Sunday, 31 May 2020
RT @jeremyscahill: DeBlasio had an opportunity to be on the right side of history. Instead he chose to align himself with the brutality and injustice. He chooses to further empower the militias with badges and guns who ram SUVs into crowds of civilians. Through his actions, he stands with Trump.
RT @shaunking: BREAKING: The Governor of Minnesota just turned the investigation into the murder of George Floyd over to Minnesota Attorney General, @KeithEllison. Local leaders lost all confidence in the local DA, Mike Freeman. We expect Keith to increase the charges and charge all 4 men.
RT @AGEllison: It with a large degree of humility and a great seriousness, I accept for my office the responsibility for leadership on this critical case involving the killing of George Floyd. We are going to bring to bear all the resources necessary to achieve justice in this case.
BREAKING: The Governor of Minnesota just turned the investigation into the murder of George Floyd over to Minnesota Attorney General, @KeithEllison. Local leaders lost all confidence in the local DA, Mike Freeman. We expect Keith to increase the charges and charge all 4 men.
Saturday, 30 May 2020
RT @AP: .@AP photographers are capturing scenes from protests around the U.S., from New York to Washington to Los Angeles to Minneapolis — where George Floyd died after pleading for air as a police officer pressed a knee on his neck.
RT @ScottHech: The disdain I feel for Gov. Cuomo & Mayor de Blasio could not be more profound. Both sick with an impassioned love for violent, racist policing & the mass caging of Black & Brown people. Both pretending to care about the very communities they’ve been committed to destroying.
RT @dana_dru: Mario Woods was executed by the police on video. Not a single police officer was held accountable for his murder. Nancy Tung thought that was the right prosecutorial decision. This CANNOT continue. Email your supervisors NOW to prevent her from serving on police commission.
Listen up - we need your help. We need everyone in SF to speak up during public comment on Monday at 10am: 1-415-655-0001/Access code 921 413 607 And we need you all to write to your board of supervisors to reject this appointment.
SF: you had a similar case to George Floyd in 2016, when officers shot & killed Mario Woods on video. No one was ever prosecuted. Now the mayor is trying to put Nancy Tung, who AGREED with the decision not to prosecute the officers, on the citizen oversight commission of SFPD.
RT @Booker4KY: I love my city and want our people to be safe. As we share concern over damaged property, we must place even greater focus on the root issues and the fact that people are hurting. Justice must be made real for all of us. Please be safe, and know that I love you. (2/3)
RT @Booker4KY: Last night, calls for justice and humanity turned to fear, destruction, and violence. Officers met peaceful voices with a confrontational posture, tear gas was thrown, some outsiders caused more disruption, and in the end, there was great damage. (1/?)
Friday, 29 May 2020
RT @ashtonpittman: NEW: Marc Davis called 911 after a car crash in Petal, Mississippi, saying he needed an ambulance. Soon after, a witness tells me she saw a responding officer shoot Davis, whose empty hands she says were "stretched out like Jesus," 3 times, killing him.
RT @alexmorcoffee: Nancy Tung has been nominated for police commission, the body that sets police policy and holds misconduct hearings. This week has been a powerful reminder of what happens without police accountability. Tung rejects reform and argues that all SFPD shootings have been justified.
RT @WhipClyburn: Derek Chauvin did not act alone. When George Floyd laid on the ground, crying out for his life, it was not one, not two, but three cops who kept their knees on him, snuffing out his life as a fourth stood by and watched. Everyone involved must be brought to justice immediately.
RT @GunnelsWarren: There was looting in America yesterday 5 men extracted $6B in wealth from our society in 24 HOURS: Jeff Bezos:⬆️$2.27B Michael Dell:⬆️$1.51B Elon Musk:⬆️$1.13B Steve Ballmer:⬆️$592M Sergey Brin:⬆️$528M While billionaire bosses now pay a lower tax rate than essential workers.
RT @grassroots_law: The anger and outrage that these responses by authorities have engendered are totally justified. These protests should be supported! If you’d like to sign up to be a Legal Observer at any of the ongoing protests to hold police accountable join us:
RT @grassroots_law: A charge of 3rd degree murder is outrageous. The assertions that #GeorgeFloyd died of anything other than murder by police are equally so. Derek Chauvin and 3 other MPD officers MURDERED Floyd in broad daylight. @HennepinAtty’s restrained reaction to that is despicable.
RT @LApubdefunion: Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss of our colleague. We are concerned that we will lose more colleagues without adequate safety measures. We demand more from those who have the power to protect us.
RT @theappeal: L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva says “herd immunity” is “starting to take effect” in his jails. Experts say that isn’t a good thing, though: “That basically means the agency has not been able to prevent the spread.”
RT @xoner8ed: Charges Recommended Against 3 Officers Involved in Violent N.Y. Arrest @lonniesoury @BLMGreaterNY @Mysonne @shaunking @dr_yusefsalaam @santanaraymond @marcmhoward @ACLU @LegalAidNYC @danielmedwed @injusticewatch @NYPDnews @InInjustice @NJusticAnywhere
Kamala Harris just gave an interview on MSNBC that I thought was one of the strongest I’ve ever seen her give on police brutality. Frankly, it was the best interview I’ve seen from any politician this week. She was specific, sharp, and sincere.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
. @EricHolder. It’s laughable to see you on the news tonight talking about prosecuting police. Over and over again families BEGGED you to do the same thing. You did NOTHING. Erica Garner told me you looked her right in the face and lied to her. You did nothing for her. Zilch.
Please tell me the name and badge number of the officer who did this. It's actually illegal. As a police officer, you aren't simply allowed to spray random journalists and citizens with pepper spray. It's a crime. For us. And them.
RT @shomaristone: UPDATE: The Bethel School District announced Thursday that coach Dave Hollenbeck was no longer employed with the school district. He came under fire for a post that appeared to make light of George Floyd's death: @KING5Seattle.
RT @Mvmnt4BlkLives: Today @TishJames continued to fight against the judge ordered release of former Black Panther, elder #JalilMuntaqim in the face of his potentially deadly vulnerability to #COVID19
RT @JooHyun_Kang: This dude won't even fire NYPD who kill, brutalize, sexually assault &/or coverup brutality. @NYCMayor how about start by firing -Justin Damico, Furlani, Ramos & others who helped kill #EricGarner,2014 -Wayne Isaacs, killed #DelrawnSmall, 2016 -200+ modified duty, many for YEARS
RT @MichaelBloch15: You can walk into a police station in New York and accuse someone of just about anything and they’ll draw up a warrant and make an arrest. Most people don’t get the luxury of any pre-arrest investigation whatsoever.
RT @xoner8ed: @shaunking and people really wonder why so many have lost faith in the criminal injustice system. This conduct reminds me of a prosecutor saying, "There are no innocent people in prison." Pure and simple - injustice.
RT @Esser4J: This is exactly why prosecutor offices must have an independent unit of prosecutors that do not work with police and only investigate and charge abuse of power and police misconduct cases. This case should be immedialty removed from the Hennepin DA for charging #GeorgeFloyd
RT @ryangrim: Here's video of the first person alleged to have taken a hammer to the AutoZone window, which activists immediately suspected was a provocation. Black gloves, black boots, black clothes (not unkempt like antifa, no offense), nice gas mask. Who is this guy?
RT @GunnelsWarren: Looting is the wealthiest person in America (Jeff Bezos) increasing his wealth by $40 billion in a pandemic while his company (Amazon) pays nothing in federal income taxes for 3 years, receives a $104 million tax refund, ends hazard pay and denies paid sick leave to its workers.
RT @theappeal: As COVID-19 spreads through Mississippi county jails, officials are dragging their feet in determining who is eligible for release. “In the pandemic, it is so much more important to be trying to get those numbers down.”
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
RT @AlanRMacLeod: As Minnesota's Chief Prosecutor, Amy Klobuchar pushed a "tough on crime" message. But she didn't prosecute George Floyd's killer Derek Chauvin when he shot someone. My latest article for @MintPressNews
RT @shaunking: Get off TV @MayorFrey and lead your city. Intervene. Be present at the points of pain and despair. People are being permanently and critically injured by your officers in Minneapolis tonight. Shot in the face with runner bullets and gassed. You can do better.
RT @TamikaDMallory: Follow @untilfreedom. In the last few days, we have been in Louisville, KY, Indianapolis, IN and now Minneapolis, MN. In every city you find loss, heartbreak, exhaustion, tears AND you also find a remarkable strength, resilience and a commitment to get FREE. I love my people.
RT @AttorneyCrump: I can confirm that: is the only legitimate @gofundme page to donate directly to the family of the George Floyd. We are aware of other fraudulent campaigns and we working with @gofundme to have them removed. Thank you for standing with the Floyd family. BLC
Get off TV @MayorFrey and lead your city. Intervene. Be present at the points of pain and despair. People are being permanently and critically injured by your officers in Minneapolis tonight. Shot in the face with runner bullets and gassed. You can do better.
Dear @MayorFrey, Are you asleep? You need to get down to the 3rd Precinct. Your police are being brutal all over Minneapolis tonight. You need to tell them to stand down. People are hurting and grieving and angry and you are having them gassed and shot with rubber bullets.
RT @ESOP_STL: In 2017 the St. Louis Police Department beat and maced, protesters, reporters, and anyone not in uniform. EVERY officer that worked the protest is being sued along with the City of St. Louis. After watching the videos from Minneapolis protest expect the same to happen there.
RT @shaunking: Dear @MayorFrey, With all due respect, one police officer did not murder George Floyd. Calling for one to be held accountable is not enough. You are an attorney. You know the law. The felony murder rule states all involved were just as culpable as the main one involved.
RT @JamaalBowmanNY: "[Engel] is facing a challenge as he runs for re-election -- maybe one of the most serious of his career." "Jamaal Bowman has gotten his name out there...pretty clear he's the front-running challenger at this point." #NY16
Dear @MayorFrey, With all due respect, one police officer did not murder George Floyd. Calling for one to be held accountable is not enough. You are an attorney. You know the law. The felony murder rule states all involved were just as culpable as the main one involved.
RT @grassroots_law: George Floyd was a peacemaker. He was far from home when he was murdered in broad daylight by Minneapolis police. 4 officers involved were fired but it’s not enough—George & his family deserve REAL justice. The County Attorney Michael Freeman must arrest and charge the officers!
RT @BernieSanders: We need a transformation of our society to end racism, and that means white Americans must address the violence Black Americans face in everyday life. We still have a very long way to go to achieve justice.
Please be aware of deliberate misinformation campaigns regarding George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor. White supremacist groups deliberately float out fake pictures, stories, & conspiracies, just to distract us. They laugh at it. The man in the red hat is not the cop.
RT @davidminpdx: “As chief prosecutor [for Minneapolis] from 1999 to 2007, Klobuchar declined to bring charges in more than two dozen cases in which people were killed in encounters with police.”
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
RT @davidminpdx: Just despicable that anyone would use the euphemism "officer-involved" to describe a police officer putting his boot on someone's neck until they died. But make no mistake: It's journalists that made that kind of circumlocution acceptable. The "objective press" caused this.
RT @davidminpdx: Just despicable that anyone would use the euphemism "officer-involved" to describe a police officer putting his boot on someone's neck until they died. But make no mistake: It's journalists that made that kind of circumlocution acceptable. The "objective press" caused this.
@TheNorthStar I need you all to listen the preview episode. It's brilliant. Episode 1 launches next week (June 1st) and there will be a new episode every Monday for 8 weeks after that. And members of The North Star have access to every episode one week early. Let me know what you think, okay?
@TheNorthStar Today was a hard day for me. And this is a hard period for all of us. So, so many of you have lost people you're close to during this pandemic. So many of us have lost jobs. This podcast tries to make sense of what has happened in America to make this such a catastrophe.
RT @OwensForGA13: When I'm in Congress, I will not remain quiet while black men and women are being murdered on our streets by vigilantes and those who are sworn to serve and protect. I will call out institutional and systemic racism. I will use my voice.
Spent all day at the hospital checking on my mother today. I was not allowed to go to her room, or even her floor, but the medical team came down & gave me a full debrief on her condition. Even at the hospital people wanted to talk with me about the lynching of George Floyd.
We studied the moment where George appears to have lost all control of bodily fluids. After George Floyd lost control of his fluids, and is unconscious, or even dead, the police continued putting over 500 pounds of pressure on his lifeless body and neck. It's just so awful.
An EMT from Minneapolis told me that one of the top Level-1 trauma centers in the nation is just 4 minutes from where George Floyd was lynched. EMT's treated him like roadkill. Made no attempts whatsoever to rescue or save him when he could have perhaps still been saved.
For the past 2 hours, alongside a trained EMT and nurse, I studied the 11 minute video of the lynching of George Floyd. They showed me things I missed on my own and we discovered gross, perhaps even criminal negligence from the EMT's on the scene who were callous and uncaring.
Sadly, across the years, I have studied nearly 1,000 videos of police killing people. Some I've seen hundreds of times, searching for clues and details. I regularly think I couldn't see anything worse. What police did to George Floyd is one of the worst things I've ever seen.
RT @davidsirota: Biden is being advised by @RahmEmanuel, whose administration covered up a police murder of a kid; and @LHSummers who destroyed the economy & had ties to Jeffrey Epstein. What do you have to do to be considered a Dem Party pariah, other than being a progressive Vermont senator?
RT @EdMarkey: My team and I have read and are continuing to read your replies. With @BernieSanders and @KamalaHarris, I am proposing direct, monthly payments of $2000 for the duration of this crisis and for 3 months after. We cannot leave anyone behind.
RT @DrIbram: "I'm not a racist. I did not mean to harm that man in any way," Amy Cooper said. "I think I was just scared." Why were you scared? Why did you fear the Black male? Fear harms. The heartbeat of racism is denial. The sound of denial: "I'm not a racist."
RT @JamaalBowmanNY: Growing up my mother told me, life wouldn’t be easy for people like us. We're doing everything we can to protect our communities in this crisis. We deserve a representative who will do the same. Join our campaign for change in #NY16:
Literally at the airport rushing to be with my mother, who is in the hospital in Atlanta, and just now seeing that I am trending, again, here on Twitter. I'll reply when I can. So much blatant misinformation. Thank you for your prayers for her, and for me.
Monday, 25 May 2020
RT @ScottHech: A month ago, Charles Hobbs was suffocating in a cell of men infected w/ COVID in a Miami jail. Those men tried saving his life. Guards ignored them. He died. Those men bravely spoke out. “I went to sleep w/ tears in my eyes. Grabbing my bible.” These are their voices. Hear them:
RT @danielalapidous: So! Here's everything I know about running a help desk for @BernieSanders. @jackcalifano @michelleyujin @RenshawMercedes and 130+ incredible vols made us the most responsive presidential campaign in history. If you wanna do it too, start here
RT @_SJPeace_: This racist lady called the cops on a black man saying he was threatening her life after he just asked her to put her dog on a leash Her name is Amy Cooper, VP of Investment Solutions at Franklin Templeton CALL FOR HER FIRING CALL FOR HER IMMISPONMENT!
RT @BLMLA: The outrage over @MayorOfLA’s budget, which increases funding for LAPD while cutting City services, has become a national issue. Check out @shaunking’s newest episode of The Breakdown. #PeoplesBudgetLA #CareNotCops
RT @daeshikjr: This is my father meeting my grandfather for the first time in Atlanta. It took 60 years for my dad to finally meet his father. He was a war baby born on a military base in South Korea right after the Korean War. Remembering blessings life gives during this chaotic time ❤️
RT @TheBreakdown: Listen to today's episode on what @shaunking thinks is the single most underrated civil rights issue of our time. It's the local budget of your city and county and how much of it is going to law enforcement. Apple: Spotify:
RT @ScottHech: This public defender’s brother, Neko, is caged in the hell of an Arizona county jail. For a warrant from a 2-decades-old marijuana charge. Neko snuck footage out. Sleeping on floors. Flooded toilets. No masks. Neko has asthma. He’s begging for help.
RT @aaronlmorrison: It's been three months since family and friends began saying goodbye to the #AhmaudArbery they knew and loved. Here's my @AP profile of "Maud," for which I spent time in Brunswick, Georgia last weekend. (Photo courtesy: Fuzzy Rabbit Fotos)
RT @marclamonthill: Watch this white woman lie on this Black man to 911. The weaponizing of White fragility, as well as 911 itself, is not a game. It can lead to Black death. Sometimes “Karen” is indifferent to this truth. At other times, like this, it appears quite intentional. This is terrifying.
RT @GymTanDefend: New York Division of Criminal Justice Services has published its data for 2019: ▫️54% of all arrests in New York City were eventually dismissed by DAs ▫️60% of all misdemeanor arrests in New York City were dismissed ▫️44% of all felony arrests in New York City were dismissed
RT @MeritLaw: Statement from S. Lee Merritt, Benjamin Crump and L. Chris Stewart, attorneys for the mother and father of Ahmaud Arbery, regarding a meeting held between the family, their legal team and the Dept. of Justice last week:
RT @melodyMcooper: Oh, when Karens take a walk with their dogs off leash in the famous Bramble in NY’s Central Park, where it is clearly posted on signs that dogs MUST be leashed at all times, and someone like my brother (an avid birder) politely asks her to put her dog on the leash.
RT @shaunking: Would you please pray for my dear mother, Kay? She had to have an emergency surgery this weekend and has had to continue to be hospitalized as she recovers. Such a hard time. She’s an anchor for our family and we love her so much. Thank you all.
RT @marclamonthill: Watch this white woman is on this Black man to 911. The weaponizing of White fragility, as well as 911 itself, is not a game. It can lead to Black death. Sometimes “Karen” is indifferent to this truth. At other times, like this, it appears quite intentional. This is terrifying.
Would you please pray for my dear mother, Kay? She had to have an emergency surgery this weekend and has had to continue to be hospitalized as she recovers. Such a hard time. She’s an anchor for our family and we love her so much. Thank you all.
Sunday, 24 May 2020
RT @BernieSanders: Donald Trump is a bad president. He is a worse "doctor." In the midst of a pandemic, he has ignored the advice of scientists and physicians and has peddled unsound and dangerous medical ideas. For the health and well-being of this country, Trump must be defeated.
RT @DrIbram: To know U.S. history is to know that mass death is normal in the U.S. The mass deaths of indigenous people, of captives, of soldiers, of migrants, of mothers—of the elderly, the sick, the oppressed, the poor, the infected. Death is a part of life. Mass death does not have to be.
RT @Jamie_Margolin: “YOUTH TO POWER: Your Voice and How To Use It” is a guide to being a young organizer for any cause! It’s the book I wished I had when I was first getting involved. It’s the book that answers the questions I get from you all about how to take action on an issue you care about.
RT @Jamie_Margolin: It’s emotional to hold the book in my hand that used to be a google doc! I’ve been a writer since I was 6, writing has been a part of my life ever since I could remember! Tune into @instagram live TOMORROW to hang out with me while I sign some books and answer your questions!
RT @Jamie_Margolin: #YOUTHTOPOWER BOOK SIGNING livestream on my @instagram (@jamie_s_margolin) TOMORROW May 25 at 4:00pm! I am going to be signing ✍🏻copies of my book for people I’m mailing the first copies of the book to! I can’t believe after such a long wait, YOUTH TO POWER is almost here!
RT @UdiACLU: I don’t know how @chucktodd can have @MikeDeWine on #meetthepress without asking him about COVID-19 in prisons. Ohio has lost more people in prison to COVID-19 than any other state. The two largest COVID-19 clusters in the U.S. are in Ohio prisons. Stop ignoring this crisis
RT @mollycrabapple: Last week freedom rider Sally Jane Rowley died alone in an old age home of Corona. In 1961, she was sentenced to 6 months in the Parhcman State Penitentiary because she was attempting to fight for civil rights
RT @JoshuaBHoe: People Sentence 👏lengths👏are👏entirely👏made👏up There was no research that suggested them, no study tailored them for maximum effect, and we 100% know they don't enhance public safety (even accounting for incapacitation prison - on balance - reduces public safety)
RT @TeamKhabib: you tapped out in featherweight , you tapped out in lightweight and you tapped in welterweight , you never defended title in the UFC or Cage Warriors , you gave up more than GSP , Spider and Bones all together. you greatest @ufc fighter in twitter history.
RT @Diana4Colorado: This time, it’s especially important that a progressive candidate wins the race for US Senate in Colorado. @Romanoff2020 @billmckibben @joshfoxfilm @COChicanoJoe @sunrisemvmt @SunriseMvmtCO @shaunking @350Colorado @NaomiAKlein @xiuhtezcatl
RT @SenSanders: During the first two+ months of the pandemic: Some Americans who lost poverty-wage jobs are receiving $600 a week in extra unemployment benefits. Republican response: How outrageous! 630 billionaires made $434 billion in profits. Republican response: Crickets. Tax the rich.
RT @kat__stafford: We must remember them all—including Detroit’s Laneeka Barksdale. I’ll never forget her brother telling me she refused to let her family drive her to the hospital because she didn’t want them to get sick. It was the last time they saw her alive.
Saturday, 23 May 2020
RT @nyclawgrrrl: 2 New Hampshire cops bust out a man's car window and drag him out. Cops refused to tell him why, but later claimed car was stolen. But he was only charged with offenses against the cops. And the video shows the cops were the only ones committing assault.
RT @nyclawgrrrl: This case is an example of a cop created crime. These crimes occur when there is no underlying offense charged and the crime charged would not have occurred but for the cop initiating contact with a person. Examples: resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, disobeying a cop, etc.
RT @GunnelsWarren: But don't shed a tear for Michael Bloomberg's wealth. During 2 months of a pandemic that has left: - 100,000 dead - 1.6 million infected - 12.7 million+ without health insurance - 40 million jobless Bloomberg has seen his wealth⬆️by $12,300,000,000 - that's billion with a B.
RT @nyclawgrrrl: In prisons across the country, there are criminalized survivors who should have never been incarcerated. States need to release these women before they contract COVID-19. And reform self-defense laws to account for women who defend themselves from abusers.
Taking the weekend off to be with my wife and kids. I’m also working on a few special projects that I just can’t wait to share with you all. Some of the most important work of my life going on behind the scenes. Love and appreciate each of you. See you on Tuesday.
RT @latimes: The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre left nearly 300 black people dead. Thousands were forced to flee. Some bodies were never found. While many schools and papers mostly ignored it, this black-owned newspaper has kept up the fight to remind Tulsa of its history.
RT @Kanew: Another absolutely infuriating video... A black man does nothing, gets falsely accused of public urination by white Lynwood, IL cop (Luke Tambrini)... ends up getting TASED and having AN ATTACK DOG turned on him. #MarcusMosely
Friday, 22 May 2020
RT @theappeal: A new lawsuit accuses the Oneida County sheriff’s office of sex discrimination in jail conditions. Men can do laundry, food service, car wash, general library, print shop, maintenance, or janitorial work; women are only permitted to work in laundry.
RT @NYjusticeleague: "If you were to ask me who are the five most important civil rights organizations today, The Gathering for Justice is on that list." Huge gratitude to @shaunking for joining our IG Live fundraiser and supporting our work with a personal donation! #WeFundUs
RT @KumarRaoNYC: I was interviewed for this article in The Intercept about critical efforts to reduce bloated police budgets and shift resources to community needs in the wake of pandemic. #NYCBudgetJustice #PeoplesBudgetLA #FreedomToThrive
RT @swalker06: She's not wrong. I'm not sure how to do it, but we need one massive federation of sorts that can bring together all other progressive orgs and leaders. "Jayapal says progressives need to better coordinate to accomplish initiatives." #facts
I’m not about to become a Republican, but I’m also not going to have Democrats slap us in the face and pretend I like it. Democrats think they can half ass, or flat out ignore the needs and demands of Black folk, and that we will take it silently. I refuse. They must step up.
Guess who made the single strongest statement on the ludicrous no-knock warrant used to murder Breonna Taylor from a national politician? It was RAND PAUL. The Republican Senator from Kentucky. Not a Democrat. He said they should be banned altogether. Nationwide. Painful.
Not a single Democrat in power right now in Kentucky would be there without the near unanimous support of Black voters. And yet the Democratic Mayor, Governor, and DA have been pretty much all talk for months on Breonna Taylor. And they’ve hardly even talked, to be honest.
In Louisville, Kentucky where Breonna Taylor was killed, we have a Democratic Governor, a Democratic Mayor in Louisville, and a Democratic District Attorney. And they have each done a half step above nothing, crumbs really, for Breonna Taylor and her family. It’s infuriating.
It pains me to say this, but I have found the Georgia Republicans in leadership to be far more responsive under pressure in the Ahmaud Arbery case than the key Kentucky Democrats in leadership in the Breonna Taylor case. Every single decision maker in Georgia was a Republican.
Thursday, 21 May 2020
RT @JordanChariton: In quintessential “nothing would fundamentally change” @JoeBiden move, his campaign kicked the @NBCNews pool reporter off 2nit's virtual fundraiser call w/ Wall St donors right when Biden opened it up to questions—which goes against traditional norms for coverage of these events
RT @aaron_con_choco: Since March I’ve been talking to people in Michigan locked up for decades. There are 3,000+ infected prisoners in the state. Some pinned their hopes on having their convictions thrown out, but Covid halted that process. For @typeinvestigate & @theappeal
RT @ConMijente: We know there's a revolving door b/w Silicon Valley & the fed gov. Tech gets richer while our ppl increasingly disappear at the hands of ICE. Now we know how willing co. like Thompson Reuters are to not only work with ICE, but to create targeted lists of our ppl. ⬇️
Our team & volunteers sent over 30 million emails, & made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to the GBI, the DAs, the Governor, the FBI, & the DOJ to demand that Travis & Gregory McMichael, & William Bryan be arrested. It took all of that. It shouldn’t have. Thank you all.
RT @marleswilliams: 1. Nearly 9% of individuals incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections have tested positive for the coronavirus. With 3,262 infections throughout the state’s prison system, Michigan accounts for 9 out of the top 125 clusters in the United States.
RT @theappeal: Nearly 5 years ago, a group of incarcerated men reached a settlement to end California's practice of long-term, indefinite solitary confinement. But on May 12, their attorneys told a federal court that many are still held in de facto solitary confinement.
RT @ScottHech: Good morning. Meet Anthony Swain. 43. Paraplegic. Caged pretrial for 4 years. Now has COVID. At 1:00pm today, his attorneys meet w/ prosecutors to potentially lower his unaffordable bail. Delivering this petition. Anthony deserves a million signatures:
RT @JamilahLemieux: Lucy Diggs Slowe: pioneering educator/athlete/Alpha Kappa Alpha founder/HU’s 1st Dean of Women. When she+her female partner purchased a house, trustees voted to force her to reside on campus. She refused. Now gentrifiers own both that home and the dorm named for her.
RT @JuddLegum: 1. Last year, Facebook and Twitter issued clear policies: Publishing misinfo about voting methods is prohibited But policies are useless if they aren't enforced Yesterday, both companies refused to enforce their policies against Trump
DAMNING. Experts now say that if @NYGovCuomo & @NYCMayor had shut New York City down just ONE WEEK EARLIER, instead of bickering & fighting with each other, & stalling out, that it would've saved a staggering 15,000 lives. 15,000 lives. Heartbreaking.
RT @theappeal: In Louisiana, women imprisoned for defending themselves against abusive partners are fighting for their release during the pandemic. “The COVID situation has amplified that, in many cases, these are women who shouldn’t have been incarcerated at all.”
RT @stjbs: NEW: A COVID-19 outbreak at Harris County Jail was the 'nightmare scenario.' Then it actually happened. -- @gabmobanks and I looked into how @HCSOTexas prepared for the coronavirus and what its like inside one of the biggest hotspots in the US
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
RT @jerryiannelli: New from me: At least 10 women in Louisiana recommended for clemency are still stuck in prison during the pandemic waiting for nothing but the gov's signature. Many say they were imprisoned for defending themselves against domestic abuse:
RT @TheNorthStar: “[Stuart] Scott, who had a knack for infusing hip-hop slang into his commentating, colorfully described Jordan’s seemingly indescribable fortitude in a clutch situation.” From @drose225
RT @grassroots_law: #JusticeForBre is justice for Kenny. He was only trying to protect his family and is now being charged instead of the officers involved facing the consequences of their illegal actions. Please call 502-735-1784 now to demand justice for #BreonnaTaylor and #KennethWalker!
RT @shaunking: This could win a Pulitzer. An absolutely scathing @ProPublica critique of how @NYGovCuomo & @NYCMayor bickered & argued, as they always do, for crucial weeks at the start of the pandemic while their California counterparts worked together & shut it down
RT @shaunking: The Congressional Black Caucus backing Eliot Engel over @JamaalBowmanNY is absolutely appalling, not just because it's a majority-people of color district but because Engel was caught pretending he was in district when he was actually at home in Maryland.
RT @RAICESTEXAS: After 9/11, the whole country was terrified of another terrorist attack. To stop that from happening, the gov set up @DHSgov. Over 20 years this agency has been increasingly weaponized against immigrants. This is an untold story about how fear changed America. 1/X
RT @ErikaAndiola: Our 👏🏾 Podcast 👏🏾is out! Excited to announce the release of #HomelandInsecurity. Beginning 5/27 join @RAICESTEXAS, and me as host, as we explore the unwritten history of @DHSgov & how I became the "enemy" after 9/11. 🎧 Listen to the trailer & subscribe:
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
PORTLAND!! You did it!! By electing @MultCoMike as your new DA, in a blowout, you have set the tone for the nation on how we can dismantle mass incarceration from the inside out. Thank you to Mike’s staff & volunteers and to all of the donors and voters who made this happen!
RT @Taniel: NEW: Progressives score coup in Oregon: Mike Schmidt wins Portland DA race, & upends history of punitive politics by state DAs. He told me in April why state should get rid of mandatory minimums, felony disenfranchisement, decrim drug possession, & more:
RT @evanlweber: When @Booker4KY announced his run, they wrote him off. “A guy like that could never win. Not in Kentucky. Not on that platform. Amy’s already locked up all the 💰& endorsements.” Here’s the thing, Charles has been written off his whole life. Every time, he’s proved them wrong.
RT @RealJusticePAC: Congratulations to @MultCoMike for your HUGE victory! Multnomah County sent a clear message tonight: No more cash bail. No more mass incarceration. No more criminalizing poverty. Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make this victory possible.
RT @sarahsophief: #DontLookAway Family separation 2.0 is underway. A choice to be separated from your child is no choice at all. Our family calls on @DHS_Wolf to stop this cruelty and release migrant families from detention. Mothers, fathers and children alike. #Families4Families
RT @kai_newkirk: I joined @cenkuygur on @TheYoungTurks yesterday to talk about the #PeoplesBailoutBloc protests. The HEROES Act is a good step, but not enough. We must fight to strengthen it and force the Senate to pass a bill that provides real relief & recovery for all.
YES!!! Such a big deal. We are so proud of you @MultCoMike for stepping and challenging the status quo in Portland. Thank you to all of the donors and volunteers and VOTERS who helped make this happen. Together, we are strong!
RT @DrRJKavanagh: Tonight, the state of Missouri executed Walter Barton. SCOTUS denied his final appeal this evening, because evidence that established his innocence had been available to his defense counsel - ignoring the fact that said counsel were woefully inadequate.
RT @sarahsophief: #DontLookAway Family separation 2.0 is underway. A choice to be separated from your child is no choice at all. Our family calls on @DHS_Wolf to stop this cruelty and release migrant families from detention. Mothers, fathers and children alike. #Families4Families
RT @kai_newkirk: I joined @cenkuygur on @TheYoungTurks yesterday to talk about the #PeoplesBailoutBloc protests. The HEROES Act is a good step, but not enough. We must fight to strengthen it and force the Senate to pass a bill that provides real relief & recovery for all.
RT @Booker4KY: After receiving a big settlement from the city because of a wrongful arrest, my cousin TJ was murdered in the car he bought with that settlement. At the funeral, his dear friend #BreonnaTaylor was there. I am crushed. They both should be alive today. For them, I keep fighting.
RT @FreeRodneyReed: Walter Barton was executed tonight. No one stormed the Capital or marched in the streets. Please honor Arkie by listening to this message from this evenings vigil. #EndTheDeathPenalty #RIP #Dignity #NonViolence #JohnnyZokovich #WalterBarton
RT @icaito: There are 38 Democrats in Kentucky’s House of Representatives. 18 of them — including the Dem Leader, the Dem Caucus Chair, and the Dem Whip — endorsed @Booker4KY in the Democratic Primary. This is no fluke. Charles Booker is a powerful unifier that can defeat Mitch McConnell.
RT @RealJusticePAC: There are nearly 20,000 incarcerated people and prison staff in Mississippi. 99 of them have been tested for COVID-19. That’s 0.4%. We can't flatten the curve in our prison system without testing. Otherwise, countless lives are at risk. @tatereeves, we need action NOW.
RT @RealJusticePAC: 🚨 PORTLAND 🚨 This Tuesday, you have a choice to make for DA. Do you want someone who will bring real criminal legal reform or someone who doesn’t want radical change to our broken system? ✉️ Mail in your ballot @multcomike by 5/19!
RT @theappeal: Vegan meat company No Evil Foods pitches itself as offering an ultraprogressive workplace culture. But employees say management fought back against their efforts to unionize, culminating in a series of retaliatory firings.
Today is Malcolm X's birthday. To honor him, I want to share #WhatMalcolmXMeans to me. Check this out & post your own story, as @audible_com prepares to release The Autobiography of Malcolm X performed by #LaurenceFishburne in September. #MalcolmXDay
RT @justicedems: "Bowman was able to join the nurses demonstration, because he has remained in the district, which includes parts of the Bronx and Westchester, throughout the pandemic. Engel has stayed in his family’s home in Potomac, Maryland, a ritzy suburb of DC." #NY16
RT @JamaalBowmanNY: I am so honored that our campaign has been endorsed by New York's largest nurses union: @nynurses. I can't express how much this means when nurses are putting their lives on the line. I hope to fight for them just as hard as they fight for us. #NY16
RT @ethanbrown72: Workers at "No Evil Foods," a vegan meat company in North Carolina, say that they've had inadequate PPE during the COVID-19 crisis and that workers who supported a union drive were fired for write-ups like violating the company dress code. by @pblest
Monday, 18 May 2020
RT @RexChapman: Little things can mean so much. This heavy-machine operator taking a moment to bring smiles to the faces of two kids playing with their own miniature trucks is definitely the Twitter content I’m here for. AND the precision. Humanity.🌎❤️
RT @MarkLevineNYC: NEW: NYC Health Dept has published, for first time, data on covid-19 death rate by zip code. Confirms dramatic inequality, with death rate in low-income communities of color more than ten times greater than wealthier ares.
RT @BerniceKing: 4 minutes. They hunted a human being for 4 minutes. And they would have gotten away with it if #AhmaudArbery’s family hadn’t persisted and if people hadn’t passionately raised their voices. When evil shows up and systems bow down, the people MUST.
RT @PlanetJordanTv: I am a young black man from Jackson, MS who will now be attending Harvard! I will use this degree to come back and bring positive change to my community, my city, and my state. I would apperciate any help as I move on to the next part of my life⬇️
6 days after Ahmaud Arbery was murdered, the police chief and 3 officers were all charged and arrested with a laundry list of crimes - including falsifying evidence, hiding evidence, running a drug operation, having sex with informants, and more.
RT @dmedin11: New: Jana Jumpp - Amazon worker whose team is compiling #Covid_19 cases at facilities - confirmed to me # passed 1,000 over wknd in at least 215 facilities. In @60Minutes interview, Amazon SVP Dave Clark refused to say how many cases there were. Amazon also refused to tell me.
RT @phillipmbailey: EXCLUSIVE: @RandPaul tells the @courierjournal that no-knock warrants 'should be forbidden’ as the #Kentucky Republican reacts to the controversial shooting of #BreonnaTaylor by @LMPD. #Louisville #BlackLivesMatter
Sunday, 17 May 2020
RT @shaunking: BREAKING: After a deep analysis of the scene, 911 calls, police reports, and eyewitness testimony, @MeritLaw and I can now confirm that Ahmaud Arbery was chased for over FOUR MINUTES by both William Roddie Bryan in his truck and the McMichaels in theirs before they murdered him.
BREAKING: After a deep analysis of the scene, 911 calls, police reports, and eyewitness testimony, @MeritLaw and I can now confirm that Ahmaud Arbery was chased for over FOUR MINUTES by both William Roddie Bryan in his truck and the McMichaels in theirs before they murdered him.
RT @RepJayapal: While I introduced the Medicare for All Act to save lives, Republicans are putting lives at risk. Their governors refuse to expand Medicaid, their senators vote to take care away from millions, & their president is trying to end protections for those with pre-existing conditions.
RT @jacquewilson1: My name is Jacque Wilson. I am a Public Defender in San Francisco. Two of my younger brothers, Neko & Lance, are currently incarcerated. Lance has asthma, hypertension & has COVID-19. Neko has asthma. I need your help to get them out before it’s too late. This is our story.
RT @ethanbrown72: Between March 12 and April 30—as public health experts advocated for reducing arrests as covid-19 spread—1 in 4 bookings at San Diego County jails were related to arrests for public intoxication and other misdemeanors. One homeless man was booked 13x.
RT @DrRJKavanagh: BREAKING: Another person has died in Mississippi state custody - the 3rd person to die this week & 41st since December 29th. Robert Bond Jr., 51, died yesterday. He had just been admitted to prison on May 7. Cause & manner of death are pending autopsy.
RT @ScottHech: Just in from an advocate in Texas: A 61 y/o man caged in Smith County Jail died of COVID. Didn't tell his family when hospitalized. Didn't tell them when he died. Didn't tell them until they completed the autopsy. Called them at 5am this morning. No humanity. Only cruelty.
RT @nytimes: The bombs: Made in America. Their sale: Approved by U.S. officials. The result: Fueling the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Saudi Arabia's Yemen campaign has killed over 100,000. Here's how U.S. companies came to supply weapons that help sustain it.
RT @JamaalBowmanNY: My opponent, Eliot Engel, was one of only 16 House Democrats in 2016 to vote against an amendment that would have blocked the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia which they have been relentlessly dropping on Yemeni civilians.
RT @MichaelBloch15: Good news that NYPD will stop arresting for face covering violations. But the blatantly racist enforcement of this facially race-neutral policy once again dramatically showed the level of implicit and explicit racial bias that exists within NYPD and that still must be addressed.
RT @Booker4KY: Mitch McConnell will never expand healthcare. Amy McGrath might expand it slightly, but ensuring it for everyone is a bridge to far for her. I disagree with both. Inaction or incremental measures mean more people die. I’m fighting for Medicare for All, and we will win.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
RT @ErikaAndiola: 🚨HAPPENING NOW: Car protest outside of Karnes Family Detention Center. This week, @ICEgov gave detained parents the choice to give up their children or stay incarcerated indefinitely as a family. They are using COVID-19 as an excuse to separate families AGAIN. #DontLookAway
RT @ethanbrown72: Watchdog accuses Los Angeles County Sheriff of directing cover up of misconduct by deputies in Kobe Bryant helicopter crash. “No fewer than eight sheriff’s deputies were at the scene snapping cellphone photos of the dead children, parents and coaches."
RT @theappeal: In response to Republican Gov. Kristi Noem’s lax COVID-19 response, Native communities there are taking action to limit the disease’s spread. “We will not apologize for being an island of safety in a sea of uncertainty and death.”
RT @MadameAshLee: NAN Youth Huddle’s Monday Community Meeting is Virtual! Monday 5/18, join me @shaunking @emerald_snipes @FarrahGray_ @MaryPatHector @JamiraBurley @KyraSV @MSSharpton2u & more to discuss what justice looks like in the #covid19 era. #NANHuddleCOVIDSeries
RT @quietcry: I worked at this location. Someone who was a WF manager just passed away from the Coronavirus. Amazon fired me 2 weeks ago over this documentary series i shot b4 shifts here that pointed out conditions, how they wouldn't hire us esstential workers fulltime
RT @JStein_WaPo: “Your retail therapy comes at a cost for delivery and warehouse workers.” “How do I protect others? ... in most cases, the answer for ordering nonessentials is no.” I want to tweet this story 40,000 times
RT @gelles: Fired by Trump: May 15, 2020 Steve Linick, State Department Inspector General May 1, 2020 Christi Grimm, HHS Inspector General April 7, 2020 Glenn Fine, Defense Department Inspector General April 3, 2020 Michael Atkinson , Intelligence Community Inspector General
RT @KeeangaYamahtta: Imagine the hubris of making claims about human rights from this warped and absurdly unequal country in this political moment. Imagine any political leader in this shipwreck of a country thinking they should comment on democracy and equity anywhere. The arrogance of empire.
This is a HUGE deal. Local police in Glynn County were illegally using Gregory McMichael as a sort of informal deputy and encouraging neighbors to contact him with concerns instead of police. In effect, a modern day slave patrol in that neighborhood.
RT @shaunking: Fucking bullets destroyed the whole apartment. Words can’t even describe it. Literally no room was untouched. Through the curtains. Through the blinds. Through food in the kitchen and soaps in the bathroom. EVERYWHERE.
RT @ESOP_STL: This is a crime. The officers lied in a search warrant that killed Breonna Taylor. Officers swear to facts in our search warrants. Please recall in 2019 PO Gerald Goines from Houston PD was charged with murder for lying in a search warrant that ended in the deaths of two people.
Friday, 15 May 2020
RT @shaunking: Just studied about 400 tough images of Breonna Taylor’s home w/ @AttorneyCrump. Forgive my language. It was a goddamn war zone in there. Police shot the whole place up. Bullets in every room. In the ceiling. In the bathrooms. In all the walls. In all doors and windows.
RT @shaunking: 🚨The Louisville Police are now caught in a major lie.🚨 In their warrant to raid Breonna’s home, they said the Louisville Postmaster General told them suspicious packages were going to her home. He just went on the record to say they made that up.
🚨The Louisville Police are now caught in a major lie.🚨 In their warrant to raid Breonna’s home, they said the Louisville Postmaster General told them suspicious packages were going to her home. He just went on the record to say they made that up.
Fucking bullets destroyed the whole apartment. Words can’t even describe it. Literally no room was untouched. Through the curtains. Through the blinds. Through food in the kitchen and soaps in the bathroom. EVERYWHERE.
Just studied about 400 tough images of Breonna Taylor’s home w/ @AttorneyCrump. Forgive my language. It was a goddamn war zone in there. Police shot the whole place up. Bullets in every room. In the ceiling. In the bathrooms. In all the walls. In all doors and windows.
RT @maxberger: Tonight, @PramilaJayapal cast a vote against Pelosi's stimulus package -- because it wasn't what the American people needed it to be. We should applaud progressives when they vote to improve leadership's weak first drafts. Pramila did the right thing and deserves our thanks!
RT @RAICESTEXAS: BREAKING: House of Representatives defeats Republicans efforts to prevent the undocumented community and mixed status families from receiving $1,200 #COVID19 pandemic relief payments. This is a step in the right direction. The House will now have a final vote on #HEROESAct.
RT @ScottHech: “He’s been focused on the COVID response.” That’s the Governor’s excuse for sitting for 10 months on a clemency application unanimously approved by parole, for a woman w/ COVID, who’s served 50 years, in a prison where 77% of women have COVID. What is this?
RT @jljacobson: .@SpeakerPelosi, having waited for freaking ever to get a bill together, and failing to pass one earlier, and now having SCALED BACK the already too-modest bill, is now on TV telling us they have a great bill. This is unacceptable. It is unacceptable.
RT @DrRJKavanagh: BREAKING: Another person has died at Parchman prison. Timmy Terrell Harden, 47, died on Tuesday, just one day after Robert Floyd McGuire, 56, was found dead in his cell. Mr. Harden is the 40th person to die in Mississippi state custody since December 29.
Thursday, 14 May 2020
RT @WorkingFamilies: BREAKING: We join @ACREcampaigns @demandprogress @justicedems @sunrisemvmt @SSworks in urging House Democrats to press pause on #HEROESAct & work with progressives to improve the bill. Full statement here:
RT @kai_newkirk: From LA & PHX to Asheville, NC & WV, grassroots progressives did physically-distanced protests today to call for a #PeoplesBailoutBloc in the House to stop a vote on the Heroes Act unless paycheck guarantee, $2K monthly checks, & free COVID treatment for all are added to bill.
RT @kai_newkirk: From LA & PHX to Asheville, NC & WV, grassroots progressives did physically-distanced protests today to call for a #PeoplesBailoutBloc in the House to stop a vote on the Heroes Act unless paycheck guarantee, $2K monthly checks, & free COVID treatment for all are added to bill.
RT @caseyclowesaz: We are calling on @GregStantonAZ and @RubenGallego to join the #PeoplesBailoutBloc. We need a paycheck guarantee, monthly direct relief, and #COVID19 treatment covered for all. Democrats must defend our progressive values and include #RealReliefNow in the Heroes Act.
RT @kai_newkirk: From LA & PHX to Asheville, NC & WV, grassroots progressives did physically-distanced protests today to call for a #PeoplesBailoutBloc in the House to stop a vote on the Heroes Act unless paycheck guarantee, $2K monthly checks, & free COVID treatment for all are added to bill.
RT @Lauren_Steiner: Today the #PeoplesBailoutBloc did a socially distanced protest asking @RepJimmyGomez to follow lead of @RepJayapal and vote no on #HEROESAct unless it has paycheck protection, $2000/mo & COVID care for all. #RealReliefNow
RT @CovHousePrez: I can’t join the @CatholicUniv #ClassOf2020 to deliver the commencement speech Saturday. So here it is: Everything you need to know you’re learning in this pandemic: 1. We need each other. 2. Heroes are people who love selflessly. 3. Heroes are everywhere. 4. Be one.
RT @davidgeorge265: .@NYGovCuomo has granted 2 clemencies to NYers in prison in the last 2 years. Governors in Kentucky & Oklahoma have literally freed thousands during the same time period. Cuomo might have the worst clemency record in the entire country & he isn’t budging when it matters most.
RT @theappeal: There are 2.3 million incarcerated people in America, and half a million guards. If this were a city, it would be the country’s third-largest. They don’t have a mayor or governor watching out for them—but ignoring their plight comes at everyone’s peril.
RT @ErikaAndiola: AZ joins actions across the country in physically-distanced protests to push progressives to pledge to stop a vote on the Heroes Act unless paycheck protection, monthly checks, & free COVID treatment FOR ALL are added to bill. We need a #PeoplesBailoutBloc
RT @RAICESTEXAS: Folks in Arizona have joined physically-distanced protests nationwide demanding @RepGregStanton & @RepRubenGallego commit to stop a vote on the Heroes Act unless paycheck protection, monthly checks, & free #COVID19 treatment FOR ALL are added. We need a #PeoplesBailoutBloc now.
RT @charhenning: The Heroes Act has a a lot of great things but it doesn’t go far enough! We need #RealReliefNow Proud to stand (Socially distantly) beside these folks and in solidarity with other across the country today! #PeoplesBailoutBloc
RT @kai_newkirk: Physically-distanced protest at the AZ Dem Party HQ calling on @RubenGallego & @gregstantonaz to join a progressive #PeoplesBailoutBloc and pledge to stop a vote on the Heroes Act unless paycheck protection, $2K monthly checks, & free COVID treatment FOR ALL are added to bill.
RT @ScottHech: This is Gloria Williams. Incarcerated since 1971. 50 years. For botched robbery w/ a toy gun. Hospitalized w/ COVID. Just sent back to prison on oxygen. Parole recommended her release 10 months ago. Gov. @JohnBelforLA is sitting on her clemency application.
RT @alexisgoldstein: Today, there was a drastic, terrible rollback to the student debt cancellation in the #HeroesAct. Previously, there was up to $20,000 in student debt cancellation for ALL. Now, it leaves out 25 million ppl One group it leaves out? Those who lost their jobs after March 12 /1
RT @LibBohemian: If you’re feeling lost and hopeless these past few weeks over the lynchings of black folks I suggest you start getting really involved in local anti-police brutality groups and such. You can start with this... some action plans are on this page.
RT @KaraFikrig: Academics, it’s important to add our voices to the outrage over the death of Breonna Taylor, an EMT killed by police in the middle of the night in a raid on the wrong address. Sign a petition, make calls, donate to make sure they’re arrested #StandwithBre
RT @PepperOceanna: She was brutally shot & killed in her own home by police. She did nothing wrong. Please sign this petition to hold these police accountable for killing her. Make calls, too. 502-735-1784! I #StandWithBre
RT @DrRJKavanagh: CW: Police Violence NYPD officers escorted a young woman with her toddler (both wearing masks) up the subway platform stairs, then forced her to the ground & handcuffed her, in Brooklyn this afternoon. Police said she wasn't wearing her mask properly.
RT @sunrisemvmt: 🚨BREAKING🚨 @RepEliotEngel has been living, outsiden of his #NY16 district in a house in Maryland. #NY16 has the second highest #COVID19 rates in the country & while Engel has been hiding @JamaalBowmanNY has been helping his community. #WhereIsEngel
RT @ghgtobias: One of the biggest reasons @AOC voters gave for voting out Joe Crowley in 2018: "He doesn't even live here." And now we learn that @RepEliotEngel has similarly abandoned his district - in the middle of a pandemic. #NY16 deserves better. #NY16 deserves @JamaalBowmanNY
RT @shaunking: 🚨ALL HANDS ON DECK🚨 Working with the family & attorneys, we created to get justice for Breonna Taylor. CALL: 502-735-1784 and I will be on the line to talk you through what to say. SIGN the petition and it will email 20+ officials. #StandWithBre
RT @lomo212: We demand justice for Breonna. The use of excessive force must be addressed. The officers who shot her must be fired and held accountable. #BreonnaTaylor #standwithbre #JusticeForBre @LMPD @LouisvilleMayor @GovAndyBeshear @shaunking @GrassRootsLaw #blacklivesmatter
RT @TheJewishVote: The Bronx and Westchester has been one of the hardest hit regions in the country by this pandemic. So why is @RepEliotEngel at his home in Maryland instead of delivering relief to the people of his district? #WhereIsEngel #NY16
RT @_waleedshahid: This is devastating. @RepEliotEngel hasn't been in district since the pandemic started and was caught lying about it. #NY16 is one of the worst hit districts in the US. Engel is facing his first serious primary challenge in @JamaalBowmanNY. #WhereIsEngel
RT @ScottHech: "I remember when Yusef was 3. He put on a pastel blue easter suit. Told me he wanted to be just like me when he grew up. A young fathers dream." Yusef was sentenced to life w/o parole at 16. 25 years later he's fighting for his life against COVID in prison. "I miss my boy." More:
RT @shomaristone: JUST IN: New York man arrested on weapons charge wanted to carry out racial civil war, officials say. Joseph Miner is accused of buying an assault-style rifle & “fantasized about ‘martyring’ himself” in a “blaze of glory,” federal officials say: @NBCNews
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
RT @TheNorthStar: Taylor, who worked as an EMT for the city of Louisville, KY, was shot to death on March 13th during a police raid on her home. According to initial reports, police entered Taylor’s home on a search warrant as part of a narcotics investigation. @drose225
RT @theappeal: Several tribal governments in South Dakota disagree vehemently with Republican Gov. Kristi Noem’s lenient COVID-19 plan, which seems to prioritize the economy over the lives of those most at risk of dying from COVID-19: elders and the immunocompromised.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
RT @clairesandberg: Bailouts for debt collectors, lobbyists, landlords, and big oil, but no paycheck guarantee, monthly cash payments, merger moratorium, or plan to make sure everyone has healthcare during a pandemic. How can a starting offer "messaging bill" fall so far below the mark?
RT @imyagirleva: #BreonnaTaylor was killed by police March of 2020 in Louisville, KY after they came into her house, looking for someone who did not live there, and shot her 8 times. Breonna was unarmed and innocent. A video of her massacre should not be the only way her family gets justice.
RT @kai_newkirk: Pelosi can't pass the Heroes Act w/out progressive votes. With grassroots backing, I believe the co-chairs w/ @AOC @IlhanMN @RoKhanna etc could organize a small #PeoplesBailoutBloc to demand she add crucial measures like Paycheck Guarantee & monthly checks. If not now, when?
RT @kai_newkirk: New letter from Progressive Caucus chairs @PramilaJayapal & @MarkPocan fighting to make House COVID bill much better. Requests delay in vote, full caucus mtg on amendments. Progressive movement must fight alongside them to add Paycheck Guarantee & monthly checks at minimum.
RT @RepJayapal: The historic crisis Americans are facing will not end on its own. To end it, these 3 things—getting people paychecks, ensuring access to health care, supporting businesses and their workers—are critical. But this legislation does not yet address them at the scale necessary.
RT @RepJayapal: With millions of businesses not getting relief from PPP, business owners are looking for certainty about how they’ll avoid closing permanently w/o jeopardizing the wellbeing of workers. This bill doesn’t tie funding to the basic public health guidelines required to do just that.
RT @RepJayapal: With 35 million at risk of losing their health care and 87 million uninsured or underinsured, people are looking for certainty about whether they’ll be able to see a doctor and receive care—during a pandemic no less. This bill does not ensure affordable health care for everyone.
RT @RepJayapal: With more than 33 million people filing for unemployment in 7 weeks, workers are looking for certainty about how we end mass unemployment and how they’ll get their next paycheck. This legislation doesn't end mass unemployment and it doesn't get paychecks back into their pockets.
RT @RepJayapal: People across America are facing an unprecedented crisis—one that impacts them directly, personally, and daily. They are looking for real relief, certainty, and a response from Congress that matches the scale of this crisis. My thoughts on today's draft legislation ⬇
RT @kai_newkirk: Important thread from @PramilaJayapal, co-chair of the 90 member Progressive Caucus on the draft COVID bill released by House Democratic leadership today. Thank you for fighting to make this bill strong enough to meet the need during this crisis Rep. Jayapal! We are with you.
RT @karaforcongress: Friends, we did it. We WON!!! This election is a REFERENDUM on the last four years. This election is about STANDING UP for what we believe in TOGETHER. We are PROUD to stand with all of you to reclaim who we are as Nebraskans. Who’s coming with us!?
RT @ScottHech: This is Yusef. 16 (left) when condemned to life w/o parole. 41 now (right w/ his dad). The Supreme Court ruled his sentence unconstitutional. He's been waiting in Michigan prison for last 5 years for resentencing. Prosecutor delay. Now friends dying around him. "I might be next."
RT @Booker4KY: When you know the struggles Kentuckians face, you don't oppose Medicare for damn sure don't run as a Pro-Trump Democrat. The choice in this election is clear. (Establishment candidates aren't the only ones who can make six-figure ad buys. 💪🏾)
RT @Booker4KY: Tearing down Mitch isn’t enough. Avoiding real issues won’t cut it. You will see ads showing my strong support for Medicare for All, UBI, a Green New Deal, and free college. We don’t need BS. We need bold, system changing solutions to build a KY and country that works for all.
RT @Booker4KY: I reached out to @AmyMcGrathKY to let her know our campaign will begin to lay out key differences on policy, politics, and a vision for the future. She wants to advance Trump’s agenda. I urgently disagree with that. Kentuckians have a choice in the primary. It will be clear.
RT @davidgeorge265: This is your daily reminder that @NYGovCuomo has granted ZERO clemencies to incarcerated people in his COVID infested prisons. 9,550 older people are locked up. Thousands more are medically vulnerable. Mass death is imminent, and Cuomo remains intransigent.
RT @byHeatherLong: NEW: Over 100,000 small businesses have closed forever as America’s pandemic toll escalates "Temporary" closures are becoming permanent. So many small biz owners tell me the same thing: The PPP was either too slow -- or too rigid in its rules to help.
RT @emarvelous: The pandemic disproportionately killing African Americans spared Breonna Taylor, an EMT and essential worker in Louisville, only for her to die as one of the black Americans disproportionately killed by police every year. My latest:
RT @ryangrim: When David Perdue was elected in 2014, he stepped down from the board of a banking startup, which meant he was about to lose the stock options he’d been given. But the company, according to SEC filings, changed the terms of his package so he could hold them as a senator /1
RT @DrRJKavanagh: BREAKING: Another person has died at Parchman prison in Mississippi. Robert Floyd McGuire, 56, was found unresponsive in his bunk, Monday morning, according to MDOC. He is the 39th person to die in Mississippi state custody since December 29.
RT @MK_Racine: A little more insight into the kind soul that was #AhmaudArbery. #RIP #JusticeForAhmaud Lions safety Tracy Walker remembers cousin and former high school teammate, Ahmaud Arbery, as 'a ... - via @ESPN App
Monday, 11 May 2020
RT @DarwinBondGraha: How should reporters cover criminal justice issues during the #COVID19 pandemic? What are common mistakes in interpreting crime data or policy tradeoffs? I'll be part of this excellent panel with @SharonDolovich, @NiggaTheory, @JohnFPfaff, and @RGreene2 this Wed. at 12 noon PST
RT @davidminpdx: We have come to define safety so narrowly – in a way that always warrants more cops, but leaves us without masks for nurses. And we do this even though 1000s more New Yorkers have died of coronavirus than all the murders in NYC *this century*.
RT @TheNorthStar: Ahmaud Arbery’s death has also renewed calls in Georgia to enact harsher penalties for crimes motivated by bias against a victim’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation. | From @nrojas0131
RT @go_nino: If you're as enraged about the murder of #AhmaudArbery as I am, you can call @shaunking's hotline to demand #JusticeforAhmaud. This fight isn't over. Call (770) 800-0689. Today we are demanding the immediate resignation of DA, Jackie Johnson, and for William Bryan's arrest.
RT @Noah__Goldberg: A Brooklyn defense attorney with @LegalAidNYC says she was arrested and detained for hours by NYPD cops all because she recorded them making arrests. "I did not break the law. I’m a lawyer. I know the law," she told me.
RT @theappeal: In California, the difficult commutation process for people sentenced to life without parole mean it is “really no different than the death penalty,” advocates say. “You’re sending them to prison without any glimmer of hope that they’ll be rehabilitated.”
RT @theappeal: Children held in isolated residential treatment centers are especially vulnerable to the effects of isolation during COVID-19. “They’ve lost contact with their communities and families by virtue of the fact that they’re located far away from their homes.”
RT @JStein_WaPo: March 30: Trump says he supports hazard pay 4 frontline medical personnel bc they are “heroes” April 22: White House spox is unable to cite anything admin has done to push hazard pay, but says will work w/ Congress May 8: WH says talks w/ Congress have ceased, maybe till June
RT @TheNorthStar: What we know of systematic disenfranchisement, structural inequity and plain old racially motivated abuse of Black folks, is none of these social deficiencies take time off or sick leave when it comes to instigating Black suffering. | From @drose225
RT @RocNation: Open letter to Georgia elected officials appearing in the Atlantic Journal-Constitution today, calling for justice to be served in the case of Ahmaud Arbery's murder. Convict his killers and show the world that hate and fear will lose. #JusticeforAhmaud #iRunWithMaud
RT @RocNation: Ahmaud Arbery was born on a Mother's Day. To his mother, Mrs. Wanda Cooper-Jones, We are thinking of you on this Mother's Day as we continue to fight for justice for Ahmaud. #iRunWithMaud #JusticeforAhmaud
RT @RedHourBen: I’m sad to say that my father, Jerry Stiller, passed away from natural causes. He was a great dad and grandfather, and the most dedicated husband to Anne for about 62 years. He will be greatly missed. Love you Dad.
Sunday, 10 May 2020
RT @evanlweber: Unemployment is currently at 15% and @HouseDemocrats crafted a bill that is just 5% of GDP. It does nothing to keep people employed, doesn’t include other progressive priorities, and the GOP will bargain down from this. This isn’t “whopping”, it’s weak.
RT @ryangrim: The Journal goes gaga for @zachdcarter’s new Keynes book — “an outstanding authorial debut...the best single-volume biography of this intellectual giant” — but makes clear they don’t like Zach himself. Really funny read.
RT @JStein_WaPo: Senior White House economic officials are studying a plan by researchers at AEI and Hoover that would allow Americans to get cash immediately im exchange for curbing their Social Security benefits, 2 ppl tell me @jdawsey1 & @John_Hudson
RT @Georgia_AG: (2/2) I have formally requested U.S. DOJ (@SDGAnews) to conduct an investigation into the handling of the case - including communications by & between the Brunswick/Waycross DA’s. Read more ->
RT @LChrisStewart1: To clear up any rumors. My law firm is not solely representing #AhmaudArbery this case is in GA so @MeritLaw has brought me on as GA counsel due to my experience with past civil rights cases and as a past attorney of the year of GA. We are a team unifying for justice
RT @shaunking: IMPORTANT: @MeritLaw and I have now found multiple (white) people who said they have walked in and out of the house that was under construction when Ahmaud Arbery jogged past it and peaked in. It had no windows or doors. They each said neighbors saw them and never minded.
RT @shaunking: IMPORTANT: Local police in Brunswick, Georgia have now publicly confirmed that the neighborhood Travis & Gregory McMichael and William Bryan murdered Ahmaud Arbery in DID NOT have "a recent rash of break-ins." Gregory McMichael made that up on the fly.
RT @MeritLaw: On Mother’s Day 1994 Wanda Cooper-Jones gave birth to #AhmaudArbery. He was born the youngest of 3 in Brunswick, GA. He was 7lbs 9 ounces. His mother’s sister gave her the name Ahmaud, an Arabic name meaning ‘commendable & most praised’. Today our thoughts are with Wanda.
IMPORTANT: Local police in Brunswick, Georgia have now publicly confirmed that the neighborhood Travis & Gregory McMichael and William Bryan murdered Ahmaud Arbery in DID NOT have "a recent rash of break-ins." Gregory McMichael made that up on the fly.
IMPORTANT: @MeritLaw and I have now found multiple (white) people who said they have walked in and out of the house that was under construction when Ahmaud Arbery jogged past it and peaked in. It had no windows or doors. They each said neighbors saw them and never minded.
RT @ryanstruyk: US coronavirus deaths: 10 wks ago: 1 death 9 wks ago: 19 deaths 8 wks ago: 58 deaths 7 wks ago: 323 deaths 6 wks ago: 2,043 deaths 5 wks ago: 8,488 deaths 4 wks ago: 20,604 deaths 3 wks ago: 38,903 deaths 2 wks ago: 53,789 deaths 1 wk ago: 66,369 deaths Right now: 78,794 deaths
RT @mollycrabapple: In Brooklyn cops tossed away the barricades that mark the pedestrian-only streets that let people exercise while social distancing. They then drove down the pedestrian-only street to the bagel shop, and illegally entered the shop with no masks
Saturday, 9 May 2020
RT @dabeard: As a kid, the Klan burned a cross on his front lawn. As an adult, he was part of 2 #Pulitzer-winning reporting teams on race relations. As an editor, Ron Hutson could make any reporter's copy better. @BryanMarquard #RIP #COVID19 #coronavirus
RT @wilsonhartgrove: African-American mother reports that a mob of white men showed up at her door & interogated her son, demanding to come in. This is in same NC county where one of the largest massacres by a racist mob in US history happened in 1898.
RT @RashidaTlaib: Let's #MinttheCoin already & pass the #ABCAct: ✔recharged $2k/month debit cards to ensure the unbanked & underbanked have access ✔Creates the 1st responders corp that helps our most vulnerable & hardest hit ✔$1000/month after the pandmeic ✔and no one is left behind!
RT @lhfang: Incredible that in the midst of greatest unemployment crisis in modern history the Dems are prioritizing a bailout of 501(c)(6) corporate lobbyists. Only explanation that makes sense is that Dems think media won’t care and people are too stupid to understand what they’re doing.
RT @shaunking: IMPORTANT: @MeritLaw and I have learned some very troubling information about Tom Durden, the District Attorney overseeing the Ahmaud Arbery case. The State of Georgia needs to appoint a competent, serious Special Prosecutor right away. Anything else will compromise this case.
@DevonGrayCA Do you still stand by this? Literally my first time seeing it. Are you aware that 5 former Beto staffers work for me? 9 different former staffers reached out to me on that night. I counted 24 who literally posted online exactly what I said they said.
RT @mollycrabapple: Cuomo: “25,000 of you are dead. If New York were a country, it would have one of the world’s highest death rates. Everyone is financially broken. So I’m gonna cut Medicaid. No I won’t cancel rent” Seemingly intelligent New Yorkers: “yaaaas king”
RT @grassroots_law: ⚠️FULL INBOX? No problem⚠️ It is key that IMPARTIAL justice is done in #AhmaudArbery's case—that’s why we’re calling on @Georgia_AG to appoint an INDEPENDENT special prosecutor. For those of you that called and got a full voicemail, flood Carr's twitter & demand this key step!
RT @grassroots_law: Tonight we are calling on Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr to appoint an independent special prosecutor in the Ahmaud Arbery case. This is an important step to ensure justice is achieved. Please take a moment call his office and let him know we need action now! 404-656-3300
IMPORTANT: @MeritLaw and I have learned some very troubling information about Tom Durden, the District Attorney overseeing the Ahmaud Arbery case. The State of Georgia needs to appoint a competent, serious Special Prosecutor right away. Anything else will compromise this case.
RT @TheRevAl: @MeritLaw asks for a full congressional investigation of the department. @RepEspaillat joined the discussion saying he will urge his colleagues in Washington. Full video: #AhmoudArbery @NationalAction
RT @MeritLaw: Georgia is one of four states with no hate crime statute. This was a hate crime. It’s not enough to defer to @GovKemp. The state agents that obscured and dismissed this case over the past three months— helped to justify this hate crime. Send in the feds.
RT @MeritLaw: Mr. @realDonaldTrump, I have a message from the family of #AhmaudArbery. The recording you saw recently was seen by @GovKemp’s AG months ago. He still allowed the case to be handled by George Barnhill— a county DA w/ conflicts who did nothing. This case needs federal review.
RT @GunnelsWarren: In the past DAY, the 8 richest men in🇺🇸⬆️their wealth by $6.2B: Mark Zuckerberg:⬆️$1.08B Larry Page:⬆️$956M Bill Gates:⬆️$931M Sergey Brin:⬆️919M Jeff Bezos:⬆️$907M Larry Ellison:⬆️$634M Warren Buffett:⬆️$429M Steve Ballmer:⬆️$353M Combined wealth: $653.8B While 33M+ lost jobs
RT @NicholsUprising: The jobless rate is now 14.7%. For African Americans it’s 16.7%. For Latinos it’s 18.9%. That’s Depression-level unemployment. @PramilaJayapal has a plan to keep people on the payroll AND to address racial disparities. It’s a New Deal-level response!
RT @NYSenatorRivera: I am truly perplexed by @NYCMayor decision to not assign @nycHealthy to lead the Contact Tracing program despite its vast experience in dealing with public health crises like this one. My statement with @MarkLevineNYC, @CarlinaRivera & @DickGottfried 👇🏼
RT @ggreenwald: Here's the final part of Obama's 2013 explanation: that the foundational views of the two parties are fundamentally the same, and differ only on "details." They only appear to be at each other's throats over big differences because of political theater, he said - not beliefs:
RT @ggreenwald: Here was Obama in 2013 debunking the long-standing but central DC myth that the two parties are radically opposed on ideology & policy. Instead, he correctly explained, they're far more similar than different, & the US entails far less ideological dispute than most democracies:
Friday, 8 May 2020
RT @Dananamean: During our first 100 days in office, @chesaboudin & team: ✔️ ended cash bail ✔️secured housing for domestic violence victims ✔️stopped charging cases from racist stop & frisk detentions ✔️created unit to prosecute crimes against workers ✔️implemented caregiver diversion progrm
RT @jdawn782: @shaunking Just a “good ole” pic of Gregory McMichael’s (murderer) with D.A. Jackie Johnson in Brinswick,Ga. These are their connections, these are their protectors! She must be SAT DOWN immediately! Arrest these monsters now!! #iRunWithMaud #JusticeForAhmaud
RT @jangelooff: And now Manhattan DA: “As a matter of policy our office declines to prosecute arrests for social distancing and other violations of the recent emergency executive orders” So that’s 3 of 5 DAs not prosecuting arrests deemed necessary by @NYCMayor. What are we doing here exactly?
RT @KennethMoton: The #AhmaudArbery case took a big step forward but the victim’s family attorney @MeritLaw points out there’s a long way to go. Also, on what would have been his 26th bday today people are raising awareness about the case with #IrunwithMaud #IRunwithAhmaud. #abcWNN
RT @TheRevAl: “This wasn’t the first time prosecutors saw this video, this wasn’t the first time law enforcement saw this video, this was the first time our community saw this video” - Attorney S. Lee Merritt @MeritLaw #AhmaudArbery
RT @ShaneClaiborne: Ran 6 miles today, thinking of our brother #AhmaudArbery every step. I kneeled in prayer at 2.23 miles to remember his murder on 2/23. It was grey and cold, and rained almost the whole time - which felt right... Let’s grieve. And cry. And organize. #IRunwithAhmaud #IrunwithMaud
RT @shaunking: This is a SCANDAL. Two County Commissioners in Brunswick went on the record today to say that THE DAY AHMAUD WAS MURDERED police wanted to make an immediate arrest, and said they found probable cause. The DA, who knew the murderer, called them off.
RT @wyclef: This country needs to learn that black lives like Ahmaud Arbery’s are NOT disposable. We have to affect legislation and policy makers. That is why people like @shaunking and @meritlaw must be appreciated. This is my expression. Full vid in bio. #justiceforahmaud #irunwithmaud
RT @Jasmyne: I'm seeing a lot of #LosAngeles leaders weighing in on the #AhmadAubrey on social media but ain't said 💩 about that #LAPD video where a man was brutally assaulted by an officer with another officer just standing there watching. How does that work? 🧐
Thursday, 7 May 2020
RT @evanlweber: Good! During FDR years, federal spending reached ~47% of GDP. In today’s terms, that would be ~$10 trillion dollars. Got that @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer? Also, if we’re gonna spend that kind of 💰, let’s spend it moving forward, not backwards. We need a #GreenNewDeal.
RT @kai_newkirk: But unless the people demand it, not enough will. So I believe we need to take the step of organizing careful physically-distanced public protests to push progressives and Democrats to vote as a #PeoplesBailoutBloc against any bill that doesn’t bring real relief to the people.
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