boys are part of the "department’s white supremacist gang culture that encourages excessive force, particularly against minorities."
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
RT @Jared_Carrabis: Joe Kelly got a 6-game suspension in a 162-game season for actually hitting Tyler Austin with a fastball & fighting him. How the fuck did he get 8 games in a 60-game season for missing Carlos Correa with a curveball and mocking him for being a crybaby? He didn't even get ejected.
RT @Sedano: Wait, so the @Dodgers Joe Kelly gets suspended 8 games & Manager Dave Roberts gets a 1 game suspension.... Yet, the team w/ the one of the biggest cheating scadals in MLB history had ZERO players suspended for that situation. Gotcha. Is this some sort of kangaroo court?
Wow. Trump supporting congressman @replouiegohmert literally berated his congressional aides for wearing masks in the office. Required every one of them to be there daily. They went on the record about it. Now he has the coronavirus.
RT @ScottHech: When you hear “defund police” remember that (1) police are actually spectacularly bad at what they claim theyre there for—public safety—and (2) there are tried & true alternatives that actually produce results.
RT @COVID19Tracking: OK, our daily update is published. States reported 840k tests completed, nearly 66k new cases, and hospitalizations ticked up. The major observation, however, is that states reported more than 1400 deaths today, the most since May 15.
RT @marclamonthill: There are MANY critiques to have of Kamala Harris. There are also reasons to be wary of anyone who wants to lead American empire. But framing her as uniquely, excessively, and unacceptably “ambitious” is a practice clearly rooted in racism and sexism.
RT @paulajean2020: Senator @BernieSanders , thank you so much for your leadership, support, and genuine care for the people of West Virginia. I look forward to the opportunity to be an ally in your courageous fight for progress. #NotMeUs
RT @dabeard: He co-founded the pro-Trump group Turning Point USA, whose leaders have opposed mask-wearing, promoted hydroxychloroquine, and pushed for the early opening of businesses. Bill Montgomery, 80, died from complications of #COVID19.
RT @shaunking: Seattle @MayorJenny can now officially get removed from office. Superior Court Judge ruled that she put her constituents in danger by allow Seattle PD to tear gas protestors during a pandemic. This is happening.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
RT @shomaristone: Trader Joe's workers in NYC assaulted by 2 men who refused to wear masks, police say. 8 employees were injured during the altercation, including at least one who was treated at a local hospital, a Trader Joe's spokeswoman said: @janellefiona, @NBCNews.
RT @People4Bernie: We can all see what’s going on here. We can hear no one identify themselves to tell the person you abducted what they were being arrested for. The @NYPDnews is fabricating charges of rocks and water bottles being thrown in real time when there are multiple video angles.
RT @davidminpdx: This is why “defund the police” is the only option. Our local leaders have either lost all *will to hold police accountable or else – and far scarier – they have lost the actual ability. In any case, only by starving them of money can they be reined in.
RT @davidminpdx: This is really the fundamental question that the press should be asking of every mayor, every city council person. Local officials have given the police a blank check and averted their gaze at police misconduct for so long, they seem incapable of exerting any oversight at all.
RT @codepink: "Literally they forget to include the fact to every young Jewish person: Basically, oh yeah, there were people living there." Thank you, @SethRogen, for using your platform to educate folks on the true history of Israel's theft of Palestinian land👏🏽👏🏿👏🏼👏🏾
RT @jvplive: "I also think that as a Jewish person, I was fed a huge amount of lies about Israel my entire life. They never tell you, that oh by the way, there were people there. They make it seem like it was just sitting there, oh the f*cking door’s open!" -Seth Rogen
RT @CynthiaNixon: Trump’s thugs have arrived in NYC What I want to know @NYCMayor is why the NYPD is eagerly helping them kidnap innocent protestors. Are you now working hand in hand with Trump & ICE to terrorize NYers?
RT @ScottHech: This is terrifying. And here’s the thing: This happens everyday in Black & Brown communities. People feel incarcerated. Scared to walk outside. NYPD out in plain clothes. Unmarked vehicles. Homes raided. Stopped. Thrown in vans. “Why are you arresting him!”
RT @daeshikjr: You had Seattle Mayor Durkan on and didn’t think to bring up the irony between her claiming Trump’s feds make local protests unsafe and the attacks her constituents endured by her own police department? @maddow either you’re protecting these neoliberals or you need new producers.
RT @6Gems: We're incredibly excited + elated to receive a $3M donation from Mackenzie Scott to support our work at @BlackGirlsCode / honored to be amongst an incredible list of transformative peer organizations! 116 Organizations Driving Change by MacKenzie Scott
RT @GunnelsWarren: GOP COVID-19 bill winners: Boeing (Apache helicopters, jets, missile defense) Lockheed Martin (F-35s, Hercules planes) General Dynamics (Destroyers, Stryker vehicles) CEOs (meals & entertainment) GOP COVID-19 bill losers: The hungry The sick The unemployed Essential workers
RT @AdyBarkan: .@senatemajldr, nurses are dying while trying to protect us. Every day you refuse to move on the Heroes Act is another day nurses are put at risk. Blood is on your hands. Fight for their lives. Bring the #HeroesAct to a vote now.
RT @theappeal: STOPPING MARYLAND’S EVICTION CLIFF: August rent is almost due, but the court-ordered eviction moratorium expired July 25. Today on #TheBriefing, Delegate @JulianiveyPG discusses how lawmakers are working to keep people in their homes.
RT @davidsirota: SCOOP: Sen. @JohnCornyn copied Andrew Cuomo’s corporate immunity law & pasted it WORD-FOR-WORD into the Senate GOP’s new Covid relief bill. The provision would give the GOP’s big donors legal immunity if their corporate decisions kill Americans.
RT @RachelBarkow: This is such an important thread on how the media covers crime and misleadingly creates panics. There are many reasons we have mass incarceration, but this kind of distorted representation of facts is definitely a contributor.
RT @dabeard: "Believing the pandemic to be a hoax, my partner & I hosted family members on Saturday, June 13. On Sunday, I woke up sick. By Monday, my partner and my parents were all sick. ... Only the newborn was spared."
RT @husainaltaf: @AlanDettlaff This commentary IS a call to action: the social work profession still has so much left to do to change these persistent racist attitudes. Prof @BazziNYU says there's not a single tenured Black faculty member in Mead's dept. Check out this thread:
RT @BazziNYU: This stunning article by Lawrence Mead, an NYU professor, argues that Blacks and Hispanics, because they are not European, are “unprepared” for “individualist culture” in America. A few highlights:
RT @WaywardWinifred: I can't even imagine went on in the heads of those 125 @dnc platform committee members who voted #MedicareForAll down. Today. Now. When the country is in the deathgrip of a global pandemic and people are dying because they can't afford to the upkeep of their sick-care. Shameful.
RT @Esser4J: We know corruption can happen when prosecutors get too cozy with the police. The first step to restoring trust is to elect a prosecutor who is not indebted to the police union bc they helped them get elected. #JacquieEsser #PoliceReform
RT @shaunking: Trump announced he was throwing out the first pitch for the Yankees on opening day... Except he literally wasn’t invited to do it. HE MADE IT UP. He’s a damn fool. And he ended up needing to cancel the whole thing.
RT @RoKhanna: Millions have lost their jobs. They should not lose their healthcare. Our party has been for MedicareForAll since FDR & Truman. It was stripped from our platform in 1980. I stand with all of the activists who believe that our party must stand for extending Medicare to everyone.
RT @GunnelsWarren: Wrong, Elon. The left is winning the middle. 72% want to expand Social Security 69% want #MedicareForAll 67% want a $15 minimum wage 67% want to make marijuana legal 64% want to tax your extreme wealth 64% support unions 63% want the #GreenNewDeal 58% want to #CancelStudentDebt
RT @RealJusticePAC: From 1978 to 2016: 🔹 Growth in Hawaii's population: 53% 🔹 Growth in Hawaii’s combined jail and prison population: 670% This unjust system has destroyed families and communities for too long. @Esser4J will put a stop to it by focusing on treatment instead of jails.
RT @sophiemeixner: My former landlord did not fix a faulty bathroom door handle despite repeated requests. When my housemate got TRAPPED in the bathroom and had to kick his way out, they then tried to bill us for the repair cost. We refused. They took us to the RTA. We won 💪
RT @scottheins: In spite of a passionate speech by Sanders delegate @swalker06 on how marijuana legalization is a crucial step towards racial justice in America, @TheDemocrats have rejected federal legalization of marijuana
Monday, 27 July 2020
RT @shaunking: THIS SYSTEM IS NOT BROKEN. It's functioning exactly the way those who designed and built it intended it to function. So we must tear it down and build something new. ANNOUNCING: The Truth, Justice, & Reconciliation Commission. 3 Pilot Cities. TODAY.
RT @AymanM: When Trump said he would ‘wait and see’ whether to accept the results of the election, it was dismissed and not taken seriously. Now it is the official position of the Trump campaign. WATCH: we will ‘wait and see’ whether to accept the election outcome
RT @DocMellyMel: Good Morning Early Risers! I'll be joining @diprimaradio for @kjlhfrontpage 5:30AM on 102.3FM KJLH...talking about #PortlandSolidarity, #PeoplesBudget, #FreedomCampus, #JackieLaceyMustGo, #LAPCFails & all things @BLMLA #BlackLIvesMatter. Tune in & call in 323-520-5554.
RT @BillyCorben: “There’s red flags everywhere,” said Ashley Thomas, the Florida director of the Fines and Fees Justice Center. “The requirement to pay a donation to a fund created and controlled by a state attorney is going to raise significant conflict of interest questions.”
RT @BillyCorben: In at least one case @KathyFndzRundle's office misrepresented the hustle: when announcing "to the court that a plea deal had been reached, she referred to the $10,000 payment as a 'fine.' In the actual paperwork, prosecutors called it something else: a 'charitable contribution.'"
RT @BillyCorben: "Defendants fearing criminal convictions and prison time have forked over millions of dollars into the funds. Some cases bring in $200 at a time. But in one case, a defendant paid $100,000 into the Denise Moon Memorial Fund as part of a non-prosecution settlement agreement."
RT @BillyCorben: #BREAKING: Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, who is up for re-election this year, shakes down defendants for millions in "ransom payments" to a "shadowy charity" that she controls to make their charges go away #BecauseMiami
Sunday, 26 July 2020
RT @redschulte: We've got tons of bookcases and shelves, used books, zines, art, + more to sell before this move! 💗😭 Please come thru if you can! Wear a mask! Free condoms + fentanyl testing strips available too!
RT @Bobbin_Singh: Curious about the military gear worn by local law enforcement? This picture of local le in PDX lays out the planning and coordination for profound violence. Military gear and tactics by local le are an indicator of a plan to engage in war with its community.
RT @_SJPeace_: & partner. 😭 Brother Garrett is someone who we can learn so much from about love, commitment, compassion, empathy, chivalry. He is perfection personified. Stands as a great example what it means to be a HUMAN BEING. My heart hurts for whitney. 💔
RT @_SJPeace_: Together since they were teenagers, he adored her. He was there for her through everything. Fought for her life. Fought against the medical negligence & loved her unconditionally after it. He would push her in her wheelchair at events, & protests and was a devoted caregiver...
RT @lmcgaughy: Today, I talked to the mothers of Garrett Foster, the man shot and killed last night at the protest in Austin, and his fiancee Whitney Mitchell. The couple met in North Texas when they were teens. Foster cared for Mitchell, a quadruple amputee, full-time.
RT @chadloder: cw: gunshots AUSTIN: Someone shot into a crowd. One protester was murdered. Video shows a peaceful crowd marching and chanting, followed by at least 8 gunshots. Witnesses say a driver shot from his car into the crowd as they were walking by.
RT @_SJPeace_: Garrett Foster was murdered last night peacefully protesting at a BLACK LIVES MATTER protest in Austin, Texas with his fiance, whitney, who is a quadruple amputee because of serious medical negligence. She was thrown off her wheelchair and he was shot 3 times. SAY HIS NAME 😭
RT @mehdirhasan: Few in the media were as negative about Trump as I was, or as pessimistic about the future, in Jan 2017 but even I didn’t predict 5 straight days of 1,000 people dead a day, & the president playing golf on that 5th day while smiling for a photo from the course. Truly astonishing.
RT @SimoneReports: This nurse in scrubs gets blasted by spray while trying to grab someone away from police. Her “day job” is RN at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. She told me helping people is her calling and that’s why she’s here. And yes, her skin burns all over. #Q13FOX #SeattleProtests
RT @daeshikjr: Officer maced the camera straight on like he didn’t care who was watching and then an Officer swung his bike and knocked out a protestor. At this rate there is really no point of Trump activating his feds in Seattle. Mayor Durkan is doing his dirty work just fine. #seattleprotest
RT @chrissyshimizoo: Sooooo plot twist: SPD were the bigger threat to Seattle today—NOT Trumps feds that Jenny warned us to stay away from. SPD maced the shit out of Spek, tackled protestors, drowned ppl in mace who were helpless on the ground, and shot blast balls at deadly range. Cool.
RT @daeshikjr: Here is the full clip of the random attack Seattle police made on protestors. So much mace was used my eyes are still burning. I asked the officer what provoked their attack and they responded by telling me to shutup unless I could prove I was legal council. #seattleprotests
Saturday, 25 July 2020
RT @daeshikjr: Seattle Police Department drowning protestor with bear mace while they’re already on the ground unarmed. This is in broad daylight. This isn’t Trump’s feds. This is a local police department in a democratic city. #seattleprotests
RT @daeshikjr: Seattle Police Department don’t have their tear gas and flash bangs to use on protestors tonight so instead they are straight bear macing people in the face. The police are seen here doing just that when they decided it was time to “move the line back” #seattleprotests
RT @daeshikjr: Police chief announced that due to limited access to chemical weapons, SPD will be using wooden batons/physical attacks to “crowd control”. You can see them beating up an innocent Black man. We are days away from defunding the police by 50%. This is retaliation from Seattle PD.
RT @evoespueblo: .@elonmusk, dueño de la fábrica más grande de autos eléctricos, dice sobre el golpe de Estado en #Bolivia: “Nosotros golpearemos a quien queramos”. Otra prueba más de que el golpe fue por el litio boliviano; y dos masacres como saldo. ¡Defenderemos siempre nuestros recursos!
RT @ByMikeBaker: I have shifted up to Seattle today to follow a large demonstration that's in solidarity with Portland. I'd estimate a crowd of 2,000 already. They just torched construction buildings at the site of a new youth detention center. Meanwhile, feds are here
RT @briebriejoy: Imagine being a well respected highly paid journalist in 2020 still parroting this long-debunked lie. Bernie is 100% right. Journalists need to stop haranguing Bernie & start asking Biden why he doesn’t support the progressive policies that EARNED Bernie enthusiastic support.
RT @miriamkrinsky: “We...cannot keep locking people up & think that will solve our crime problem....Our jails are filled w/individuals who have mental health concerns.” @dupree4da is taking on the system & status quo forces are fighting back
RT @BernieSanders: Today I’m proud to endorse @joekimok for Broward County State Attorney. Joe has witnessed first-hand the devastation our criminal legal system causes. The people of Broward County have a huge opportunity to bring real change to their communities by electing him.
RT @TheNorthStar: “There's statistical evidence that says that men don't need anybody to ask them to run and women need to be asked seven times to run.” Listen to the Sick Empire season finale, streaming on all podcast platforms! Links in thread!
RT @ByMikeBaker: There are also a whole bunch of nurses who are here in blue scrubs. The overall crowd appears to me to be the largest yet. With the caveat that I'm terrible at estimating crowd sizes, I would guess 4,000 people.
RT @ByMikeBaker: Here is Marine Corps veteran Duston Obermeyer talking about the Wall of Vets. He mentions Chris David, a Navy veteran that went up to speak with federal officers last week and got brutally hit with a baton. That backstory/video here:
RT @ByMikeBaker: Another huge crowd tonight in Portland, including a new "wall" on the front lines: a Wall of Vets. Here's a look at the line of military veterans getting set up here in front of the federal courthouse. Behind them, the Wall of Moms and the Wall of Dads are arriving.
Friday, 24 July 2020
RT @daeshikjr: Several Thousand gathered here at the justice center in Portland. It’s right next to the federal courthouse where the feds are stationed. Crowd is chanting “wake up, wake up! Feds get out!” Largest crowd I’ve seen since being here.
RT @daeshikjr: These mothers are relentless. I’ve spoken to a couple of white mothers who have Black children and they’ve shared with me that they believe the least they can do for their child is put their body on the lines in the fight for justice. It’s pretty goddamn beautiful. #PortlandMoms
RT @ethanbrown72: Family of Wayne Jones, shot 22x by Martinsburg, WV police in 2013, to receive a $3.5 million. Jones was shot after an officer approached him for not walking on the sidewalk. "I think the family’s made a point. But nothing can bring Wayne Jones back."
RT @theappeal: In New York City, public housing rules that discriminate against previously-incarcerated people mean that many of those getting out of prison face an uncertain future. A disproportionate number of them are lower-income and people of color.
RT @chrissyshimizoo: ⏰ACTION TOMORROW⏰ Sat 7/25 Pine & Broadway 1 pm The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) interim dir. is Chad Wolf. Chad wasn’t confirmed by the Senate, he was put in place by Trump. This gives Trump undemocratic political control over DHS to act as his own personal army.
RT @TheBreakdown: Kim Gardner is my hero. She's the lead prosecutor for St. Louis and has more courage in a day than most of us will have in our lifetime. Because of that, she has now become one of the single most hated Black women in America to the conservative white establishment.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Trump announced that he would send a surge of federal agents into cities. @DA_LarryKrasner has made it clear: If these agents come to Philadelphia to brutally attack protesters and drag people into vans without probable cause, they will be held accountable.
RT @KarenBassTweets: Senator Kamala Harris has spent her entire life fighting for the people. I would never want to be labeled the “anti-Kamala Harris.” We’re fortunate to have had her as Attorney General and now as Senator. She would be an excellent VP and the same goes for anyone else on the list.
RT @grassroots_law: This is DJ Henry. While waiting for friends at a bar, Pleasantville PD officer Aaron Hess asked him to move his car. Before DJ could, Hess shot him, dragged him from his car and left him to die. He was 20. Help us fight for justice: 💻 📱 914-228-7833
RT @FreeRodneyReed: Police officers who participated in Rodney Reed’s trial and investigation have since been found guilty of felonies including fraud, corruption, brutality, kidnapping, sexual assault, planting evidence, and conspiracy. He deserves a new trial! @BringRodneyHome
RT @KamalaHarris: After Trump and his allies openly attacked Kim Gardner for doing her job, she received a slew of death threats and numerous racist and sexist emails. These shameful political and frankly dangerous attacks must end now.
RT @BarbaraRansby: Activists were determined that the racist monument to Christopher Columbus no longer disgrace our landscape in Chi. Early this morning that statue came down. Congrats to Chi Nation @byp100 @BLMChi and #DefundCPD Thx to the People's elected officials @RossanaFor33 and others
RT @daeshikjr: The @DHSgov hired mercenaries in Portland are out of control. This fed just got done shooting the press with rubber bullets and seen here ripping a sign off the fence that reads “GTFO“. Why’s he that bothered by a sign that he’s willing to shoot peaceful protesters and the press?
Thursday, 23 July 2020
RT @laurenkrisai: This will have a *huge* impact on NYers who rely on their cars to provide for themselves & families. @FinesandFeesJC found that between 2016-2018, nearly 1.7 million NYers had their licenses suspended for traffic debt alone. More background from them here:
RT @laurenkrisai: Huge: The NY Legislature just passed a bill that ends the practice of suspending driver's licenses for unpaid traffic debt/failure to appear for certain offenses. And it also *retroactively* cancels driver’s license suspensions for NYers who have failed to pay traffic debt.
RT @davidminpdx: One of the most important DA elections this year is the one in Detroit on August 4. The current Wayne County DA, Kym Worthy is truly AWFUL – and she has a criminal defense attorney Victoria Burton-Harris running to unseat her. @Taniel lays out the stakes.
RT @davidminpdx: Minutes after the mayor was led away by security, after twice being tear-gassed by the feds, local police warned protestors that if they did not disperse the would face the prospect of being tear-gassed – by the mayor’s own police.
RT @theappeal: NEWS: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has signed an emergency bill allowing incarcerated people to vote—the third jurisdiction to do so. “Expanding voting rights to persons in prison is a historic step for American democracy.”
RT @daeshikjr: I saw this happen to Portland Mayor. It’s very dystopian here in Portland and one thing is very clear—Portland is demanding DHS leave their city. Live-streamed on @grassroots_law and will do this same every night.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
RT @theappeal: On average, less than 4% of a police officer’s time is spent on investigating “violent” crimes, and police don’t even do a good job at that: In Chicago, police typically solve only 4 out of 10 murders, and only 2 out of 10 when the victim is Black.
RT @AriRabinHavt: 👍The top three members of Senate Democratic Leadership - Schumer, Durbin and Murray + DSCC Chair Van Hollen all voted for Bernie’s amendment. 👎The fact that Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris voted no shocks me. Wrote about this amendment here:
RT @elliottyoungpdx: My column in the Houston Chronicle arguing that getting the Feds out of Portland is only one step. The local police have been brutalizing protestors, Black Portlanders, people with mental illness, and the homeless for years. Portlanders are not fooled.
RT @miriamkrinsky: “The political & personal attacks by state and federal politicians against Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner threaten the ability of every prosecutor in this country to do the job they were elected to do.” Former DC US Attorney Channing Phillips
RT @ninaturner: 🤦🏾♀️America, we need to get an understanding—quick Racism isn’t just the KKK. Hell, the first nine Presidents owned slaves. Then there’s the Constitution, state laws, policies & practices that continue to prop up structural racism & anti-Blackness. Truth & Reconcilation needed now!
RT @AlexBMorse: If you want to support this fight for Medicare for All, chip in a few bucks to help us keep this TV ad on air. We need all hands on deck to make sure our message of progressive change gets across to as many voters as possible over this next month.
RT @AlexBMorse: This was a tough one. Earlier this year, we lost my brother after a long struggle with opioid addiction. Doug was a good man, but he fell through the cracks of our cruel health care system. I’m running for Congress to fight for people like my brother. #MA01
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
RT @RealJusticePAC: For too long, Honolulu has invested in prisons and jails that don't make people any safer. @Esser4J is running for prosecutor to invest in meaningful treatment, rehabilitation, and the resources that people need to succeed. Join the movement:
RT @theappeal: Prison abolitionists see the national movement to defund police departments as strengthening their case against mass incarceration—allowing them to push “further than they’ve ever been able to push before.”
RT @GrassrootsChi: The Chicago Police Department has a long history of secretly snatching up Black people and torturing them at black sites for decades. Tomorrow morning, we need City Council to hold both you and CPD accountable and #ReleaseTheRecords.
RT @ninaturner: Michael left us way too early. Anyone that listened to him immediately saw that his perspective was steeped in a deep love for everyday people. I take small comfort in knowing how much he accomplished. If you haven't, please listen to some of his insight.
RT @evanlweber: Where on earth is @AmyMcGrathKY? People are going to miss their bills, not be able to put food on the table, and die because of his inaction. She promised to be a fighter, but she has hardly said a peep. @Booker4KY would be giving him hell right now if he were the nominee.
RT @matthewferner: A dogshit judge in Michigan is refusing to release a Black teenager who she jailed for not finishing her online homework while on probation. The child will be locked up until at least Sept, and the judge will be a fucking ghoul for the rest of her life
RT @KevinGarnett5KG: My passion for the Minnesota Timberwolves to be a championship team is well known but I have a deeper affection for the city of Minneapolis. I once again want to see Minneapolis as the diverse and loving community that I know it is. (1/2)
RT @matthewferner: BREAKING: San Francisco voters will decide on abolishing mandatory staffing levels for SFPD in November, SF Board of Supers voted tonight. If approved by voters, mandatory cop staffing levels will be abolished in the city via @elizabethweill
RT @davidminpdx: 3. This puts ostensibly liberal mayors — who run police departments — at odds with their own constituencies. These mayors love policing believe in it through and through and are terrified of the idea that they might be pressured into reining in their police.
RT @davidminpdx: 2. In truth in many large American cities, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, there has been weeks of conflict between largely peaceful protestors and *local* police. And the local police have been caught on camera being extraordinarily violent over and over again.
RT @davidminpdx: 1. Here’s the thing about the politics right now: Trump desperately wants it to seem like there’s a conflict between protesters and *federal officers. And actually that’s exactly what Democratic mayors want as well. But it’s mostly a misunderstanding — or a hijacking — of things.
RT @erniesuggs: When C.T. Vivian left us, it was not at the hand of Jim Clark or a mob. He died peacefully in his bed at the age of 95 knowing what he had accomplished. Surrounded by his family. God gave him a long life. Gerald Durley via @ajc PLS RT info on the services
RT @EmmaVigeland: I can’t believe I’m writing this. Michael Brooks was pure light. He was just good to his core. He was fun-loving, brilliant, generous, thoughtful, loyal, open. He was building a better world. He was my true friend. He was an oasis. I am heartbroken. I will never forget his laugh.
Monday, 20 July 2020
RT @SoSeaEmerald: BREAKING: A handful of Seattle Police Department (SPD) officers appear to have broken the law by registering to vote with their precinct addresses. Among them is Officer Michael Solan, President of the Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG).
RT @vvorkingclass: Michael Brooks' boundless empathy for all people made him a true radical. I can gladly attest to being one of his converts Michael offered the kind of moral leadership that is most noticed in its absence--selfless, universal, and resolute This a clip from his stream last night
RT @justinbaragona: Besides Eckhart's allegation that Henry brutally raped her, Cathy Areu -- known to Fox viewers as "The Liberal Sherpa" -- claims Henry and Fox stars Sean Hannity & Tucker Carlson were all involved in sexually harassing her and sending her inappropriate sexual images and texts.
RT @eliza_relman: Former Fox business producer Jennifer Eckhart says in a new lawsuit that host Ed Henry raped her and "psychologically manipulated and coerced" her into a sexual relationship beginning when she was 24. Eckhart says Fox ignored her complaints.
RT @KlasfeldReports: A woman claims in court that ex-Fox host Ed Henry "violently raped" her. Another accuses Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Howard Kurtz of harassment. Their attorneys say Fox fired Henry to "get out ahead" of this lawsuit, which begins with a "Trigger Warning." @CourthouseNews
RT @NYMag: A complaint filed in New York federal court alleges sexual misconduct by top Fox News hosts including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Howard Kurtz. The suit also addresses a previous rape allegation against Ed Henry, who was fired by Fox News on July 1
Not sure @JoeBiden could have a smarter pick for VP than Atlanta Mayor @KeishaBottoms. Moments make leaders. And she has excelled during the pandemic. And has stepped up against police brutality. She’s a great campaigner. And would actually be a strong Vice President.
RT @KeishaBottoms: My aunt, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson, then @SpelmanCollege student, spent nearly 3 months in jail in Jackson, Miss as a Freedom Rider. She was one of the founders of SNCC and died at 26, before I was born. @repjohnlewis cried each time he spoke of her bravery to me. #GoodTrouble
RT @NECN: The Bahamas plans to close its borders to most international visitors, including those from the U.S. As part of the ban, flights and cruise ships from the U.S. will no longer be allowed into the Bahamas, Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said.
RT @grassroots_law: Ketamine isn’t FDA-approved for sedation, but Colorado agencies have waivers to use it anyway. Now, Elijah McClain and Elijah McKnight are dead. And after seeing it used on her boyfriend, Anita Springsteen is speaking up: ban ketamine sedation in CO. We stand with her. WATCH:
RT @mollycrabapple: Remember, we didn’t just pay upfront to get beaten and tortured by the NYPD. The overtime we paid goes in to determining their pensions. We will be paying for these beatings for the next 30-50 years
RT @GunnelsWarren: Oh, I don't know Chuck. Maybe it's because the healthcare industry spends $10B a year on ads making corporate media execs richer & richer. Maybe it's because the corporate media ignored a peer reviewed Yale study finding that #MedicareForAll would save 68K lives & $450B a year
RT @ScottHech: NYT collected 64 videos of extreme violence committed by the NYPD in the first 2 weeks of the protests. In this same period, NYC taxpayers paid NYPD officers *$115 million* in overtime. To assault, maim, choke, beat, & terrorize protestors. We need to talk.
RT @Bobbin_Singh: Portland protests: Navy veteran speaks out after video of federal officers beating him goes viral “I stood my ground at that point and just stayed there ... I did nothing provocative. They just started wailing on me with batons, and I let them,”
RT @TheOtherMandela: There is no point to this. It’s about poll numbers. It’s Trump virtue signaling, potentially with force, to his base who already has opinions about Milwaukee because he’s down by so many points in the state. It’s an election strategy to drive an even deeper divide in Wisconsin.
RT @JustCallmeBHunt: Harriet Tubman made 19 trips along the Underground Railroad to free over 300 enslaved people between 1850-1860. She once had a $40,000 ($1.2 million in 2020) bounty on her head. She carried a pistol on her for protection from slave catchers and slaves who wanted to turn back.
Sunday, 19 July 2020
RT @ByMikeBaker: The internal memo was prepared for Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of Homeland Security, as he arrived in Portland to view the scene in person, according to a copy obtained by The New York Times. The governor said Wolf refused a request to keep federal agents of the streets.
RT @matthewferner: Today in Coronavirus in Jails & Prisons: -Nearly 1,000 new cases at Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution, TX -The Cook Co. Jail gets praise for its COVID-19 response -CA jail oversight board announces plans to collect & publish county-level data
RT @ethanbrown72: Ryan Adler, whistleblower from Redwood City, CA PD says officers regularly made anti-semitic and racist comments, made audio clip of woman crying during domestic violence call they wanted to turn into ringtone. Adler called a 'rat' for coming forward.
RT @KeishaBottoms: In addition to being sued over a mask mandate and voluntary advisory guidelines on COVID-19, @GovKemp has asked for an emergency injunction to “restrain” me from issuing press statements and speaking to the press. Far more have sacrificed too much more for me to be silent.
RT @davidminpdx: 1. If you’re reading national media portrayals of Portland as dangerous, you really ought to read this thread. Other than a few blocks (almost exclusively at night), Portland is a quiet, friendly, safe place. Safer from violence than any time in the past three decades.
Saturday, 18 July 2020
RT @zdroberts: .@Greg_Palast says that "voter suppression" is the wrong term. It's vote theft. They're stealing your right to say which direction this country goes in. What do you usually do when someone tell you you can't do something?
RT @CoriBush: 17 days to make a difference❗️We're having a great time getting out the vote in our communities across #MO01. All that's missing is YOU! Stop by our campaign office anytime to grab a yard sign (or a few) & get plugged in to volunteer 🙌🏾
RT @shaunking: 🤬 It happened again. Republican Senator Dan Sullivan (@DanSullivan_AK) didn’t just confuse the images of John Lewis and Elijah Cummings, he literally describes a whole encounter with Elijah Cummings that he thought was with John Lewis. It’s disgusting.
RT @BernieSanders: The U.S.A. is the only major country not to guarantee health care to all. If you're wealthy you can buy excellent care. If you're poor or working class, tough luck. You die younger and experience more illness and pain. Health care is a human right. We need Medicare for All.
RT @TIAreports: As John Lewis's hometown paper, the @ajc covered his career extensively. Here is a #thread of articles published thus far as we mourn his passing. More is to come. All of it is available here on our #JohnLewis page.
🤬 It happened again. Republican Senator Dan Sullivan (@DanSullivan_AK) didn’t just confuse the images of John Lewis and Elijah Cummings, he literally describes a whole encounter with Elijah Cummings that he thought was with John Lewis. It’s disgusting.
Friday, 17 July 2020
RT @TheNorthStar: Since Eric’s death, countless of other Black Americans have been killed during acts of police brutality. Eric Garner, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Elijah McClain, Tony McDade, Sandra Bland and so many others should be here today.
RT @TheNorthStar: Six years ago today, Eric Garner was killed by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo. In a horrific video that was seen around the world, Garner was pinned to the ground in an illegal chokehold. His final words were: “I can’t breathe.”
RT @Nikki_T: This is incredibly alarming. He was on his knees with his hands up. The officer shot through his windshield... He didn’t even get out of his squad car. Take action today by signing this petition. Thank you @shaunking for bringing this to the forefront.
RT @mariokiki: Sean was kneeling down with his hands up when Vallejo police shot and killed him at protests for George Floyd. He was unarmed/cooperative, but Vallejo police officer Jarrett Tonn shot Sean five times from behind the windshield of an unmarked police car.
RT @emanisblazed: Sean Monterrosa was only 22 when his life was snatched away from him in front of loved ones. Officer Tonn saw him kneeling with his hands up. He immediately shot Sean dead without ever leaving the car. SIGN & CALL.
RT @audio_vandals: This week @audiovandals will be donating 100% of our bandcamp proceeds to the family of Sean Monterrosa who last week was slain by Vallejo PDs Jarret Tonn. Sean was loved by his family and the city of San Francisco. Please follow @justice4sean and visit
RT @grassroots_law: 🚨 Fight for Sean Monterrosa! 🚨 Now that DA Abrams has recused herself, we need @AGBecerra to appoint a special prosecutor NOW. The officer who murdered Sean needs to be fired and charged NOW. We need justice NOW. Sign our petition today:
RT @RealJusticePAC: Sean Monterrosa was on his knees with his hands up. Police killed him without even leaving their car. Vallejo Police shoot residents at the highest rate in Northern CA. DA Abrams has failed to hold them accountable. Demand justice and #StandWithSean ⬇️
RT @grassroots_law: Sean Monterrosa and his family deserve justice. They deserve accountability. Officer Jarrett Tonn shot Sean while he was kneeling with his hands up. It’s been over a month, and… 🦗🦗🦗 We won’t stop fighting. Help us #StandWithSean:
RT @grassroots_law: Vallejo PD is known for violence. They keep escaping accountability—but not this time. They murdered Sean Monterrosa while he was kneeling. We’re fighting for justice. Help us #StandWithSean:
RT @grassroots_law: After weeks of silence, @VallejoPD finally released the video of Sean Monterrosa’s murder. The officer didn’t turn his body camera on until after Sean was shot. We have to keep fighting for justice. Demand action today:
RT @kenklippenstein: As unmarked feds snatch protesters off the streets in Portland, memo leaked to me shows they'll be deployed indefinitely and in undisclosed locations, with drones "on standby to assist as needed":
RT @SpeakerPelosi: The brutal police killing of Sean Monterrosa continues to shake the Bay Area. I join Sean’s family & others in calling for an FBI investigation into Sean’s murder, including into the destruction of essential evidence in this homicide case.
RT @WalkerBragman: It kills me thinking of all of the good people who have been maligned simply for pushing a better health care system; a better climate policy; a better student debt plan... Really frustrating. But late progress is better than no progress.
Thursday, 16 July 2020
RT @ScottHech: Two days ago in LA cops beat a wheelchair-bound man, knocked him out of his wheelchair, destroyed the wheelchair. This is a violent gang assault. Are these officers still on the force? A rhetorical question unfortunately. This is hard to watch. They're all hard to watch.
RT @trevortimm: The @NYTimes reviewed over 60 videos capturing police violence on protesters in NYC. "In instance after instance, the police are seen using force on people who do not appear to be resisting arrest or posing an immediate threat to anyone."
RT @PeterBeinart: I'm pursuing this because the ADL has for years abused the moral authority it claims as a result of our people's tragic history to smear critics of Israel. And when those critics aren't Jewish, it's harder to them to fight back.
RT @CynthiaNixon: W all ballots counted in her race NYC DSA candidate @marcelaforny just won her NY Assembly seat!!! HUGE congrats to this fierce tenant leader who brought us last yr's ground-breaking housing legislation & is now poised to do so much more🔥🔥🔥 Bases loaded for 3 more DSA wins
RT @GeoffRBennett: BREAKING: President Trump's niece, Mary Trump, tells @maddow she's heard Trump use the N-word and anti-Semitic slurs: "Of course I did. And I don’t think that should surprise anybody, given how virulently racist he is today. " I'll have more tonight on @NBCNightlyNews.
RT @JumaaneWilliams: For years @NYGovCuomo has refused to even consider raising taxes on billionaires & ultra-millionaires, with lower income New Yorkers paying the price. Now, in an economic crisis devastating people in need, he'd still rather cut crucial services than raise revenue. Unacceptable.
RT @MaketheRoadNY: WATCH: @AOC to @NYGovCuomo: "It’s time to stop protecting billionaires, and it’s time to start working for working families." She joins leading voices across NY to demand that Cuomo #MakeBillionairesPay and #FundExcludedWorkers.
RT @CNN: Savannah Mayor Van Johnson said he was "furious" and "at a loss for words" when he heard GA Gov. Brian Kemp was suspending local mask mandates. "Not only are we fighting coronavirus on one hand, it appears as if we're fighting our state on the other hand"
RT @KeishaBottoms: 3104 Georgians have died and I and my family are amongst the 106k who have tested positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, I have been sued by @GovKemp for a mask mandate. A better use of tax payer money would be to expand testing and contact tracing. #ATLStrong
RT @keithboykin: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is suing Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to block her mask order. They say they believe in local control...until a black local government tries to help its own people. They say they're pro-life...until black people start to die from a pandemic.
RT @hoodtotheholler: We showed up. We made our voices heard. We shocked the world. But we were just getting started. We are fired up to launch Hood to the Holler, a people centered org that will redefine politics for the people. A new Southern Strategy! It’s our time:
RT @shomaristone: Ex-Honolulu officer sentenced to 4 years for forcing homeless man to lick urinal. The former officer, John Rabago, offered his apologies to the man and his family. "Two years ago I made a decision I’m not proud of," he said.: @NBCNews.
RT @TheNorthStar: The hypocrisy is on full display. Prosecutors just can’t seem to find charges to bring against the police officers who murdered Breonna as she slept peacefully in her bed, despite having 124 days to do so. @TheBreakdown
RT @RealJusticePAC: Are you feeling inspired by @JosePGarza and @DGarzaForD2's victories last night? Let's keep the momentum going! Check out these other bold candidates with elections coming up in August: 🔹 @VoteGardner2020 🔹 @VBH4Prosecutor 🔹 @MoniqueHWorrell 🔹 @Esser4J
RT @Edward_Enninful: Today I was racially profiled by a security guard whilst entering my work place. As I entered, I was instructed to use the loading bay. Just because our timelines and weekends are returning to normal, we cannot let the world return to how it was. Change needs to happen now.
RT @janosmarton: This is difficult to watch. Imagine how a skilled social worker would have handled this differently. And if you want to dream bigger, imagine a city that could provide this man a safe place to sleep at night.
RT @RealJusticePAC: ICYMI: @JosePGarza won his election for Travis County district attorney last night. He won by over 30 percent on a transformative platform to reimagine justice. This isn't simply a victory. It's a mandate for change. It's a demand for real justice.
RT @MichaelBloch15: As you watch these horrifying videos of NYPD officers brutalizing protestor after protestor, remember that NYPD Commissioner Shea stated he is “proud of their performance in policing these protests....”
RT @NikkitaOliver: Elaborating on this. For nearly 100 years we have invested in a racist armed response to “crime.” It is time for a new approach & paradigm shift from armed policing & criminalization which doesn’t make us safer. It actually perpetuates poverty & racism making us less safe.
RT @matthewferner: So grateful for our colleague Juan Haines always, who continues to report for us from inside San Quentin where COVID-19 has predictably exploded due to failures from Newsom & CDCR, but especially grateful for notes like these in this moment to know he is on path to recovery
RT @jeffzeleny: One of the most frequently-asked questions inside Trump world: how long would campaign manager Brad Parscale hang on? Tonight, we know the answer. But importantly: a top GOP officials tells me tonight: “Jared is, and has been, running most everything. This doesn’t change that.”
RT @PeterAlexander: “Jared Kushner was the campaign manager yesterday, is the campaign manager today and will be the campaign manager tomorrow. Brad (Parscale) took the bullet for Jared,” a source close to the White House tells me following Trump campaign shake-up.
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
RT @daeshikjr: If you want Millennials and Get X to stay home then CANCEL THE F*CKING RENT AND EXTEND EVICTION MORATORIUMS!!! Call a state of emergency, offer amnesty on all housing payments, and offer stimulus checks for essential needs. I promise you that these cases will drastically go down.
Real momentum building to recall Seattle @MayorJenny. 3 of Seattle’s largest Democratic Legislative Districts (including her home district 37th LD) have now officially called for her to resign. She’s been the biggest obstacle for organizers trying to #DefundSPD.
RT @theappeal: Existing law often holds police and first responders to lower standards of conduct, purportedly in recognition of how difficult their jobs are. Reimagining policing will require revamping this structure, too—and demanding more of public servants.
RT @NikkitaOliver: All I hear is an argument for defunding the police and investing in a robust mental health system. Then we are one step closer to abolishing the police and stoping them from murdering us. Because make no mistake about it; Charleena Lyles was murdered by SPD officers.
RT @daeshikjr: Charleena Lyles weighed less than a 100 pounds WHILE PREGNANT and was shot twice on her back. She was also shot twice in the abdomen, twice in the chest, arm and hip. She was also murdered in front of her young kids. How is this bigot Mike Solan in charge of representing SPD?
RT @TheNorthStar: Erica talks with the hosts about how women of color can set up their "portfolio life" and ensure that the life they're living is the life they've purposely envisioned and designed. Take out a pen and a pad because you're going to want to take notes on this one!
RT @TheNorthStar: #WOCatWork episode 2 is streaming everywhere! In this episode of W.O.C. at Work, Rai and Blanca talk with Erica Hamilton, an accomplished business and non-profit executive with many years of experience in C-Suite positions.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
RT @jonswaine: 4/ Brake was hit directly in the face after turning back to face the police. He was not bending down or throwing anything at officers. The canister did not skip or bounce. Watch it fly across the intersection:
RT @jonswaine: 2/ Fort Wayne Police Department quickly blamed Brake for his own injury. It alleged that he was hit while bending down to grab a gas canister to throw it back at officers. It said a canister “skipped” before hitting him.
RT @jonswaine: Thread on one case from our @washingtonpost video investigation 1/ This is 21-year-old Balin Brake of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Brake lost his right eye when he was shot in the face with a police gas canister at a protest in downtown Fort Wayne on May 30.
RT @AOC: See? The rich make the case for prison abolition *for themselves* all the time (and often get it), incl for systemic violence, yet are never deemed “radical.” It’s only “radical left” when we ask our legal system to treat normal people 1/10000th of the way it treats the wealthy.
RT @Taniel: 🚨 IT'S DONE: Jose Garza has ousted Austin's district attorney. He ran on saying we should stop getting the criminal justice involved in every problem. He's a former public defender who works for a worker's & immigrants' rights group. More on him:
RT @BernieSanders: Congratulations to @JosePGarza for winning the primary runoff to be Travis County’s next district attorney. We need progressive leaders everywhere who will reform our broken and racist criminal justice system, and I look forward to seeing José bring change in Texas.
RT @JosePGarza: Together, we will transform our broken justice system and create a future where the dignity of communities of color is honored, immigrants and working families are protected, survivors are treated with respect, and the powerful are held accountable.
RT @NILC: Say his name. Maurice Gordon Jr. He was a 28-year-old immigrant from Jamaica, a chemistry student + an essential worker who was shot 6 times during a traffic stop on 5/28/2020. Demand justice for immigrants. #BlackLivesMatter #ImmigrantsAreEssential 🎨 Portrait by Uli Knörzer
RT @RealJusticePAC: Congratulations to @JosePGarza on the huge victory! Tonight, Travis County demanded a new system that holds police accountable, treats survivors with dignity, protects immigrants & ends the criminalization of poverty. Thank you to everyone who worked hard to reimagine justice.
RT @shaunking: It’s Official!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Change is coming to Texas! Austin, Texas has a new District Attorney!!! A HUGE congrats to @JosePGarza! He won by a landslide and has a mandate for change. Thank you so much to the donors, volunteers, and staff of @RealJusticePAC. Let’s GO!!!🔥🔥
It’s Official!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Change is coming to Texas! Austin, Texas has a new District Attorney!!! A HUGE congrats to @JosePGarza! He won by a landslide and has a mandate for change. Thank you so much to the donors, volunteers, and staff of @RealJusticePAC. Let’s GO!!!🔥🔥
RT @ethanbrown72: Florida Today is suing the Brevard County Sheriff for video of the in custody death of Gregory Edwards. Edwards, a combat vet, was placed in a restraint chair, denied medical attention+left in a cell for nearly 16 minutes before he was found unresponsive.
RT @latimes: People sing it to pay tribute to essential workers and during Black Lives Matter protests. It's aimed at the level of everyday life. It says: What’s important is the stuff happening down here. The dramatis personae are you, me, all of us. We the people.
RT @latimes: Bill Withers’ 1972 soul ballad “Lean On Me” is a modest song with a tidy arrangement. The lyrics hold no pastoral images, no high-minded invocations of liberty or God. It's a deeply American song but it’s not, explicitly at least, a song about America.
RT @jodyrosen: National anthems are wack; ideally, the U.S. would have no official state song. But if we've gotta have one, it may as well be a good song, with a message worthy of a decent society. So I wrote about replacing "The Star-Spangled Banner" with "Lean on Me."
RT @sbagen: My god, this story: Student at Groves HS in Birmingham, Mi, is incarcerated in a juvenile facility on the alleged probation violation of not keeping up with her online schoolwork during the pandemic. She's still there. Surprise twist in the next tweet.
RT @helenprejean: Some legal experts are raising serious concerns about the legality of this morning’s federal execution. The execution warrant expired at midnight and, as it appears now, there was no warrant in place for the execution when it was carried out. This is a violation of federal law.
RT @helenprejean: According to Daniel Lee’s attorneys, the federal government attempted to execute him at 4 am while a court order remained in place blocking the execution. He was left strapped to the gurney for 4 hours while the DOJ went back to court. The execution was carried out around 8 am.
RT @shaunking: Disgusting. Ending qualified immunity, which simply means brutal police can be held responsible for their actions, is THE STARTING POINT. Colorado’s Governor already did it. This is shameful from @JoeBiden. His whole justice policy is pretty terrible. Try again.
Disgusting. Ending qualified immunity, which simply means brutal police can be held responsible for their actions, is THE STARTING POINT. Colorado’s Governor already did it. This is shameful from @JoeBiden. His whole justice policy is pretty terrible. Try again.
RT @JulianCastro: I’m proud of my brother @JoaquinCastrotx—he has a strong vision for the future of U.S. foreign policy centered on a diplomacy-first strategy. The American people deserve a greater voice in picking their leaders in Congress—now more than ever.
RT @grassroots_law: Armed police shouldn't respond to calls involving mental health, addiction or homelessness. @Ammallon and @VoteJivan are proposing an unarmed Public Safety Crisis Response System in Cambridge, MA to send to those calls, saving lives. We stand in support.
RT @AttyStepMorales: We're not playing in Virginia. This is only the beginning. Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice was born today. I'm proud to be doing this work with my counterparts who acknowledge the harm our profession has done and now seek to correct it.
RT @TorontoStar: We're seeing a lot of Americans inquiring: Mario Castillo Tamayo's months-long hospitalization to rehab is covered by government through Canada's universal health care system. On his 'miracle' recovery
RT @TorontoStar: “It gave me a scare. I thought my life was finished," he said. He's been in the hospital since March 24. He had to be sedated, paralyzed, and put on a ventilator. He recalls waking up in early June after months of sedation.
RT @NPR: More than 1,000 employees at the CDC have signed a letter calling for the agency to address "ongoing and recurring acts of racism and discrimination" against Black employees. It also calls for the CDC to declare racism a public health crisis in the U.S.
Monday, 13 July 2020
@NYGovCuomo Your inaction and infighting with the Mayor caused thousands of deaths. Nearly every expert in the nation says had you acted sooner it could’ve saved nearly 10,000 lives. That you think it’s time for posters touting your “success” is troubling.
RT @komonews: The Seattle teachers union said Monday it is not yet safe to hold classes in person at Seattle Public Schools amid the resurgent pandemic, and that the district should rethink plans to let students return to the classroom beginning next month.
RT @JosephNSanberg: A terrible, immoral act will occur Monday in our nation. For the first time in nearly 2 decades, the federal government will carry out an execution. We should abolish the death penalty because it's racist, wrongfully executes innocent people and doesn't stop crime. (1/6)
RT @nick_w_estes: R*dsk*ns, a Washington football team name that came from the taking of scalp bounties from Native people, is officially retired! Don’t pat racist ass team owners or franchise defenders on the back. This victory belongs to Native people and is about more than a name.
RT @ethanbrown72: The fed death penalty was supposed to provide a universal standard for capital cases, writes @Gbencohen, but it's just as racist and personality-driven as state systems. One fed prosecutor is responsible for 5 death sentences in 2 separate jurisdictions
RT @GunnelsWarren: Taiwan has a #MedicareForAll, single-payer healthcare system Everyone in Taiwan: - is guaranteed healthcare as a human right - can choose their own doctor - has an insurance card storing all medical records Taiwan kicked coronavirus ass, while the virus is still kicking ours
RT @GMA: "We are never going to recover from this." The mothers of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Antwon Rose and Botham Jean talk to @DebRobertsABC about their shared grief and journeys for justice. Watch the full convo:
This is where we are. It’s despicable. The President is literally retweeting Chuck Woolery saying that his own CDC and doctors are lying to us about the coronavirus to harm the economy and the election. It’s literally going to cost lives. Twitter needs to do something.
RT @GunnelsWarren: I still cannot get over the fact that the House Armed Services Committee, run by Democrats, voted 56-0 to give Trump's Pentagon $740 billion during a pandemic - 53% of our total discretionary budget. And they named the bill after a Republican defense hawk.
RT @NikkitaOliver: Decriminalize Seattle and King Co. Equity Now will be hosting a virtual townhall for community based organizations the 4 Point Proposal for Defund SPD on Tuesday the 14th from 12:00-1:30pm. Please use this form so that we can send you the zoom link.
RT @mkraju: Despite the covid outbreak in the Sun Belt and cases on the rise nationally, Trump begins the work week retweeting a tweet that says “everyone is lying” about the virus: “The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust.”
RT @JumaaneWilliams: The pain of a 1-yr being shot and killed should have the entire city stop in its tracks. A 1yr old has been shot dead. We need real plans of actions. For the real lives being lost. #ENOUGH #TooMuchPain
RT @Julius_S_Malema: This hopeless leadership cannot even inspire confidence at a time when we need it the most. Our loved ones are falling by the wayside! We are fast headed to a dark spirited period of depression and hopelessness. Sad day indeed💔💔💔😤😭
RT @EFFSouthAfrica: The EFF is saddened by the passing of fearless and uncompromising Zindziswa Mandela. We send our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and colleagues. May her soul rest in power. #ZindziMandela
RT @cnnbrk: Zindzi Mandela, South Africa's Ambassador to Denmark and daughter of anti-apartheid icons Nelson and Winnie Mandela, has died at the age of 59, the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation says
RT @ScottHech: Fiona Apple stepped up. After a federal judge dismissed dozens of sworn declarations from inside jail as “unhelpful” & only “marginally relevant.” She didn’t want anyone to ignore them. So she read their words. “I’ve lost my spirit, sort of given up.” More:
Sunday, 12 July 2020
RT @ScottHech: American policing is a policy failure. Terrible at preventing crime. Solving crime. Undermines public safety. Communities theyre supposed to protect are more scared of police than any kind of violence they may face. Systemically racist. Yet we invest billions in this failure.
RT @ScottHech: Imagine a car w/ 200k miles on it. Despite multiple repairs still can’t steer straight. Had killed dozens of people in hit & runs. No brakes. Failed inspection after inspection. Would you buy it? Invest a penny in it? The car is American policing. We are the consumers. Why do we?
RT @RainaLips: Thirty people have died in Erie County (NY) jails. NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo should remove Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard from office. @NYGovCuomo @theappeal @JessPish @ethanbrown72 @Blklivesmatter @VOCALNewYork @BuffaloDSA @BLRRBuffalo @PUSHBuffalo
RT @ethanbrown72: Shooting of man in the midst of mental health crisis by Baltimore Police called “a total failure of our two systems. We need to get police the heck out of there and not even be handling these types of calls.”
RT @shaunking: Hilarious to see a man call for 10 years of automatic prison time for “harming” monuments when he literally just pardoned his buddy and made sure he didn’t serve a day in jail for violating multiple federal laws.
RT @CNN: Mexican-American cookbook author and food blogger counts herself among the many Latinos who say they won't buy Goya products after Goya CEO Robert Unanue appeared in the White House Rose Garden and praised President Donald Trump.
Saturday, 11 July 2020
RT @audreahuff: ‘In a recent article, Neff said, "Anything [Carlson is] reading off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me." He (told) the magazine, "We're very aware that we do have that power to sway the conversation, so we try to use it responsibly." ‘
RT @EricMGarcia: Neff bragged that the first draft of anything Tucker Carlson says is "written by me." Tucker credited him in his book acknowledgements for research, which means Neff's word and ideas fuel Carlson's show, the highest-rated in cable show in history.
RT @iiwrites: His name is Blake Neff. He went to Dartmouth. He wrote, "Would u let a JET BLACK congo n****er do lasik eye surgery on u for 50% off?" And there are many more horrible things. Tucker did a spot on cancel culture after Neff resigned, but made no comment on this.
RT @CNN: The top writer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson has for years been using a pseudonym to post bigoted remarks on an online forum that is a hotbed for racist, sexist, and other offensive content, CNN Business learned this week
Friday, 10 July 2020
RT @daeshikjr: Don’t forget Tommy Le was murdered by the same King County Sheriffs that was forced to put a detective on admin leave for posting an “all lives splatter” meme just hours after a protestor was ran over and murdered. Nothings happened to the other sheriffs who thought it was funny.
RT @Taniel: WOA! Rep. Adam Schiff is 2nd big Democrat to drop his support for DA Jackie Lacey (LA's "we need law and order" DA). Mayor Garcetti did this last week, amid big upheaval in recent weeks. (I previewed this race in March 1st round:
RT @maxxszabo: BREAKING: In a race many are calling one of the most important in the nation, a new poll shows 1st time LA County candidate @GeorgeGascon is leading incumbent Jackie Lacey to be LA's next District Attorney.
RT @matthewferner: The Jackie Lacey endorsement exodus continues (a trend that first began with Garcetti walking back his endorsement on The Briefing), and also includes Rep. Adam Schiff and Assemblywoman Laura Friedman
RT @davidminpdx: Portland Police caught lying to the public, saying that widely touted $23 million hit to downtown businesses was caused by protests, when in fact the losses were almost entirely attributed to COVID. Note how the reporter hides this with passive voice.
RT @AyannaPressley: I can’t stop thinking about Vanessa Guillén and her sister Lupe. In their name Congress must fight for answers and accountability. So many people who should have protected her failed her. I’m devastated. We have to fight for her.
RT @NikkitaOliver: 2. Y’all are showing how racist you really are. If you believe BIPOC officers make you better, then you would you not find a way to prioritize keeping them over officers that don’t make you better? Reality is when there are cuts BIPOC always get fired 1st. That’s how racism works
RT @spekulation: I don't think "if you defund us then we'll only keep the white officers," is the convincing argument they think it is. It is this kind of abusive hostage-taking that has enabled Seattle Police to avoid accountability for so long. "Hold us accountable and we'll have to hurt you."
RT @Esser4J: 📢ENDORSEMENT ALERT📢 Retweeting bc I was so excited I forgot to tag @chesaboudin! I am thrilled & honored to have the endorsement of San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, a leader in the national movement for transformative criminal justice reform! #JacquieEsser #HonoluluProsecutor
RT @benwikler: Wisconsin Republicans are actively undermining the will of the voters via their gerrymandered seats in the legislature & their friends on the Supreme Court. Wisconsin Dems are the last line of defense. Donate & RT so we have the resources to fight back:
RT @benwikler: Wisconsin's GOP-dominated legislature is the result of intensive partisan gerrymandering. It doesn't reflect the will of the people. The governor, elected by statewide popular vote, represents the public. Now that it's a Dem, the GOP attacks on all fronts.
RT @benwikler: Yesterday, Republican activists on the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the GOP legislature’s lame-duck power grab. Today, they executed a power grab of their own, stripping away veto powers that Governor Evers was elected to wield. It's a deliberate diminishment of democracy.
RT @ethanbrown72: Family of Terelle Thomas, 31, files $35 million lawsuit against Dauphin County, PA and the Harrisburg Police Department after officers took Thomas to jail—instead of treatment—as he overdosed. Thomas died about one hour after being placed in his cell.
RT @theappeal: Orange-Osceola County state attorney candidate @MoniqueHWorrell on police unions’ influence: "What does the entity supporting you stand for?…They have relentlessly supported officers who have been engaged in the type of misconduct that led to the murder of George Floyd.”
RT @TheBreakdown: I need us to understand that it can be simultaneously true that we live in a constant state of racial terror AND we have real mental health challenges that we need to discuss. Today, I want to tear down some walls and have an open conversation with you about all of it. THREAD:
Thursday, 9 July 2020
RT @JessedHagopian: VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE! So many activists made this possible!Special shoutout to @DecrimSeattle and @KCEquityNow for pushing for this visionary demand! I’m also proud of my union @SeattleEA for voting to support defunding the police! #DefundThePolice & fund education & housing!
RT @shaunking: BREAKING: A veto-proof majority of the Seattle City Council has agreed to defund the police budget by 50% and reallocate those funds for social services, housing, education, mental health, and more. Grassroots organizers have worked around the clock for this. Brilliant work.
BREAKING: A veto-proof majority of the Seattle City Council has agreed to defund the police budget by 50% and reallocate those funds for social services, housing, education, mental health, and more. Grassroots organizers have worked around the clock for this. Brilliant work.
RT @Jim_Brunner: A veto-proof majority of Seattle City Council is coalescing around pledge to cut police department by 50%, including council president @CMLGonzalez, who apologized for past votes to increase police budget.
RT @ABC: In remarks on bases named after Confederate generals, Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley says, "The Confederacy, the American Civil War...was an act of treason at the time against the Union, against the Stars and Stripes, against the U.S. Constitution."
RT @Carlos_Film: People are saying that Latinos who are not on Twitter won’t care about Goya supporting Trump. You best believe I’m texting everyone I know. I’ll put the memo in a religious Facebook chain post if need be so my tias can see it.
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