Tuesday, 31 December 2019

┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓ ┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃ ┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃ President Bernie Sanders! ┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃ ┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃ ┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━


RT @wideofthepost: tfw you’re “for the spirit of” everything, BUT ... https://t.co/diXZIqKdD8


FRIENDS! You have one last chance to donate to the @BernieSanders campaign in 2019!! Please chip in now as we push to get 5,000,000 donors!! WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK! https://t.co/GIIicr4oW8


Day #4 of campaigning for @BernieSanders in California! It was a beautiful day of organizing in the Bay Area! We had two amazing events in Richmond, an event in Oakland, and closed the day with an event in San Francisco! Tomorrow, we are canvassing for Bernie all over the Bay


RT @ninaturner: LAST CHANCE for @BernieSanders 2020! We are SO CLOSE to 5 million donations that if you DONATE NOW it could be YOU who gets us there: Link: https://t.co/ARJZOwN2hG. #WithTheseHandsπŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™Œ


Thousands of Koalas Feared Dead in Australia Wildfires https://t.co/N1co6kFuQL


RT @mcbyrne: Powerful afternoon with @shaunking and team @BernieSanders in Richmond, CA at Exclusive Shoes listening and learning on local racial justice issues. https://t.co/S38ucgdJz9


@FreeRodneyReed Thank you.


RT @FreeRodneyReed: Best of 2019. One day I got a msg from @shaunking. It said “Hello friend. How can I help?” I didn’t know what to say so I laid out ALL the troubles on him. Within 48 hrs https://t.co/DVxwAOTMBV was born. Shaun put his life on hold and did not stop until the execution was stayed. https://t.co/w0VNjWLsH8


RT @dpi_19: Campaigning for @BernieSanders, @shaunking visited #ExclusiveShoes in #Richmond @CA_Richmond to discuss social issues, hear feedback and network with local organizers. King will be visiting other shops & cities (like SF, Oak, LA) in CA in aim of building a #grassrootsmovement https://t.co/dGN1qiT4Wv


RT @shaunking: SAN JOSE! I am going to be in town on New Year’s Day (1-1-2020) at 1PM to help kickoff a citywide canvass for @BernieSanders. With you, we can win California. Register now and let’s organize like our lives depend on it!! When we organize, we win! https://t.co/qI4KlGKtOF


RT @LewisMyersM: Thank you for sharing a moment in history with us. @BernieSanders brings us together. It was humbling to be in the presence of social justice fighters and teachers like you and @shaunking Your contribution for the betterment of humanity is unparalleled and shall be celebrated. https://t.co/uEBkxFsTVX


RT @shaunking: @BernieSanders SAN FRANCISCO! I am going to be in the city on New Year's Day! January 1st, 2020. 11am. Kicking off the first California canvass of 2020. We are going to win San Francisco and we are going to win California. RSVP HERE. Meet me at our field office https://t.co/Wa7WxfchG2


RT @sfberniecrats: Join us and @shaunking tomorrow in the new year to canvass for Bernie! https://t.co/8cmsWOvjOK


RT @kenklippenstein: just want to point out that due to inflation, the minimum wage has actually *decreased* in real terms


RT @kenklippenstein: Beginning of End of the decade the decade https://t.co/UMnm6hyA7P


RT @tomaskenn: Just donated to Bernie Sanders! We are about to crack five million donations and we need your help to finish the year strong. The political revolution is funded by working class people so no corporate or billionaire money for us. Donate if you can πŸ‘‡ https://t.co/WZ4RwkWkcl https://t.co/dyCEuWifwK


RT @Romanoff2020: The best chance to flip a seat just got even better: a group of supporters is pledging to match every donation we receive today, up to $5,600. Double your impact—chip in now: https://t.co/fJadBKpJdg #cosen #FlipTheSenate https://t.co/EZzEFyD3hm


RT @Jasmyne: Well, well, well. Here we are. The last day of the calendar year and Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey DID NOT keep her word and have a public meeting in the Black community. Noted. Cc: @BLMLA @DAJustCoalition @StonewallDems https://t.co/5DxhN0dDMm


RT @BernieSanders: The truth is, we have an excellent chance to win the primary and beat Trump. But the only way we can do that is if we have the sufficient financial resources. So I am asking you today to contribute to our campaign before the FEC deadline: https://t.co/9y9BZMs0GM https://t.co/wnYbUDBynW


RT @ttagaris: "I have cast some lonely votes, fought some lonely fights, mounted some lonely campaigns. But I do not feel lonely now.” - @BernieSanders https://t.co/dUEsUwvFqS


RT @greenliz85: We need 100,000 more donations to hit 5 million donations. If you're able to donate now is the time to do it. #PresidentSanders https://t.co/xgBK3gJESc


RT @LewisMyersM: @shaunking came to South Los Angeles to teach and we arrived to learn. @BernieSanders volunteers are leveling up to become organizers in the political revolution. An education is a dangerous thing. This is how we win. #Bernie2020 https://t.co/ANnYstwHOO


Monday, 30 December 2019

Day #3 on the campaign trail for @BernieSanders in California! We opened up a brand new field office in South Central in a community that has routinely been neglected by presidential campaigns. We have more offices, staff, volunteers, & donors than any campaign in California.


RT @JordanUhl: wow a cop lied surprise surprise https://t.co/YAMipYF5Pl


RT @Sifill_LDF: Chief: Officer resigns after making up coffee cup incident | KSNT News https://t.co/03wG2fq8Bg


RT @DrRJKavanagh: How come it so easy and non-controversial for cops who do this to be fired within days, but when cops are caught on video slamming children's heads into concrete or shooting unarmed people in the back, there always needs to be a years long investigation? https://t.co/Vspn0mPn8y


RT @FredTJoseph: Biden said he would consider choosing a Republican VP and people are still supporting him. https://t.co/TBVzJeYWIn


RT @CoachCollins: We are heartbroken. Bryce will always be a part of our Georgia Tech Football Family. We will be praying for him and all those who love him. #BelieveIn7 #RIPSimba https://t.co/dtV5g50Tiq


RT @danielandalon: In South Los Angeles opening up another @BernieSanders Campaign Field Office, with @shaunking @mlighty60 @R_JonesSawyer Plug into the work. This is how we win! #Bernie2020 #UnidosConBernie https://t.co/dtjSaickMh


RT @davidsirota: Dear fellow Democrats: @JoeBiden has been repeatedly trying to tell us something. When someone tries this hard to make clear exactly who they are and what their values are, we should listen. https://t.co/KVtr9jtNHn


RT @BernieSanders: The ideas I am talking about now didn't come to me yesterday. It's not because I have a pollster who told me what I should say today. Health care as a right, a living wage for all, an end to endless wars, a right to decent housing — that's what I've fought for my entire life.


KENTUCKY!! I need you to show up for this! https://t.co/kZjtlKQWMa


RT @Booker4KY: You ready? Join me on 1/5 for a big announcement: https://t.co/SohsKvc1Ov. https://t.co/waQgQqWtoK


Sunday, 29 December 2019

@BernieSanders DAY #2 of campaigning for @BernieSanders in California is done! I spoke at two great churches in Compton & Carson and the people LOVED Bernie. And then we opened up the AMAZING new campaign office for Orange County in Santa Ana. The energy was THROUGH THE ROOF. Let's GO!


RT @danielandalon: Great meeting you. Let's rock the house tomorrow! @MeritLaw @shaunking https://t.co/5RBk7L5Tui


RT @belensisaw: It's a Bernie Posada πŸ’™πŸ‘ŒπŸ½#UnidosConBernie https://t.co/CvS3kYIedt


RT @AbbyChavaStein: Zaide @BernieSanders lighting the Menorah (Hanukkah candles) tonight in Iowa, is the best thing to happen on Twitter today! Looking forward to President-Elect Sanders lighting next year. I wish. I hope. πŸ•Ž #Bernie2020 @SenSanders @People4Bernie #JewsForBernie Credit: @RoseFasa https://t.co/ci1lSVJc3A


RT @kelsey_kremer: .@BernieSanders was in Des Moines tonight to light a menorah during the Chanukah on Ice celebration at @brenton_plaza. See the photos here --> https://t.co/Py9w5qpQz9 #iacaucus https://t.co/QXVJvYmBlb


RT @jackcalifano: Next year, a working class Jewish boy from Brookyln is going to defeat a white nationalist, billionaire demagogue and lead a multi-racial workers’ movement to the White House. What a time to be alive πŸŒΉπŸ•ŽπŸ”₯ https://t.co/NP9SgxxrTB


RT @HowertonNews: This video is incredibly horrendous. One of the men shot had just read Proverbs 13: 22-25 before the congregation. Before communion, the pastor said the church was a family. Another member prayed for wisdom and blessings for the church in 2020. #PrayForWestFreeway


RT @BernieSanders: I’m outraged by the knife attack in Monsey. We must confront this surge of anti-Semitic violence, prioritize the fight against bigotry, and bring people together – instead of dividing people up.


RT @ryangrim: Climbing above 113 degrees in Australia https://t.co/K599ClQyy8


@AdyBarkan @rachael_scar Love you brother


RT @nyclawgrrrl: Devon Kraemer, a former Wisconsin cop, faced charges for shooting Manuel Burnley in the back. He was unarmed. Lost part of his lung. Bullet still in his body. DA dropped the case. Cop gets $57K a year in disability due to stress of the shooting & charges. https://t.co/aHDsgt45kT


RT @DennisCulloton: “Of the 367 DNA-based exonerations on record, one in five involved testimony from a jailhouse informant. A 2004 study found that snitch testimony was the leading cause of wrongful conviction in death-penalty cases” https://t.co/2OvEM9eCrz via ⁦@nytopinion⁩


RT @jakesilverstein: Janes Dailey, the man at the center of @pamelacolloff’s @NYTmag cover story abt jailhouse witnesses, received a stay of execution in Oct. It runs out tomorrow. Powerful NYT editorial from @jessewegman about the problems with this case https://t.co/P1TLg0Bkdo


RT @danielandalon: Made it to Carson's @cityonthehill Church with Sr. Pastor @jawanehilton and @BernieSanders surrogates @R_JonesSawyer and @shaunking Powerful messages all around about working together to help heal our country. Starting with replacing the POTUS. https://t.co/3TRHZyH41Q


@FreeRodneyReed @isislaz @HarlempedsMD @helenprejean @BringRodneyHome @FreeRodneyNow @rpolomski @SadiesAngel208 @KarineOmry @jettica65 @DeathPenaltyAct @KADP_TX @WTIUSA @FredGrube @CurtainPodcast Love y'all


RT @sookuhtawn: Literally hundreds of ppl at the Bernie OC office opening with @shaunking and Michael Lighty!!! https://t.co/22RcJfuxKi


RT @jorrelv: So proud of what we are building in The 🍊C! @BernieSanders @mlighty60 @shaunking ✊🏽 https://t.co/bhKcmWeRpu


RT @MeritLaw: So good to be home with my co-laborer and best friend shaunking supporting @berniesanders for president 2020. Tomorrow we will be together at The Big House 180 E 35th St Los Angeles, CA 90011 3:00 PM just a few miles… https://t.co/ZAnEVJZTZ9


RT @JordanChariton: .@PeteButtigieg surmising slaveowners didn’t know owning slaves was a bad thing ..... https://t.co/dvP6K2rEih


RT @pamelacolloff: Please read this powerful @nytimes opinion piece about death row inmate James Dailey, who faces imminent execution. Florida prosecutors used dubious jailhouse informant testimony to secure his conviction & death sentence. His stay of execution ends Monday. https://t.co/ybvlrtp7NS


RT @PatTheBerner: YaNg iS pROgrEsSiVe. The guy ran ads supporting Medicare4All and doesn't support Medicare4All. Millions of people's lives are on the line. Bernie's the only one who hasn't and won't waver. https://t.co/tGZIJnhM8Q


RT @shaunking: @BernieSanders ORANGE COUNTY! Today @ 5pm we're having the GRAND OPENING of the brand new @BernieSanders office in Santa Ana and we want to see you there!! I'll be speaking and hope to meet you! Doors open at 4:30pm! 1616 E Fourth St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 RSVP here: https://t.co/xxRW7N0ydz


@Dana1696 Just lost my brother to it this past year


Saturday, 28 December 2019

RT @shaunking: Bernie Sanders is going to win East LA. https://t.co/Y6Oio1FISq


Joe had to see how bad this polled before changing his mind. Disturbing. https://t.co/qCtRG6xEM7


A damn mess. https://t.co/eGMhdeKyVL


RT @lhfang: The CEO of Centene, which manages health insurance plans, is a bundler for Joe Biden. Here’s audio of an event hosted by Centene filled with Democratic lobbyists laughing it up about how Medicare for All will never happen https://t.co/ieuoQVQeuL


RT @People4Bernie: .@BernieSanders has Boston #ClimateStrike'rs stand up during his town hall "It pretty profound that not only in the United States but all over the world, guess who is leading the struggle against the fossil fuel industry? It is the young people, all over the world. Thank you" https://t.co/p9bUzHhauM


RT @DrIbram: There is a horrific irony in Bret's bigoted op-ed that places Jews at the top of an intellectual hierarchy. One justification is Jewish performance on IQ tests, the same IQ tests developed by eugenicists, the same eugenicists behind the Holocaust. https://t.co/Uxqscn7y1V


RT @BLMSouthBend: .@PeteButtigieg, no more evading like Trump. In your final act as Mayor, please release the secret police tapes that have deeply troubled South Bend’s Black community. Our community demands police accountability and transparency. #ReleaseTheTapes #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/4hqAK6F9nm


Wow. A mess. https://t.co/OpdmUVqfjR


Three brothers make NBA history by playing on the same court https://t.co/fwhGCl8xF3


RT @Tarek_Fattal: Doesn’t get better than this. Congratulations to Sean and Toya Holiday, parents of (L-R) Justin, Aaron and Jrue, who will make NBA history tonight, marking the first time three brothers will be on the court at once and proving humility and hard work can prevail. https://t.co/kl76clip53


RT @RobertJPeters: Went to LA to visit my partners family and had to checkout a @BernieSanders canvass launch. It was great seeing some movement family with @shaunking, @VicMensa, and former @reclaimchicago board member and Medicare for All badass @mlighty60! https://t.co/KO2BkvEoqR


Bernie Sanders is going to win East LA. https://t.co/Y6Oio1FISq


RT @Rafael_Navar: “While others are taking the holidays off we are here organizing in East LA” - @shaunking The #BigUS will win California. https://t.co/Ku1EvMs26d


RT @Lauren_Steiner: The office got filled to capacity. So we had to have the meeting in the parking lot. My video of the remarks coming soon #Bernie2020 @shaunking @ninaturner @briebriejoy @SarahL_Ford @fshakir https://t.co/6KmGAciVVw


RT @franifio: I’ve got opinions and I’m not afraid to share them. WATCH “Red, White and Who?” this Sunday Dec 29th at 9pmEST on @MSNBC https://t.co/FkeocVeQ5c


RT @anna_bahr: You know that “holiday lull”? Not really a thing when you’re organizing to elect @BernieSanders for president. It’s a Saturday at 10am and there’s a line out the door to get in for canvassing training https://t.co/mTh9GyDEit


@BernieSanders NEWS! I am speaking tomorrow morning in Compton for the Greater Zion Church Family (@GreaterZionCF)! Service begins @ 9:30AM. Would love to see you there. ADDRESS: 2408 N Wilmington Ave, Compton, CA 90222


RT @danielandalon: @shaunking thank you for sharing knowledge with the #SanFernandoValley #Bernie2020TeamLA #Bernie2020 #UnidosConBernie https://t.co/kCBwf9i48X


RT @LewisMyersM: Each One Teach One. National @BernieSanders Surrogates @shaunking and @mlighty60 are telling us how it is. We must duplicate ourselves to talk to everyone for Bernie, because everyone matters. Thank you Shaun for coming to East LA. #Bernie2020 #Bernie2020TeamLA https://t.co/TIzxPOLjLs


RT @RAICESTEXAS: We're done with these headlines.πŸ‘‡πŸ½ The U.S. needs to become a welcoming beacon of hope for asylum-seekers & refugees again. The hieleras & perreras have to go. We have a plan for that. #MigrantJusticePlatform. Read it here πŸ‘‰πŸ½ https://t.co/kZVEPcY2XS https://t.co/HwUtsKQPGG


RT @MSNBC: Tune in to @MSNBC's newest special, 'Red, White & Who?' with @franifio, tomorrow at 9 p.m. ET. https://t.co/qcuoKuKfuD


RT @lessig: Brilliant event with @SenSanders tonight in Concord with @ZephyrTeachout. Every answer, perfect - especially his committing to @RoKhanna’s democracy vouchers and making reform issue number 1.


RT @Andrefor40th: Wow! I met @ZephyrTeachout when I hosted a panel with her, @NomikiKonst and @kai_newkirk. I’m so glad to see this endorsement! https://t.co/3GJ1HzisqF


Friday, 27 December 2019

RT @EAltbaum: Paper beats rock. https://t.co/tSf55m0Ssg


RT @Harvard4Bernie: When you look through Joe Biden’s record https://t.co/vr3nGG0LdZ


RT @RoshunShah: I've now successfully convinced my entire household, including my conservative dad, to vote for Bernie


RT @marydifino: Proud to have voted for Bernie Sanders in the @CTULocal1 Presidential Endorsement poll. Bernie has always been on the frontlines in the fight for social economic justice. I’ll never forget how he supported us during the strike, and I trust him to do the same as President. https://t.co/6wlTf88wfH


RT @danasaurusrex93: Hearing @BernieSanders stand up for state workers in NH was empowering. Our STATE workers are relying on STATE ASSISTANCE, 2nd jobs, and spouses because they are not being paid enough. Enough is enough. We need #UnionsForAll @SEIU @SEIU1984 https://t.co/wMeHwxLSpq


RT @lessig: Join me tomorrow in Concord, NH for a town hall on democracy reform with @BernieSanders and @ZephyrTeachout. Starts at 6pm. See you there? https://t.co/fwXR14JhOf


RT @ScottHech: Bryan Stevenson is a public defender. “Just Mercy” is a story of “these lawyers who fight the system of banal cruelty every day to force prosecutors, juries, & judges to go beyond their fear and assumptions and look at the people and facts before them.”https://t.co/EEZq4q52YH


RT @Romanoff2020: We’re determined to win the Democratic nomination, beat @CoryGardner & #FlipTheSenate—but we need your help to make it happen. Will you chip in right now? https://t.co/ppfQZxGvtl


RT @ZephyrTeachout: https://t.co/07yDAm8LZ0


RT @ZephyrTeachout: I will be campaigning with him in New Hampshire this weekend on his End Corporate Greed tour! Can't wait.


RT @ZephyrTeachout: I met him 26 years ago at a brown bag lunch, where he was talking about trade and workers. I worked for one of his Senate races and saw up close how much respect he gives constituents. He is always for the people who don't have a voice, and he never gives up: so much compassion.


One of my favorite people. https://t.co/1YHAl033Uy


RT @davidsirota: I don’t understand what’s happened to money-in-politics reporting. We have a super PAC blatantly trying to buy the Democratic primary and we have no idea who is even funding it — and that hasn’t even been a story. Genuinely unbelievable. https://t.co/jALMmjb5V8


RT @BernieSanders: Despair is not an option. https://t.co/yu1EmSkR7r


RT @GaryGrumbach: In a conversation with supporters about health care in Laconia, NH, Sen. @BernieSanders tells the crowd to “think outside of the damn box.” https://t.co/629gIArWRj


RT @fshakir: Terrible. We need to win in order to restore democracy https://t.co/un4F548b6f


RT @BernieSanders: 1 in 6 of our children lives in poverty. 500,000+ Americans are homeless. 87 million are uninsured or underinsured. Half live paycheck to paycheck. But the billionaire class is doing better every day. This is a rigged economy and we are going to change it. https://t.co/QagInBzQKS


RT @davidsirota: 38 days until Iowa. The anti-Bernie attacks, bad faith takes, lies & propaganda will intensify to levels never before seen. The corporate elite, their pundits, their think tanks & their political machines know we are surging & they’ll do everything to try to stop us. Get ready.


RT @ListenStooge: @HuffPost According to Howard Stern and Robin Quivers when they were all at WNBC Imus was known to throw the n-word at people.


RT @MatthewKeysLive: Don Imus was @HowardStern's principal antagonist during their time together at WNBC 660 AM (now WFAN). In 2007, Stern and co-host Robin Quivers revealed Imus made racist and sexual remarks away from the microphone. https://t.co/2aA3y0Thq4


RT @mhking: Longtime morning radio and TV veteran Don Imus, who was fired in 2007 after referring to women's college basketball players from Rutgers as 'nappy headed ho's' and 'jiggaboos', has died at the age of 79. https://t.co/II5LwliCJt


RT @Phil_Lewis_: Article doesn’t mention his incident with the Rutgers women’s basketball team, he called them “nappy headed hoes” https://t.co/inOMeldpKy


RT @bern_identity: FUN! Berners in the Bay Area, #Bernie2020 is hosting a New Year's Eve Party 12/31 from 6-8pm with @ShaunKing and Local Elected Officials at Slate. RSVP: https://t.co/JGQaeIKYc6 https://t.co/TdSAVI3AyC


RT @People4Bernie: "How are you gonna pay for it?" https://t.co/0ifb2BwCBN


RT @eji_org: HBO's "True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality" is now available at no cost! Click to watch the full documentary. https://t.co/n6e9XkxaPv


RT @davidminpdx: Chicago will end the year with shootings down ~40% from three years ago. I look forward to the media turning this into a national story just like it did three years ago when shootings were up. https://t.co/mNBA9C1is3


RT @BernieSanders: Having private health insurance doesn’t mean a damn thing if you have a $5,000 deductible that you can’t afford. That is why Medicare for All will eliminate deductibles, along with co-payments and premiums.


RT @_SJPeace_: This is the RSS, A Hindu Nationalist organization inspired by Nazis They are mobilizing in India a to create a Hindutva Republic They speak on violence against Muslims & other minorities... This is Nazi India IT IS TERRIFYING! https://t.co/N3UTBHJndV


RT @RomeSixmile: Me, my niece and her best friend is out canvassing for @BernieSanders. They said their future depends on your vote and since they can't vote they want to help anyway they could. #Bernie2020 #Bigpoor #BigUs https://t.co/GwQEqVEqgd


RT @Taniel: Pennsylvania's impressive lieutenant governor John Fetterman is single-handedly redefining what we can expect from statewide officials on the politics of mass incarceration, as he directly takes on the state's high number of life sentences https://t.co/zWoJ3bj45d


Thursday, 26 December 2019

RT @Prison_Health: ‘They Can Do This To Anybody’ - Misconduct complaints against officers in the NYPD’s 34th Precinct have risen for three years straight. In 2018, 15 officers had complaints against them substantiated, the most of any precinct in New York City. https://t.co/FODTkNnWvW


RT @AschoffESPN: (1/12) Hi everyone, this is Katy Berteau, Edward’s fiancΓ©. I want to say thank you to everyone who has expressed their sympathies, condolences, and prayers for me and his family and friends. https://t.co/XbDyUYHWQv


Ed Aschoff's fiancΓ© celebrates his life and shares the details of his passing https://t.co/DhOurGX80s


RT @davidsirota: Vice News on new polls: “Compared to all his rivals Sanders is perceived as uniquely trustworthy, empathetic, and in tune with the issues that matter most by voters nationally.” Read about it in today’s Bern Notice — and subscribe & retweet. https://t.co/I3gptksPRP


RT @CarlBeijer: Don't let this sudden parade of "wow, Bernie could win!" articles in the MSM lull you into complacency. These people are looking at the same data I was looking at when I wrote my "for the love of God, start volunteering NOW" post a few days ago. They just want a different outcome


RT @jackcalifano: If your have ever thought about giving a little extraπŸ’°to @BernieSanders campaign, let me tell you, now is the absolute *most* critical time to do it. I basically never talk about donating, but it’s important. Here is (some of) what your money buys:


RT @katewillett: At this point, the biggest predictors of supporting Bernie Sanders are age and income, so when you say you “hate Bernie supporters,” you’re really just saying you hate young people and poor people. And while I believe that you feel that way, it’s weird to admit out loud.


RT @iPhilSomething: this the best thread ever. https://t.co/aZgGiabWOm


RT @ninaturner: Just another #Bernie2020 snapshot in time. We will continue to do the work to earn the votes from Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina and all points in between. Our movement is people-powered and we are on the move baby! #WithTheseHands πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™Œ https://t.co/DoygjTxzbb


RT @iPhilSomething: mass media serves corporate agendas. they're now (begrudgingly) touting the ascendancy of our candidate and we shouldn't trust it. not out of irrational paranoia but based on logic: they want us to rest, gloat, taunt, high five and back pat. we have to keep organizing.


RT @iPhilSomething: when they "talk up" Bernie, it isn't "news": it's a warning to the opposition.


RT @BNeidhardt: "His anti-establishment message hasn’t changed for 50 years, and it resonates with working-class voters and young people who agree the system is corrupt and it will take a revolution to fix it." https://t.co/xH6PsNk82Z


RT @AmirAminiMD: Bernie has been the most popular politician in the country for the past 4 years. Glad @CNN found out today. https://t.co/Yc0UtO8bHC


RT @LaLey_01: Extremely honored to have been selected to represent @SenSanders at the 2020 Democratic National Convention! #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs https://t.co/eDwiJ3prA5


RT @democracynow: Bernie Sanders has the most youth support of any 2020 Democratic candidate. Filmmaker @MMFLint says people of his generation may "owe it to these young people to get behind the person they want." https://t.co/6V20uS9PHH https://t.co/PovYDNqLOR


RT @NACDL: For Many Prisoners, Mississippi’s Habitual Offender Laws Are Like ‘Death Sentences’ @laurenk_gill @theappeal https://t.co/1igKaodJtf


RT @KillerMike: This makes me very happy! Thank u for sharing!!!! https://t.co/6TtjbblV4Y


RT @democracynow: Filmmaker Michael Moore (@MMFlint) witnessed the historic impeachment vote from the front row of the House gallery. He says he was struck by the uniformity of the Republican caucus. "Man is that white and old and male," he says. "Those are the dying dinosaurs, and they know it." https://t.co/p9GUcZjv6C


RT @AnandWrites: Your site is literally called Bloomberg https://t.co/rZl3ziN6bX


RT @mplspat: What unbelieveable cynicism. I am so glad Bernie is calling it out. https://t.co/pDjePzCJ0k


RT @CANCEL_SAM: MSNBC mentions Klobuchar (polling at 3.1%) more frequently than they mention Bernie (polling at 21.8%), which is completely predictable https://t.co/GF6O41zTT7


RT @Toure: Many moderate Dems have said they'd support Bernie (or any Dem nominee) but several Dems have said they would *not* support Bernie if he were nominee. The vote blue no matter what mvmt is a farce meant primarily to guilt Sanders/Warren progressives into backing Biden.


RT @MaryRedden1: This is my 98 year old Grandfather. He lived thru FDR & Eisenhower... is for Bernie Sanders, who reminds him of FDR. ⁦@harveyjkaye⁩ ⁦@johncusack⁩ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ https://t.co/I6yWBoJhQT


RT @Suntimes: The 44-year-old, who went to prison for 12 years as a teenager for murder, became the 20th person to be exonerated based on allegations he was framed by retired Chicago Police Detective Reynaldo Guevara. https://t.co/Iqa8YXF3en


RT @robfromonline: hi i'm the guy who designed the stormtrooper armor so that the wearer dies instantly upon receiving one (1) blaster shot anywhere on their body. i originally did it as a joke but then the empire bought like 30 billion of them and it's like are all those deaths on me? who's to say


RT @ConnorASheets: In Alabama, some inmates are being billed for necessary health care while they’re incarcerated. And the bills sometimes go to collections while they remain in jail. Experts say the practice is likely unconstitutional. My latest for @propublica & @aldotcom https://t.co/5DvBA0hXQo


RT @PredictIt: Bernie leading in Iowa according to prediction markets. @BernieSanders - 39% @PeteButtigieg - 26% @JoeBiden - 21% @ewarren - 12% @amyklobuchar - 9% @AndrewYang - 3% https://t.co/4NQvmhdFHx #IACaucus https://t.co/BxmGp4bWW8


Russian police wear masks like on The Watchmen https://t.co/WNuSLU5iOs


Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Could read this thread for hours https://t.co/eEsCA4qQBl


RT @WIRED: For more than 100 years, medical researchers puzzled over why the immune system doesn’t fight cancer the way it fights even the common cold. Then this hard-living, harmonica-playing Texan discovered the answer. His research may save millions of lives https://t.co/6rEZ5r1zpj


RT @shaunking: ┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓ ┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃ ┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃ BERNIE SANDERS FOR PRESIDENT ┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃ ┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃ ┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━


RT @Public_Citizen: The Education Department has rejected 53,339 of the 54,000 applications for its loan forgiveness program. Yes, you read that correctly. https://t.co/zO8AX17ONM


┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓ ┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃ ┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃ BERNIE SANDERS FOR PRESIDENT ┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃┃┏━┛┃┃┃┃ ┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃┃┗━┓┃┗┛┃ ┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━


RT @Taniel: Steyer & Bloomberg have spent $200 million so far. That's in ballpark of what it'd take to pay off cost of Florida's new poll tax, & enable everyone covered by Amendment 4 to register. But @FLRightsRestore has raised only $289K in its drive to help people pay off court debt. https://t.co/bLgjb4WVyh


RT @ForeverLAS_: My grandpa passed 7 months ago so this is my grandma’s 1st Xmas w/o him in 59 years. For Christmas we decided to gift her w/ letters we found her & my grandpa wrote to each other in 1962 while they were in college. He kept them all these years ❤️ https://t.co/raRvAWxqW5


RT @CNN: An Iowa woman who told police she ran over a teen because she "was a Mexican" has been charged with another attempted murder after police say she hit a 12-year-old boy, who is black, on the same day https://t.co/jbnT22KnpK


At what? https://t.co/oPYrZEgE8T


RT @davidsirota: A reminder that there’s something deeply & terribly wrong with an industry that somehow continues to employ and promote this person as a “political expert” https://t.co/PzzvHQxYVr


RT @AbshirDSM: How the hell do you reject 99% of applications! This is beyond malicious, it’s criminal. Completely counter to congressional intent. #CancelStudentDebt https://t.co/41TQ8zfAB4


Tuesday, 24 December 2019

RT @ByYourLogic: most blackpill campaign now that Hickenlooper is gone. similar ancient evil vibes https://t.co/s1cIzv6OnR


RT @BernieSanders: We stand with Natalia Miranda and those in Iowa who have faced this disturbing violence. Hate crimes are increasing across the country. It's our job to stand with our Black and Latino family. We'll fight all forms of hatred and those who wish to spread it. https://t.co/SclvJ4PXsS


RT @davidminpdx: Mayor Stop-and-Frisk exploited prison labor to make campaign phone calls. https://t.co/moFFayvwFj


RT @GunnelsWarren: Class warfare at its ugliest: Boeing’s former CEO gets up to $58.5 million after 346 passengers died on his watch. Bloomberg - worth $54 billion - used prison labor on his campaign. The Walton family – worth over $200 billion - denied holiday pay to its $11 an hour workers.


RT @samlymatters: So pissed at whoever smoked pot in my mom’s garage. She just smelled it and flipped out. Not funny!!!! Told her if I catch them around here again I’ll beat their ass. Who would do this on Christmas Eve of all days??? Don’t worry, mom, I’m on the case.


RT @shaunking: Billionaire asshole @MikeBloomberg can’t get any campaign volunteers so he’s been using exploited prison labor to make phone calls for his ridiculous presidential campaign. Yeah. Really. Some of the most outrageous offensive shit I’ve seen in 2019. https://t.co/ILgA9SCNpU


RT @RBReich: Walmart has offered its employees a 15 percent store discount instead of holiday pay this year. Meanwhile, the company is saving an estimated $2,200,000,000 a year thanks to the Trump tax cuts. America has socialism for the rich, cold, harsh capitalism for everyone else.


RT @belensisaw: How do you create a movement that will create lasting & significant change for the working class? By empowering them to organize their communities. They don’t call @BernieSanders Organizer in Chief for nothing. Not me. Us. ✊🏽 #UnidosConBernie https://t.co/lJm7XiJs8w


Bernie loves California. And California loves Bernie. https://t.co/v6JGUVeIza


RT @JaneKim: To be fair @nytimes- it’s hard to not love #California. @BernieSanders has the most robust CA organization in 2020 field. He has 80 campaign staff members in the state, more than any other candidate. And no 2020 candidate has held more public events in CA https://t.co/C2Q3bdrYBx


RT @mcbyrne: I’ve been on the ground in CA since the middle of May as part of team CA and was in CA in March as part of team advance. We’ve been here the longest and we organize by listening. We earn each supporter one at a time. https://t.co/RwACX1I4YP


RT @the_vello: Now Mr. Sanders, has the most robust California organization in the 2020 field. He has 80 campaign staff members in the state, more than any other candidate. And no 2020 candidate has held more public events in California than Mr. Sanders. https://t.co/EmpRj9KWs4


RT @shedsports: Marshawn Lynch rolling up to the Seahawks facility πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ https://t.co/2vySaXTN1E


RT @CDRosa: Bloomberg using prison labor for his campaign represents all that is wrong with capitalism & our carceral state. Billionaires shouldn't be running our government and economy. We need a truly democratic system that is, of, by and for working people. https://t.co/geKreXw5fM


RT @ScottHech: “People incarcerated at an Oklahoma women’s prison calling California on behalf of Bloomberg. The people ended their calls by disclosing that they were paid for by the Bloomberg campaign. They did not disclose that they were calling from behind bars.”https://t.co/zW3i9I80wk


RT @MazMHussain: “The people were required to end their calls by disclosing that the calls were paid for by the Bloomberg campaign. They did not disclose, however, that they were calling from behind bars.” https://t.co/WfwlI58cx3


RT @theintercept: Mike Bloomberg exploited prison labor to make 2020 presidential campaign phone calls https://t.co/HJ67u3i1Ve by @jbwashing


RT @ggreenwald: Health-care industry executive Bill Wehrle went to Pete Buttigieg's "wine cave" fundraiser & defended it in a @washingtonpost op-ed, claiming he isn't a millionaire. Except - as @ryangrim & @schwarz pointed out - he is. So the Post had to correct this https://t.co/HselFKJqdn https://t.co/13ISqrEkj0


RT @shaunking: NEWS: I am traveling to California for the next 10 days to campaign around the clock for @BernieSanders up and down the state. I lived and worked in California for years and love it so much. We will be announcing events, canvasses, phone banks, parties, trainings, more soon.


I want a President Bernie Sanders that sees the world this way. https://t.co/ZN9daiKs8i


RT @BernieSanders: If your kids are hurting, my kids are hurting. If you can't afford to see a doctor, that affects me as well. We must remember we are all connected and fight for a nation and a government that is based on human solidarity.


This is the man we need in the United States Senate. https://t.co/C0g4RNFdc4


RT @Booker4KY: There would be times my mom couldn’t afford to buy me a gift for Christmas. She would hug me and apologize. I would always respond, “Mama, you’re the gift.” She really is. Cherish the true gifts, and let’s end poverty. (Love you, Mama)


RT @ryangrim: Credit to the Post for correcting this https://t.co/wiQ2vb2QEh https://t.co/fmR23McEt2


RT @EllaFassler: I wrote about how private prison companies are becoming prison landlords for the State through “public-private partnerships.” This is a new, dangerous strategy decarceration advocates need to watch out for in 2020! My latest @truthout https://t.co/lpaYbQ2Vyl


RT @QasimRashid: From NYT: “One day, from his sniper nest, Chief Gallagher shot a girl in a flower-print hijab who was walking w/other girls on the riverbank. She dropped, clutching her stomach, & the other girls dragged her away.” The “most pro-life POTUS ever” pardons men who murder children😐 https://t.co/GVUkm3vzc1


RT @jessicaramos: NY’s delivery workers are wishing for a Christmas miracle — we’re asking @NYGovCuomo to #DeliverJustice this Christmas & sign this into law! E-bikes & e-scooters bill could: -Let thousands of delivery workers safely do their jobs -Decrease car congestion -Help the environment https://t.co/EmTNhYqvKn


RT @rafaelshimunov: These men full camo, some with fingers on triggers of automatic rifles are: 1) US Army to take down ISIS? 2) FBI surrounding an armed white nationalist terror cell? 3) Local neighborhood police arresting unarmed @NeverAgainActn Jews on Hannukah? https://t.co/vHVaPAOWr3


RT @AbshirDSM: Billionaires assembling, trying to stop @BernieSanders as he surges in the polls. https://t.co/dGIHEqvKoB


RT @ZephyrTeachout: This is how it works. Money for access to power. Access to power for influence. Influence that takes away poor and working class people's rights, freedoms, dignity. If you're not at the table, you're on the menu. Everybody knows it. We don't have to accept it. https://t.co/oR7Ig8LSbF


RT @NaureenAkhter: Raising money to defeat Trump but one of his top campaign bundlers works for Cohen group, where former Trump cabinet member Mattis is a senior counselor 🧐 https://t.co/RKstz47Hrg


RT @JoshuaPotash: Horrifying. Two students entered Riverton High School in Wyoming wearing KKK robes and waving American flags. This is what taking our country backwards look like. https://t.co/SFXvCvJKAK


Monday, 23 December 2019

RT @theappeal: You can explore your own state's politics, and revisit dozens of other major legislative developments relevant to criminal justice reform and mass incarceration, with our interactive map: https://t.co/BOJ9LDStR1


RT @MMFlint: Happy Birthday Eddie! https://t.co/957WTXv2s8


@WylliamOne @ChuckRocha @BernieSanders All of them.


RT @JustinKollar: In both of my campaigns for Prosecuting Attorney I was painted as the “soft on crime” candidate. Over the seven years I have served as the elected in my Office crime stats have consistently improved and our community is safer than ever. Let’s make this the new normal. https://t.co/KEZyPJLTv7


RT @woody_seth: Just voted for @BernieSanders in the @sunrisemvmt endorsement process. I think you should too.


@BenStinar He’s back. Hate that he was ever out


RT @DeanPreston: It is not ok for an SF Planning Commissioner to buy a building occupied by rent controlled tenants, buyout the tenants, and flip the building. While I have great respect for his intellect, hard work, & independence as a commissioner, I think Commissioner Richards should resign.


RT @ryangrim: Also the piece is written by someone who began lobbying for the health insurance industry in 2000 and says he’s not a millionaire. If that’s true, that’s some poor money management. https://t.co/XCN2AdxUpY https://t.co/HTR58n92qv


RT @tomaskenn: We are a few weeks away from Iowa and the Bernie campaign is looking for folks to help our Event Support team! This is a specialized cohort of volunteers that will train Bernie supporters at scale so they can organize the best events possible. Sign up πŸ‘‡https://t.co/BIAxXLJFvN


@ryangrim @davidsirota I just had this thought. What the hell. Who are his campaign people here on Twitter? They flat out lied


Didn’t @bloomberg say his websites and news operations weren’t going to run hit pieces on Democrats? Could’ve sworn @MikeBloomberg said this?


RT @adrielhampton: @shaunking @BernieSanders Nice! California's fastest-growing voter status is no-party preference--these voters need to return a card to their country registrar in order to get a Democratic ballot with Bernie's name.


RT @BernieSanders: I refuse to leave our grandchildren a planet that is not healthy and habitable. We need a Green New Deal.


RT @BernieSanders: Walmart's CEO made 1,076 times their median employee last year. The Walton family makes $25,000 a minute. Don't tell me that they can't afford to pay a living wage. They choose not to out of greed. And together, that's the kind of greed we're going to end.


Sunday, 22 December 2019

RT @_ericblanc: πŸ“£It's lovely that 98-year-old Jerry Rosenblum was able to meet @AOC yesterday. It's also lovely that he's now on board the Bernie train—in July he was still supporting Biden. πŸ“£To win, we need to convince more seniors like Jerry that Bernie is our best bet to beat Trump. https://t.co/2gZsWYXXI3


No, it’s not a video glitch. I looked at every version of it. The man is having a hard time. He’s not well. https://t.co/hNrKf9iKZO


Yooooooooo. What in the hell happens to @realDonaldTrump at 6 seconds into this video? Wait for it. It’s like he had a full on glitch. His shoulders twitch. He slurs his speech. Speaks nonsense then moves on to a completely different train of thought. https://t.co/nV2xbN0uQi


Bottom line. Pete’s fat-cat mega-donors are telling each other that if you donate big money to his campaign, it gives you access and influence to him. And of course it does. That’s why they give it. And why it’s a problem. https://t.co/apvAovhays


@JCrossover Appreciate you man. A lifelong fan. Let’s keep on pushing


@JCrossover Absolutely.


RT @KendrickPerkins: The OKC Thunder with a Huge win tonight against the Clippers and currently sitting at the Number 7th Spot and 1 game above .500!!! Don’t mind me....


RT @shaunking: BREAKING: Private emails expose how rich mega-donors to @PeteButtigieg openly tell each other to give to him now if they really want to influence him. This is a mess. Goes far beyond wine caves. https://t.co/apvAovhays


BREAKING: Private emails expose how rich mega-donors to @PeteButtigieg openly tell each other to give to him now if they really want to influence him. This is a mess. Goes far beyond wine caves. https://t.co/apvAovhays


RT @davidmwessel: Trump on #windmills. “...tremendous fumes. Gases are seeing into the atmosphere...” https://t.co/HQA4rSbEPW https://t.co/VGQcwI7kXg


Watch all of this. Shocking that this man has even a little bit of support. He’s so incoherent that he seems unwell. https://t.co/pFXHpRJDRR


RT @roper_93: Trump: "I never understood wind, I know windmills very much, I've studied them more than anybody...tremendous fumes, gases are spewing into the atmosphere, you know we have a world, the world is tiny compared to the universe.." https://t.co/wnYHestIXX


The man is bumbling idiot. https://t.co/N227uwG4ui


RT @el_reportero: An internal investigation by the Legionaries of Christ has recognized 175 minors were victims of 33 predatory priests. Disgraced Legionaries founder Marcial Maciel abused at least 60 minors, according to the report https://t.co/7ZJL2u5Uqz


RT @rapplerdotcom: The founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Marcial Maciel, abused as many as 60 children, with a total of 33 priests or deacons acknowledged to have committed sexual assaults against minors since 1941. https://t.co/a7LIKOAkLj


RT @Bruno_J_Navarro: At least 60 children were abused by Marcial Maciel, founder of the ultra-conservative Catholic order Legionaries of Christ, an investigation has found. https://t.co/Avevs6bCwh


RT @7Dnews: "The vast majority of the victims were adolescent boys between 11 and 16 years old" published a website supported by the Legionaries of Christ #Mexico #childabuse #MarcialMaciel https://t.co/NlSWmykJf0


RT @AmarAmarasingam: Sexual abuse of minors was rife among superiors of the Legionaires of Christ Catholic religious order, with at least 60 boys abused by its founder Father Marcial Maciel. The Vatican had dismissed accusations for years. https://t.co/lqk8L1Ql4R


RT @cnalive: Since its founding in 1941, 33 priests of the #LegionariesofChrist committed sexual abuse of minors, victimizing 175 children, according to a report of an internal commission released Dec. 21. https://t.co/8rdAkwvKDM


These organizations basically exist to abuse children. // Legionaries of Christ says late leader sexually abused at least 60 children. Abused continued until this year and goes back 50 years, including the founder. https://t.co/dzLlX1ReGG


RT @DrRJKavanagh: Wilfredo Acevedo, the NYPD detective who interrogated the 13-year-old child charged in the Tessa Majors case, has previously been sued for withholding exculpatory evidence and making false statements. He also has a substantiated disciplinary history. https://t.co/UOe3h96Fqf


RT @bhaviklathia: The @BernieSanders campaign made 200,000 calls on one day. That day was yesterday, the Saturday before Christmas. My jaw has been on the floor ever since. https://t.co/256UoXdcUa


RT @harrisonjaime: “There are a lot of Republican women that I’ve talked to who tell me that they are embarrassed by some of what’s been going on recently. They are organizing for Jaime Harrison." https://t.co/NMRts4Bq53


Saturday, 21 December 2019

RT @People4Bernie: They can have their wine caves. We have the people. #BernieInVenice https://t.co/YP1RJUqCsu


RT @RashidaTlaib: Say it louder Amo Bernie! πŸ“£πŸ“£πŸ“£ https://t.co/avqsaHbeyZ


RT @ScottHech: Less than 2 weeks from now, judges will be required to release people for crimes of poverty under new bail laws. So these arraignments are last opportunities for costly, violent, ineffectual cruelty. Jail will do nothing to deter poverty that drove his “crime.” Will make worse.


RT @ScottHech: Full suit and tie & heading out to court tonight till 1am. On way out of building, a number questioning where I was headed. “On a Saturday night?” Court is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, 8am-1am. Overpoliced communities don’t get a reprieve.


So sweet https://t.co/bcvNnYZuY0


RT @sunrisemvmt: Funny, we’ve been criticized for this, too. https://t.co/WjNfcwfqpF


RT @_ericblanc: "We don’t go to rich people’s wine caves — this is a campaign of the working class, by the working class, and for the working class.” — @BernieSanders bringing the πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ in Venice Beach https://t.co/FYKHwdalkf


RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: .@AOC at Venice rally to “anyone who accuses us for instituting purity tests” on fundraisers with billionaires: “it’s called having values. It's called giving a damn. It's called having standards for your conduct to not be funded by billionaires but to be funded by the people.”


RT @hollyotterbein: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hits back at Pete Buttigieg without naming him at the Los Angeles rally. She says about claims of “purity tests”: “It’s called having values. It’s called giving a damn. It’s called having standards for your conduct to not be funded by billionaires.”


The answer to ALL of this is clear: Bernie Sanders. Wild that the Warren campaign went after Pete for this last week when she was literally out there doing it last year. She sold pictures. She sold wine bottles. All of it. Just vote for Bernie. https://t.co/AuMoyai8XQ


RT @AP_Politics: Elizabeth Warren went after Pete Buttigieg during the Democratic debate for raising money from big donors at a fundraiser he held at a “wine cave” in California. But more than a year ago, Warren had a fundraiser at a Boston winery with wealthy donors. https://t.co/6Ejy9RaQE4


RT @BrianSlodysko: NEW: Turns out @ewarren had a big wine fundraiser of her own. Donors were treated to a Melissa Etheridge concert and those who gave $1,000+ got a souvenir wine bottle. It was part of a conventional fundraising operation she only recently opted to reject https://t.co/Y8mmImFuJE


RT @davidaxelrod: This was the danger in the @ewarren “wine cave” attack on @PeteButtigieg. Her own past fundraising practices were pretty much in line with his, including even some of the same high dollar sponsors. She invited stories like this. Unforced error. https://t.co/OpO7U9avP3


RT @KFILE: Elizabeth Warren had a wine fundraiser in 2018 months before announcing her presidential campaign. The event featured a VIP reception for top donors and a guest bottle of wine. https://t.co/vPyvk4NDzp https://t.co/7paMDSnULr


RT @mcbyrne: “We don’t go to rich peoples wine caves” @BernieSanders speaking in Venice. https://t.co/AC5y3zl9HY


RT @_ericblanc: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ from @AOC: "For anyone who accuses us of instituting 'purity tests' — it’s called having values. It’s called giving a damn." https://t.co/AwuXSAG66y


@Lexie_Gruber @farace_tom @aquariusacquah @lhfang Of course it is


RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: The moment ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ joined ⁦@AOC⁩ on stage here in Venice. https://t.co/qfHqbZTYxb


RT @aquariusacquah: Woke capitalism really as hell of a drug. https://t.co/p9Y4wQBGtR


RT @briebriejoy: πŸ‘€ https://t.co/9vtUh4zvWN


RT @anna_bahr: Based on the response of the crowd when @AOC mentioned cancelling student debt, Id bet every single person is still carrying some loans. The cheering hurt my eardrums. https://t.co/5NsXUIC7nz


RT @ChuckRocha: HUGE crowd in CA today for @AOC and the boss @BernieSanders we are building something really special in the #GoldenState #tiobernie https://t.co/M8mrEBvhB9


RT @JaneKim: .@BernieSanders takes the stage with @janeosanders at rally after our congresswoman @AOC introduces them to crowd. Thank you Los Angeles!! We’re gonna win California. #Bernie2020 https://t.co/eC8vPiKk0F


Friday, 20 December 2019

RT @staceyabrams: Ahem. ⬇️ Voter suppression isn’t a bug; it’s a feature for the GOP. Wisconsin, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, Florida...you name the competitive state, and I can tell you their plan. They’re just finally saying the quiet part out loud. @fairfightaction #FightVoterSuppression https://t.co/7gSU0QkIoe


RT @kthalps: “He was alert the entire time.” - @ChrisCuomo saying this is Joe Biden’s best debate yet.


RT @EmmaVigeland: That's... 14 people who thought Sanders won 9 people who thought Warren won 3 people who thought Yang won 1 person who thought Biden won 0 people who thought Buttigieg won 0 people who thought Steyer won 0 people who thought Klobuchar won #DemDebate https://t.co/GKoKyYYpP6


RT @margarita: “This is not a crime. It’s just a deeply weird thing to deny.” https://t.co/yKrjHSn0fJ


RT @jrhennessy: this is unbelievably good reporting https://t.co/BueMSVzk85


RT @ashleyfeinberg: I mean https://t.co/SIMFnPw9Is https://t.co/t7Tx9ZRlNM


RT @IronStache: Offer us poors some cake. https://t.co/y7BHro5XOB


RT @MMFlint: I began my new podcast RUMBLE w/ Michael Moore 4 days ago. As this was all new to me I wanted to start off quietly - no advertising, no going on TV. Just post the podcasts & see what happens. And look what happened - today RUMBLE made the charts! Wow. Thank u everyone! https://t.co/e0fiLxpsXO


RT @shaunking: This needs to become the biggest news story in the nation. Six different Trump administration officials confirmed Stephen Miller wrote plans to use children they have detained as bait to lure people in to pick them up, then arrest and deport them. https://t.co/Ssum4mHP1S


RT @byjoelanderson: You always think of the kind of people who had Eddie Murphy in their employ and didn’t know what to do with him. Do they just continue working, like that never happened? Great story here from @AlanSiegelDC https://t.co/Htshufq2IZ


RT @NBCNews: An Iowa woman is charged with attempted murder after telling authorities that she drove over a teenage girl because she was Hispanic, police say https://t.co/RM4mHzh16I


RT @jjz1600: .@NickKristof, I agree w/ you that @BernieSanders commitment to justice for Palestinians is a sign of his values & authenticity. But I disagree when you suggest that this costs votes. To the contrary, values & authenticity are the reasons Bernie does so well w/ Millennials et al. https://t.co/hd1YjJirOY


RT @roywoodjr: In this instance, Impeachment is you and ya homegirls having all the evidence that ya man is cheating but to break up with him you gotta convince a jury of his frat brothers (who was there with him cheating) that your man is a cheater https://t.co/DPL0TFDwJ8


This needs to become the biggest news story in the nation. Six different Trump administration officials confirmed Stephen Miller wrote plans to use children they have detained as bait to lure people in to pick them up, then arrest and deport them. https://t.co/Ssum4mHP1S


RT @daisy_conant: This action unequivocally forces families to choose between reclaiming their children (from overcrowded and under-resourced shelters) and risking arrest. This needs to get attention. What Trump admin is doing is illegal, inhumane and disgusting. https://t.co/E758E3Lfus


RT @SenMarkey: Despicable. Soulless. And illegal. Resign, Stephen Miller. https://t.co/FeWKi4WSkb


RT @LouisatheLast: God these people are fucking evil. They are holding kids hostage and deporting the people who try to claim them https://t.co/rGlrv8aYDo


RT @ethanjsomers: THIS IS EVIL. The story NEEDS to go viral. Trump ICE agents tried to infiltrate a refugee agency that looks after CHILDREN so that they could take them into custody. It’s a plan developed by white supremacist Steven Miller. FUCK THEM this is abominable. https://t.co/PC1EjUOxvs


RT @DavidJollyFL: "WH sought this month to embed immigration enforcement agents within the U.S. refugee agency that cares for unaccompanied migrant children, part of a long-standing effort to use information from their parents and relatives to target them for deportation" https://t.co/VAyBB4Gde8


RT @NickMiroff: SCOOP Stephen Miller launched a secret effort to embed ICE officials at the US refugee agency that cares for unaccompanied child migrants (ORR), part of new push to gather enforcement data on migrant families https://t.co/xNzRQXvoa3


RT @washingtonpost: Breaking news: Under secret Stephen Miller plan, ICE to use data on migrant children to expand deportation efforts https://t.co/gvpRH2q2iH


RT @KyleLovesBernie: BERNIE & AOC RALLY IN CALIFORNIA: Tomorrow Bernie and AOC will be holding a Gigantic Rally in Los Angeles, with performances by young the giant, Jessey & Joy and local natives! Doors open at 1030 am and Rally Begins at noon and is being held at the Windward Plaza in Venice CA.


RT @ashleyfeinberg: i spent way too much time on this and broke whatever was left of my brain, please read it https://t.co/SIMFnPw9Is


Thursday, 19 December 2019

RT @People4Bernie: .@BernieSanders is the ONLY candidate without a billionaire donor #DemDebate https://t.co/5Zy2ZhDWlX


RT @_waleedshahid: Kinda weird when people act like climate change isn’t a racial justice issue when the largest emitters are disproportionately white and wealthy and the people losing their homes and migrating around the world due to droughts and floods are mostly black and brown.


RT @Castro4Congress: .@PeteButtigieg Did you all talk about the poor in that Silicon Valley wine cave?


RT @NFUDC: .@BernieSanders: What we need is a trade policy that stands up for workers, stands up for farmers, and fights climate change. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» #DemDebate


RT @NicholsUprising: "Netanyahu... who, to my view, is a racist." -- Bernie Sanders #DemocraticDebate


RT @bern_identity: Sanders surging in SC! Big endorsement in SC for @BernieSanders for POTUS. Georgetown Mayor Brendon Barber, the first African American leader of the coastal SC city endorses Sanders after Harris dropped out of the race. https://t.co/6HqDrMAaCB


RT @israhirsi: Bernie came and WON that climate question. We must do more than the Paris Agreement. And calling for a national climate emergency is the first step of many. Thank you Senator for fighting for our futures! #DemDebate @BernieSanders


The people trust and like Bernie more than any other candidate. Period. https://t.co/crzlRTkZrU


RT @ZaidJilani: RIP to the CNN presenter who took the time to explain Bernie Sanders has the best favorables among candidates. I assume if you say something like this on cable news a trap door opens up below you, and you are never to be seen again. https://t.co/J1fG6W78do


RT @sunrisemvmt: .@BernieSanders is right: Communities of color and low income communities will be most impacted by the climate crisis. And frankly, a big part of the reason why we haven't acted is b/c the 1% and the fossil fuel billionaires know this very well. #DemDebate


RT @shaunking: I love this!! Let’s go @PplsAction! https://t.co/xzBMFOEXKG


RT @RBReich: My friend @BernieSanders has done more than any other politician in modern America to sound the alarm, and mobilize the public to reclaim our democracy and economy. For that alone, we are forever in his debt. #DemDebate


RT @briebriejoy: Bernie, coming with the heat, distinguishes himself from his colleagues on stage who voted for NAFTA and other trade deals that shipped American jobs overseas. Also, name πŸ‘πŸΎdropπŸ‘πŸΎ climate πŸ‘πŸΎchange πŸ‘πŸΎmy guy. #DemDebate


RT @BernieSanders: Trump says the economy is doing "great." Three people own more wealth than the bottom half of Americans. That’s not great. 500,000 Americans are homeless. That’s not great. We have the highest childhood poverty rate of any major country. That’s not great. https://t.co/17sSyNeo1B


RT @jerryiannelli: NEW: Former Florida ACLU Deputy Director Melba Pearson has been privately telling allies she plans to run as a reformist prosecutor against Miami-Dade’s Kathy Fernandez Rundle in 2020. Pearson’s allies have now launched a PAC to support her. https://t.co/U0eCIA3SBG


RT @RepJayapal: The cancellation of this meeting was deeply disturbing. It only furthers the idea that the Indian government isn’t willing to listen to any dissent at all. https://t.co/EMeqIr05VJ


I love this!! Let’s go @PplsAction! https://t.co/xzBMFOEXKG


RT @PplsAction: It's time. People's Action endorses @berniesanders for president. Bernie refuses to bow to the demands of the rich & the powerful. We know he will stand with everyday people—because he always has. Bernie, we're with you. #PeoplesAction4Bernie #medicareforall https://t.co/tD326lEJsT


RT @IlhanMN: I share an important goal with @BernieSanders and @PplsAction: building a multiracial working class movement to defeat Donald Trump and create a brighter future for all. Glad to move forward together. ✊🏽 https://t.co/ZDYMKPPXzN


@realDonaldTrump You are a serial liar. 1. You refused to testify in the House. 2. You blocked 12 different witnesses from testifying. Each illegally ignored congressional subpoenas. 3. You blocked over 70 different requests for documents. You don't want a real trial and we all know it.


RT @RealJusticePAC: People are being added to a Chicago “gang database” due to social media posts, tattoos, or information from another officer and there’s no due process. This information can lead to deportation, lost jobs and housing, police harassment, and higher bails. https://t.co/thfkeYS6gB


RT @davidsirota: 5 poll numbers for the #DemDebate: 1. Bernie has hit a high point 2. Bernie has highest favs of any candidate, including in SWING STATES 3. Bernie is the most popular among voters of color 4. Medicare for All is gaining 5. Bernie is the most trusted https://t.co/r5WMt2YJrp


RT @Romanoff2020: Democrats debate tonight—when will John @Hickenlooper? He’s skipped 10 #cosen forums so far, stiffing @DenverDems, @Jeffco_Dems, @SummitDemsCO, @NAACPCOMTWY, @Pro15NE, @indivisiblecolo, @SierraClubCO, @350ColoSprings, @UCCSdemocrats, @COS_Feminists, @PPGenAction & @COHealthInst.


Wednesday, 18 December 2019

RT @shaunking: Trump and his staff should be tried for the crimes against humanity for the tens of thousands of immigrant families they forcefully separated and detained in grossly inhumane conditions just to be cruel. Impeachment is only part of what they deserve.


RT @HeatherGautney: MUST READ: Bern Notice by @davidsirota on the @BernieSanders campaign’s hard work in South Carolina that’s paying off in the polls and with voters of color! Thank you @KillerMike @iPhilSomething @ninaturner! https://t.co/8RGuUctd9c


RT @QasimRashid: It’s official, again. 45 has been impeached on Article 2 - Obstruction of Congress. #ImpeachmentDay https://t.co/E75hQ96Snd


RT @QasimRashid: It’s official. 45 has been impeached on Article 1 - Abuse of Power. #ImpeachmentDay https://t.co/CqiGEIxTff


Trump and his staff should be tried for the crimes against humanity for the tens of thousands of immigrant families they forcefully separated and detained in grossly inhumane conditions just to be cruel. Impeachment is only part of what they deserve.


@janeosanders @BernieSanders @drscll @GroundedBdyWrks @Placewares Love this!


RT @BernieSanders: Today is a sad but necessary day for American democracy. The U.S. House has voted to impeach President Trump, and that is the right thing to do. https://t.co/5TtMWGUOJt


RT @shaunking: It’s official. The United States House of Representatives has just voted to impeach Donald Trump.


It’s official. The United States House of Representatives has just voted to impeach Donald Trump.


RT @CBSNewsRadio: NOW: The House of Representatives is voting on Articles of Impeachment.


RT @theappeal: The removal of children from their families by child welfare systems, which is done in the name of protection, often leads to them being placed in foster care systems where they receive little care, little protection from harm, & little stability. https://t.co/07jNOZIUZB


That's Warren Durham - the police officer who brutally assaulted the 11 year old boy at Vance County Middle School. Other parents said he assaulted their children in school as well. https://t.co/jbnuBlJZOP


RT @Ash_Kalra: Not only do hard working soldiers overwhelmingly support @BernieSanders but the highest number of contributors work at companies like Walmart, Starbucks & Amazon. This is a working class movement & our soldiers are working class heroes that want a change in Commander-in-Chief! https://t.co/Lcq5wzuDsJ


RT @MigrantFreedom: A 6-year-old girl has been in detention for over 175 days. This is likely the longest the federal government has held a child in any of its three family detention centers. #AbolishDetention https://t.co/ysqCZQKMtv


RT @kai_newkirk: I understand why Dems say this day is solemn and discourage celebration. But for millions of Americans who have been or know they could easily be jailed for offenses far less grave than Trump's, there is righteous satisfaction in seeing him finally, for once, held accountable.


RT @cspan: .@Reprashida @RashidaTlaib: "I rise today in support of impeachment…This vote is also for my sons and the future of so many generations." https://t.co/tFHN1e3MAY


RT @danielalapidous: BIG NEWS. @BernieSanders is now the first top presidential candidate in history to open his DMs directly to the people. If you want to get involved in the campaign, shoot us a message! So proud to work with the team of dedicated volunteers who make this possible. πŸ”₯ #NotMeUs https://t.co/qsonlAKILy


RT @nationalparke: if you DM Bernie you are contractually obligated to vote for him


RT @People4Bernie: 🚨@BernieSanders' DMs are OPEN! 🚨 https://t.co/x2paq7bs9i


RT @cspan: Rep. @justinamash @amashoffice (I-MI): "I rise today in support of these articles of impeachment. I come to this floor not as a Democrat, not as a Republican but as an American who cares deeply about the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of the people." https://t.co/FoY36Ig5tQ


RT @cspan: .@RepMaxineWaters: "Yes, I called for Trump's impeachment early. This is country. Our foremothers and our forefathers shed their blood to build and defend this democracy. I refuse to have it undermined." Full video: https://t.co/8RMQxkzEFx https://t.co/VNSgSJACns


RT @BernieSanders: Our young people did what they were told: they got an education and worked hard. They're now being punished with crushing student debt and low-paying jobs. It's about time we stand up for young people and tell the economic elite: you can no longer have it all.


RT @AudiaForDA: As a woman of color from a working class family I am thoroughly disgusted.#changecantwait We are proudly the most diverse county in the US. Our communities will remain less safe in Harris County (Houston) with a DA set on perpetuating racial and socioeconomic stereotypes. https://t.co/EFdmZsBLDH


RT @jameskzeigler: Another DC juvenile lifer released tonight! Imagine getting to spend the holidays with your family for the first time since you were a teenager, after 25 years. https://t.co/FzmQGniXbB


RT @G_Padraic: Last Thursday, @GovAndyBeshear restored the right to vote to more than 140,000 people. The next day, I registered to vote for the first time in almost two decades. I am one of those 140,000. I wrote about it for @Slate: https://t.co/GwIku76xi2


RT @CBSNews: Support for Bernie Sanders is surging in California. @CaraKorte breaks down why he resonates with Golden State voters https://t.co/XipBIHmCRf https://t.co/MgFJDPgdz6


RT @CaraKorte: Talking all things @BernieSanders as a preview to Thursday’s California debate. https://t.co/JjmVi6a5XI


RT @BernieSanders: The U.S. should not be locking up people for being poor. Cash bail is a disgrace and should be abolished.


RT @fshakir: Military members have donated more to @BernieSanders’ campaign than to Trump, Biden, and Buttigieg combined. https://t.co/3aL42rcfTB https://t.co/lv4brbKiPT


RT @PeterBeinart: Conservative pundits are now claiming that the most successful Jewish presidential candidate in American history has an "anti-Semitism problem." That's their way of saying he considers Palestinians to be human beings deserving of basic rights https://t.co/8Vnb3lm0nd


RT @krystalball: 2 person race https://t.co/fAhY7QIO7X


RT @iPhilSomething: with the help of "democrats"... https://t.co/J2fQ6G30Hs


RT @VLuck: At a public meeting in Tulsa tonight, archaeologists announced radar scanning of a local cemetery has revealed anomalies consistent with a mass grave, possibly connected to the 1921 race massacre. @DeNeenLBrown has all the details https://t.co/4Zytc4rFPm


Tuesday, 17 December 2019

RT @alexisgoldstein: "It is #ImpeachmentEve. Protests in favor of impeaching Donald Trump were held all over the country tonight. From Boston to St. Petersburg FL To Lexington KY, Kansas City MO Knoxville TN, Boise ID, Phoenix AZ, Aspen CO" @maddow @MoveOn @by_the_ppl @IndivisibleTeam https://t.co/x7lZZwz7XD


RT @AlOtroLado_Org: Official statement regarding our 19-yr-old client and her baby. We are ever thankful to everyone who played a role in preventing this from happening πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ½. Our client is in a safe space with her baby. We will not be granting interviews with her at this time. https://t.co/rPIBcS6tFu


RT @SocialWorkItOut: I live in a rural, conservative area, but my little family was far from lonely at the #ImpeachAndRemove rally tonight! No one is above the law, not even the president ✊🏼 https://t.co/YhVz1vR9TO


RT @julieingersoll: 26 degrees in a snowstorm. More than 250 people here in Brunswick #Maine to say #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #ImpeachmentEve #ILoveMaine https://t.co/Hs0xuChnZh


RT @ezralevin: This is Bar Harbor, Maine - a town of a few thousand constituents who will be deciding whether or not to reelect @SenatorCollins next year. https://t.co/hx1l3DA6sh


RT @kai_newkirk: #ImpeachmentEve in Phoenix. 2 hours in on a winter night and protesters demanding Trump’s impeachment & removal are holding down every corner of this intersection. Every member of Congress must put country first now & prove to the world that in America no one is above the law. https://t.co/HbedhjPNRe


RT @IndivisibleTeam: From Boston to New Orleans to Maine to TX... activists came out in all 50 states to say #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw on #ImpeachmentEve. https://t.co/RmeGxysvWB


RT @BernieSanders: Republicans in Wisconsin and Georgia have purged a combined half a million Americans from their voting rolls, because they are too cowardly to engage in free, fair and open elections. That is outrageous.


RT @ErikaAndiola: This is the time to get off the couch & hit the streets. Phoenix turned out today! Hundreds of people demanding Congress to #ImpeachAndRemove @realDonaldTrump. We need you as well. Our planet, our people, America needs this. The consequences of unaccountability? More corruption https://t.co/OpP1gNYEGw


RT @kai_newkirk: Every corner of a major intersection in Phoenix taken over by #ImpeachmentEve protest. Hundreds out. Dozens of cars honking in solidarity. “Donald Trump has got to go!” and “Impeach Now!” chants rolling. We are determined to defend our democracy & the rule of law in America. https://t.co/iYBCHHkGzU


RT @annagalland: I've been part of many Trump-era mobilizations, and it's clear this was a big one. Knock-out crowds, in the dead of winter, at hundreds of #impeachmenteve rallies tonight. Thank you so much to the legions of volunteer organizers out there. https://t.co/JsctqyDaQc


RT @authorjerm: Times Square impeachment protest. A fair size crowd, considering its been cold and raining all day. #ImpeachmentEve Great banner, btw. https://t.co/y3szTxq5Jj


RT @TexasTribune: 1/ Vaping is the newest public health epidemic sweeping the nation’s youth. Reports of vaping-related injuries and deaths have piled up. In some Texas school districts, students have gone to jail for having a vape pen in their backpack. https://t.co/q5Hvr4tbTg


Monday, 16 December 2019

RT @WalkerBragman: Pussy Riot endorses Bernie Sanders. https://t.co/gLNSW9J6H6


RT @JakeKESQ: Senator Sanders has taken the stage in #RanchoMirage. #Bernie2020 https://t.co/gOoxqTM2Zk


RT @anna_bahr: NEWS: the Mayor of Coachella and the entire Coachella City Council endorsed @BernieSanders today. And the people are down with him too. https://t.co/4x8Drb2aS9


RT @AbshirDSM: I told y’all that @BernieSanders is a rock star. I stand vindicated πŸ€˜πŸ½πŸ‘¨πŸΎ‍🎀 https://t.co/UfKkbQTU2V


RT @Rouell3: presenting a gif that sums up our entire movement #Bernie2020 https://t.co/bXfbAcHLwo


RT @_waleedshahid: Congratulations to @CosechaMovement for winning access to drivers licenses for all immigrants in New Jersey today! https://t.co/QBfh6qhBOm


RT @shaunking: I have confirmed that this child, an 11 year old boy, was knocked completely unconscious here. https://t.co/s5lbDcQzbm


RT @sunrisemvmt: Stop what you’re doing & watch this—all the way through. @Romanoff2020 understands the stakes of the crisis & the urgent need for a #GreenNewDeal. He’s taking on the GOP & Democratic establishment to be Colorado’s next Senator, but he needs our help. ⬇️ https://t.co/widjoYDxR9


@Castro4Congress No. Not at all. Had anybody else done this, it would’ve happened the day of the assault.


RT @davidsirota: I’m sure Pete’s sudden decision to reverse his support for Medicare for All and oppose college for all has absolutely nothing to do with him hanging around with the kinds of people who have a chandeliered wine cave https://t.co/AT9P2MpvMZ


RT @bhaviklathia: Bernie 2020. https://t.co/Kuq9BExwFP


RT @JamarloANjax: NEW: The family of 22-year-old Jamee Johnson still searching for answers days after he was shot and killed by police. Jamee was a senior studying business at FAMU. “I didn’t know it was a criminal offense to be in Jacksonville” This story tonight at 5/6 only on @ActionNewsJax https://t.co/HmaN8DmBuw


RT @BrittneyVerner: I just spoke with Jamee Johnson’s father. He told me his son was a senior at FAMU studying business. “He does not have a criminal history, he was not a violent person,”. You will here from him tonight only on @ActionNewsJax . https://t.co/iplTH9qRsS


RT @LibraAbsolut: #JameeJohnson a #FAMU student recently killed in Jacksonville, FL by #police! #SayHisName ! We want answers and the truth! 🍊🐍 #FallenRattler https://t.co/SUZIjzKox8


@parisa4justice @RealJusticePAC So incredibly proud


@DwyaneWade Thankfully they fired him after our pressure today


"Put down your gun and pick up an employment application." That's what District Attorney Kim Ogg said to her constituents at an NAACP townhall in Houston earlier this year. We need to do better than racist tropes if we are serious about making our communities safer. https://t.co/zT6FRXZQcQ


RT @DrRJKavanagh: Curtis Flowers was released on bail today after spending 22 years in prison, tried six times for the same crime. SCOTUS ruled earlier this year that prosecutors had shown an unconstitutional pattern of excluding Black jurors from Mr. Flowers' trials. https://t.co/jfxqgJCuHu


RT @helenprejean: Curtis Flowers was in the news over the summer when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the result of his sixth trial. The Court determined that prosecutors excluded Black people from the jury. More on that decision here: https://t.co/K95i9lFWpR


RT @NAACP_LDF: In June, #SCOTUS held that Curtis Flowers' constitutional rights were violated when DA Doug Evans excluded Black jurors on the basis of race from his latest trial. Today, he was granted bail & will have the opportunity to go home for the first time in over 20 years. https://t.co/2NnDNx2dE9


RT @thrasherxy: Amazing. Curtis Flowers has been tried six times—twice were hung juries, four times were convictions overturned by higher courts for prosecutorial misconduct. Each time it went back to the same prosecutor. He’s been locked up since the 90s. https://t.co/N43Yo5fNpM


After two hung juries, four overturned verdicts and decades in prison, Curtis Flowers is finally released https://t.co/c1aOAmihJR


RT @usclimatestrike: We are not here to ask nicely. We are not here to quietly remind you about the science. This is not a school project or day off. We are here to save our planet and to tear down the institutions which poisoned it. Help make it possible. https://t.co/HS4zWTzXiu


RT @shaunking: My blood is boiling. I literally had to take a moment to calm myself down. He needs to be arrested today. NO JUSTIFICATION exists for this. None. Start emailing and calling NOW please. Also, what’s this man’s name? https://t.co/s5lbDcQzbm


RT @shaunking: LET BE CLEAR. This officer MUST be fired by the end of the day TODAY. He should then be ARRESTED immediately for felony assault of a child. This not only violates policy, it violates the law. Vance County Sheriff's Office Email: cbrame@vancecounty.org Call: (252) 738-2200 https://t.co/wDqLPVkOka


RT @davidhogg111: Cops ARE a threat to school safety. https://t.co/fd972IaJOJ


RT @hbryant42: “The sheriff said the deputy still hasn’t explained what prompted the violence...” I mean there’s gotta be a perfectly good explanation for this...πŸ™„πŸ™„ https://t.co/tzJfK0BEnd


Call the Mayor of Henderson, North Carolina. Mayor Eddie Ellington: 252.430.5708 And let him know that this brutal officer from the Vance County Sheriff's Office needs to be fired TODAY. https://t.co/s5lbDcQzbm


Can you do me a favor? Please tag the Mayor of Henderson, NC, the state legislators of Henderson, and the congresspeople. https://t.co/s5lbDcQzbm


RT @eatassjohncena: He’s on paid leave too smfh https://t.co/ZJ3WFyMVZq


RT @Gozalomadrid: I just called, They give you the run around but everyone should call and email. Give them not a minute's rest. https://t.co/T59BbZbggB


My blood is boiling. I literally had to take a moment to calm myself down. He needs to be arrested today. NO JUSTIFICATION exists for this. None. Start emailing and calling NOW please. Also, what’s this man’s name? https://t.co/s5lbDcQzbm


RT @oldmanebro: Fuck this punk ass cop! He deserves to be in jail! https://t.co/jFtrZyA0d7


LET BE CLEAR. This officer MUST be fired by the end of the day TODAY. He should then be ARRESTED immediately for felony assault of a child. This not only violates policy, it violates the law. Vance County Sheriff's Office Email: cbrame@vancecounty.org Call: (252) 738-2200 https://t.co/wDqLPVkOka


Can't wait to hear it man! https://t.co/rjKSdJgLhv


RT @hamdia_ahmed: Yesterday, I called out those cadets who were putting up white power symbols on national TV. Racist people are attacking me for my religion & skin color. I want to turn this into something positive. Follow me if you need a Muslim friend. #Retweet


Sunday, 15 December 2019

RT @MeetMichael_: It’s official: Despite below 20° weather and it snowing, the @BernieSanders Iowa team just knocked 30,000+ doors this weekend! We will win the #IAcaucus because we have a grassroots army ready to fight for a government that works for all of us, not the 1%. https://t.co/D00qTO98LI


RT @BernieSanders: Our health care system is barbaric. Taking care of a loved one who is sick is hard enough without fighting an insurance company whose only interest is profit. We are going to pass Medicare for All. We will eliminate medical debt. https://t.co/upmfAVFClB


RT @francis_ngannou: Thank you my brother @USMAN84kg for making America great again πŸ™πŸ™. #UFC245


RT @mariosevilla: Got chills hearing Kamaru say: “...the wrath of every immigrant in this country.” Note that Colby Covington politicized this bout vs Kamaru Usman, who is Nigerian-American. Colby mocked Kamaru’s heritage and turned it into an American vs immigrant fight. https://t.co/FZ7P7NUUwI


RT @Lakers: The pass. The finish. The #LakeShow https://t.co/m7H0hky7Q5


Wow https://t.co/uRJvZrxrij


RT @tomaskenn: Almost 500 folks joined our call for Bernie Victory Captains tonight. Those are the leaders that are hosting one event per week to make sure we are talking to as many voters as possible about Bernie. We are going to win. https://t.co/HwazMVv7RE


RT @James_Mackler: Winning this open #TNSEN seat will help #FlipTheSenate & take away the power #MoscowMitch is abusing. TN needs a senator to stand up for what’s right & stand up to any president when they’re wrong. Join my team today >>> https://t.co/REGFUU2rCp https://t.co/V5MSVLfmR1


RT @davidsirota: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Here is @NinaTurner today in South Carolina explaining the clear contrast between @BernieSanders & @JoeBiden on criminal justice and Biden’s promise to his donors that “nothing would fundamentally change.” πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ https://t.co/IKRDjV0Fl9


RT @tomaskenn: We are 50 days from Iowa and we need all hands on deck for Bernie. Four easy ways to get involved: 1. Find or host an event https://t.co/MUu6gWCAbu 2. Make calls https://t.co/QTu31EvIuG 3. Download the BERN app https://t.co/QHHU9PFaqZ 4. Volunteer https://t.co/IGpJStlLbd


Saturday, 14 December 2019

RT @AbshirDSM: Y’all my mind is blown πŸ€―πŸ˜‚ Larry David and @BernieSanders are cousins! #NoCap https://t.co/EwCX5Y3uwE


@Chris_Broussard He looked great man


RT @AMDanQuart: Last November, several of my colleagues and I first called on the Manhattan DA to release his list of dishonest police officers. Following the lead of his BX, BK, and Queens counterparts – and only after a lawsuit and FOIL request – he finally caved. https://t.co/rd9jWbYcXf


RT @Wulfkat: Throwing white power signs with an African American cadet standing right in front of them and laughing about it. Is this behavior becoming of future officers of the United States Army, @WestPoint_USMA and @USArmy? Blatant #racism. #TheResistance https://t.co/5Cn2zvoiVV


RT @sophcull: Louisiana lifers are our safest bet; they ought to get a second look. https://t.co/aT9PRYZCqm


RT @taurl_: Here is the New Zealand mosque shooter flashing the #WhitePower symbol after murdering 50 people. It’s one thing not to be aware. It’s another to gaslight people about something most people already know. This has become a racist symbol. https://t.co/2u03aMKdny


RT @BuffyWicks: 7 years ago today 20 six & seven-year-olds, & 6 adult staff—were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary. 7 years & Sen. Republicans still refuse to pass universal background checks. 7 years. We can’t afford to lose another 7 yrs to inaction—let us honor their memory through action. https://t.co/rLUJWAkZ4k


RT @hamdia_ahmed: Let’s make them go viral. Retweet. This happened on national television today. These two felt like it was okay to put up a white power symbol on national tv. Mind you, they are apart of the navy. #ArmyNavy https://t.co/SdkCTJ0vhK


RT @thequianafulton: “Jones broke the news on Twitter, revealing he wasn’t only not returning for Season 3, but that he’d been fired, all the way back in September. The reason: new showrunner Charles Eglee was not a fan of Mr. Nancy, who had helped the show explore race relations in America.” https://t.co/EglvhjzhiT


Republicans know that @realDonaldTrump cannot withstand a real trial. He could never testify without lying. His cabinet members could not testify without implicating Trump and themselves in crimes. The trial HAS to end quickly because they know what the facts say. https://t.co/tNsT8SWCZq


RT @ryanstruyk: Senate oath: “I solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, President of the United States, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: So help me God.” https://t.co/N8z1sK05uG


RT @ConnieSchultz: The U.S. senator in our home is reading stacks of history on impeachment, studying Senate guidelines and precedents, and insisting to all who ask that he must approach this somber proceeding as a juror, not a partisan. I couldn’t be prouder of @SenSherrodBrown. https://t.co/hZHzjaPrB7


RT @MeetMckayla: A MESSAGE TO THE @DCCC You worked to ensure Van Drew won the primary instead of the progressive candidate. When you blacklist challengers & actively intervene in primaries, this is the result: It's not only undemocratic. It not only hurts the movement. It helps Republicans. https://t.co/G1L4BNgiuf


RT @AveriHarper: .@BernieSanders gathered with @seiu members and @UPMC workers in Pittsburgh. He talked about Medicare for All, canceling medical debt, increasing the minimum wage and workers’ rights to organize. https://t.co/FPLiuEYgUK


RT @JordanUhl: The Obama/Biden admin deported over 2.9 million immigrants, nearly 1 million more than Bush https://t.co/G0NqNVWczv


RT @davidsirota: “@BernieSanders is the only politician I have seen in recent years that is not a member of an oligarchy.” - @KillerMike https://t.co/VmY237YhEy


RT @davidsirota: This video is really incredible — it says everything https://t.co/7bi78mxNlC


RT @rafaelshimunov: In which Michael Bloomberg refuses to have @democracynow's Amy Goodman stop, question, and not frisk him. https://t.co/oSi2zB5RLt


RT @harrisonjaime: You know you'd get sent home from jury duty for that, @LindseyGrahamSC... https://t.co/mKwYtEXYiV


RT @mauiswan: Hideous. White power signs. And this, while in uniform and standing next to POC classmates. @WestPoint_USMA needs to address this immediately. https://t.co/TQ8qAoVKFS


RT @SpyTalker: Army cadet who flashed white power sign on TV should be immediately discharged from the corps. #ArmyNavyGame https://t.co/82TEkAHZHq


RT @SethCotlar: No biggie. Just our military men jauntily flashing the white power hand sign on television. https://t.co/MZ37ABi5ic


RT @avenaim: Trumps America #ArmyNavyGame a bunch of cadets throwing up the white power symbol on national television. Hopefully they will face disciplinary action. #Disgusted https://t.co/QSLtxx7F1Q


Friday, 13 December 2019

RT @imraansiddiqi: 2015: Hanging with the Nazis 2019: You know, that Jewish guy is anti-Semitic https://t.co/IOAfrj6lxc


RT @NYSenatorRivera: I am deeply disturbed that @NYGovCuomo vetoed my bill, the Charitable Bail Fund Reform Act, S494. In ‘12, charitable bail became law & after 7 yrs of paving the way, charitable bail orgs will not be able to serve NYers still in need across our state. Full statement πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ https://t.co/CWZgdgGQW2


RT @DrIbram: Babies are nurtured in racism, studies show. As a father, I needed a protective tool for my child, for vulnerable children everywhere. That tool—a board book brought to life by the magical illustrations of @ashlukadraws—is coming in June. Introducing #AntiracistBaby. https://t.co/VNzp7ssrDH


RT @MeetMichael_: This weekend Iowa will see mid-20° temps, BUT the @BernieSanders is just getting fired up! We’re about to knock thousands of doors this weekend. Join us at a canvass launch near you! https://t.co/RJaQNcOufK


RT @BernieSanders: Despair is not an option. Stand up, get involved, organize. That is the only way we defeat Trump.


RT @matthewstoller: I'm Jewish. Making accusations of antisemitism against Bernie Sanders and @fshakir is a straightforward corruption of Jewish politics. It's time to stop using fake allegations of anti-semitism to serve plutocracy. https://t.co/RZuxZMIEtt


RT @iPhilSomething: headed to north carolina & south carolina w/ Senator @ninaturner, @KillerMike and friends. we'll be talking, listening and learning at barbershops, coffeeshops, community centers and churches. pass the word. accept no (L)imitations. #bernie2020 @BernieSanders https://t.co/oNVsX8WuqL


RT @davidminpdx: 15. But the mere fact that a jury voted to convict doesn’t mean the recipient isn’t innocent. And the mere fact the crime was serious doesn’t mean that recipient isn’t over punished or rehabilitated.


RT @davidminpdx: 14. Again, if there are more allegations of specific corruption or pay-for-play, then of course go ahead and criticize the pardon. (Though do so, recognizing thae broader context/role that money plays in absolutely every aspect of our political life.)


RT @davidminpdx: 13. In fact that happens all the time, but tragically during the era of mass incarceration we are so stuck in our position of anger and vengeance that we wildly over punish people and then have refused to consider their transformation and rehabilitation.


RT @davidminpdx: 12. It may be that the crimes committed were serious. But that alone says nothing about the legitimacy of the pardon. It may be that someone committed an awful crime *and that person may be over-punished or become rehabilitated.


RT @davidminpdx: 11. Similarly I see people merely reciting the facts of a rape or murder case — as though the crimes themselves are sufficient to show the illegitimacy of Bevins use of the power. But that gets it exactly wrong.


RT @davidminpdx: 10. I see people objecting to Governor Bevin’s use of the pardon power in a case of a man with an innocence claim, where prosecutors opposed DNA testing, where the guy has already served 25 years. I mean that is precisely the kind of situation the pardon power was made for!


RT @davidminpdx: 9. And it was not at all unusual — in fact it was quite common — for people who had committed the most serious crimes, including murder and rape, to get commutations. Prior to the era of mass incarceration, the pardon power was thought to be a core function of the executive.


RT @davidminpdx: 8. And the pardon power used to be used MUCH MUCH more frequently than it is today — even when the criminal justice system was a tiny fraction of its current size. Governors used to use it all the tine, 100s, even 1000s of times throughout their time in office.


RT @davidminpdx: 7. The pardon power also recognizes the beautiful and mysterious human capacity to have hope, to grow and change, to transform oneself, to be born again, to become rehabilitated, to seek redemption.


RT @davidminpdx: 6. The framers of the constitution and of many state constitutions recognized the inherent tendency of the criminal justice system to over-punish and make mistakes. They created the pardon power as a check on those foibles of the human condition.


RT @davidminpdx: 5. This ignores the nature and purpose of the pardon power, and it erases the important role that the pardon power has played in our nation’s political and legal culture throughout its history.


RT @davidminpdx: 4. I see many reporters for outlets like @TPM and @slate and local papers writing articles suggesting that the single apparently illegitimate pardon taints the whole lot. And as evidence they cite the fact that some were pardoned for apparently serious crimes like rape/murder.


RT @davidminpdx: 3. But on their face at least the overwhelming majority of these 400+ clemency grants — at least 99% — seem totally legit. And PARDONS/COMMUTATIONS ARE AFFIRMATIVELY GOOD THINGS AND WE NEED OODLES AND OODLES MORE OF THEM.


RT @davidminpdx: 2. If you want to take issue with a pardon where there is some specific allegation of corruption — and there appears to be at least one where there is an allegation of a donor getting favorable treatment — that’s fine. Go for it.


RT @davidminpdx: 1. Fuck all of my progressive friends and allies who are attacking this governor who perhaps with one exception used the pardon power as it SHOULD BE USED. *You my friends and allies are exhibiting the very worst of the politics of mass incarceration. Shame on you. https://t.co/s9y7h2Tf2q


RT @Ilhan: And her name is @RepJayapal! https://t.co/Ej2CdobMXm


Thursday, 12 December 2019

RT @ErikaAndiola: I’ve been called criminal by so many Republicans because my family and I decided to seek home and safety in the U.S. Today they sit there in the chamber defending an actual crime that was committed by the president of this country and they know it. Hypocrisy. Corruption.


RT @karaturrentine: #SC Let’s Go!! #BernieSurging #Bernie2020 https://t.co/pzzCWeMjtq


RT @ChuckRocha: πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ I see you @TheJDBright and @karaturrentine Badass women leading our campaign for @BernieSanders in SC. #notmeus Also H/T to the one and only @ninaturner https://t.co/8YjtMCbP85


RT @michaelsayman: Bernie Sanders closing in on South Carolina now too. https://t.co/mhZ9dPGCRY


RT @WillVanguard: ‘Bernie Sanders is continuing his recent national surge in South Carolina, where he has supplanted U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren for second place.’ ‘Bernie gained the most support of anyone since the last poll.’ Go to https://t.co/IYr7u0szUo to keep it rolling #NotMeUs #Berne2020 https://t.co/vPU0OYK0dL


RT @TweetingYarnie: Bernie Sanders is surging in the polls nationwide even in Obama/Biden Country. Is Joe's South Carolina firewall disappearing? Biden — 27% Sanders — 20% Warren — 19% Buttigieg — 9% Happy Holidays Joe and bye-bye Peter.🀣🀣 https://t.co/Ina2ftBP8g


RT @zacrussell93: Sanders within striking distance in South Carolina, a state many did not think he could do well in. If Sanders places above Biden in Iowa and wins NH (which is the current projection), Bernie could do very well in SC. https://t.co/ROvdJ7KXZa


RT @bbcelection: Caerphilly: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/LQ1XkiICjp https://t.co/KKFhw0ZRt6


RT @bbcelection: Makerfield: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/HqBXbse5ho https://t.co/LCAkrgoKTQ


RT @bbcelection: Knowsley: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/rI3bfuX5DC https://t.co/380i98FBsA


RT @bbcelection: Leicester South: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/6MVa3jmMgP https://t.co/8zD9UcB7FE


RT @bbcelection: Wigan: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/LvraFbcGnI https://t.co/9tnJUKtdi4


RT @bbcelection: Putney: LAB GAIN FROM CON #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/CUvChHCGTY https://t.co/CLKwkkVsfo


RT @bbcelection: Lewisham East: LAB WIN #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/adj5KnFww5 https://t.co/q7cOWHoHet


RT @bbcelection: Rochdale: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/aWbfTbdDMU https://t.co/vA7QVZIOpq


RT @bbcelection: Walthamstow: LAB HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/QPhXcUvXu0 https://t.co/oQaweYrRvH


RT @BernieSanders: In just over 50 days, the first votes will be cast to decide the Democratic nominee. We are in a position to win. Campaign manager @fshakir is joining us live now to give a campaign update and to answer your questions: https://t.co/Oippmqw8K5


RT @BernieSanders: IN ~20 MINUTES: Our Campaign Manager @fshakir will be coming to you live from New Hampshire with an update on the campaign. Tune in!


RT @maryannehitt: This is my community - @rockwoolna claims to be green, claims to be a climate leader, but is building a toxic coal and gas fueled factory across the street from an elementary school, despite overwhelming local opposition. Please stand with us and #BoycottRockwool https://t.co/2JwM3vnj1I


RT @lhfang: The left isn’t losing everywhere. Lib-left coalitions have won recent elections and now govern in Denmark, Portugal, Spain. Worth exploring why.


White supremacists unite https://t.co/fgw3dmx1kp


RT @blakehounshell: When Boris Johnson realized he might have a problem with Trump, he started building a relationship with Stephen Miller and coaching him on his writing https://t.co/ZVr9mS3Su8


RT @elizashapiro: Ugly scene from a school redistricting meeting in Montgomery County last night -- room of adults booing a teenager who says she supports diverse schools https://t.co/EfYNoWe3Ja


RT @BernieSanders: Incremental change is not enough. We are going to enact a Green New Deal because we have no other option if we want to save our planet. https://t.co/q3xg9QpeOF


RT @DrRJKavanagh: LAPD officers arrested and charged Roryce Dirden, an EMT, with Assault after a patient he was treating in an ambulance for seizures, unstrapped herself from a stretcher and he pulled her back up on it for her own safety. https://t.co/uIjbdC2cum


Wednesday, 11 December 2019

RT @theappeal: On a host of issues—including police shootings, bail reform, marijuana legalization, and the death penalty—critics say Lacey, once seen as a reformer, has sought to preserve the status quo. https://t.co/VHSzA0pVSx


RT @theappeal: Jackie Lacey's failure to appear at the local debate comes one day after she lost the Los Angeles County Democratic Party's nomination to reformer challenger George GascΓ³n. GascΓ³n did show at the debate, as did additional reformer challenger Rachel Rossi https://t.co/nP5xUl8CEZ


RT @theappeal: Local civil rights groups hosted a forum at the California African American Museum for everyone running for Los Angeles District Attorney and incumbent DA, Jackie Lacey, declined to show. https://t.co/ZrM3aZT7KD


RT @SenSanders: My friend @RepRoKhanna is right: it is Orwellian for Congress to hand over billions of dollars worth of weapons and bombs to a president waging a horrific, unconstitutional war in Yemen—and call that progressive. https://t.co/6SUmUUhv3q


RT @Andrefor40th: I'm proud to join this statement of solidarity w/ the movement to stop Rockwool in West Virginia. If @RockwoolNA truly wants to be part of a just climate solution, they must abandon their plan to build this factory & make changes. #BoycottRockwool https://t.co/wj03y69cqx


RT @Jasmyne: The Los Angeles District Attorney Candidate Debate is starting with @Rachel4DA and @GeorgeGascon. No surprise, you know who is missing in action. #Vote2020 #Election2020 #LADA2020 https://t.co/XEX90bB9ZE


RT @shomaristone: Prosecutor: Racist Memes Poisoned Killer’s Mind. A prosecutor says racist memes poisoned the mind of Sean Urbanski, motivating him to fatally stab black college student Richard Collins III on the University of Maryland's campus. #RichardCollinsIII https://t.co/UFDzEzDvss


RT @MFA_NOW: .@politico leads tonight with impeachment, then serious questions about @PeteButtigieg’s time in Michigan. Please release your McKinsey work product, Mayor Pete. https://t.co/yHlN9PrkEN


A mess. Israeli parliament dissolves, sending country to its third election in less than a year https://t.co/N17RNnOVIZ


RT @KyleKulinski: .@RoKhanna goes OFF on our endless military spending https://t.co/OUPt0AMOOo


RT @trudystrassburg: Looking like Jackie Lacey didn't bother to come. #wheresjackie #whereslacey https://t.co/zlzFxNS1SB


RT @GunnelsWarren: New Rule: Every Member of Congress who voted to give the most corrupt, unhinged & unstable president in history $738 billion to fight endless wars, fund a bogus space force & put our troops at risk must never tell us that we cannot afford #MedicareForAll or a #GreenNewDeal. Ever.


RT @LauraLitvan: EXCLUSIVE: Senate Repubs say there's consensus building w/in their ranks for a short impeachment trial that could see the GOP-led chamber vote on a likely acquittal of President Trump w/o hearing from any witnesses. | w @StevenTDennis https://t.co/oTvNHQCcOe


RT @jsmccullou: Breaking: Texas has executed #TravisRunnels for the 2003 murder of a prison supervisor. His lawyers said false testimony put him on death row. He gave no final statement. More: https://t.co/ochWoVAny4 #deathpenalty


Texas executes man whose trial featured false testimony https://t.co/wR9cfkraEr


RT @tomaskenn: Are you an organizer who is all in for @BernieSanders and wants to help our movement win? We’re looking for coaches who can support volunteers (remotely) in KEY MARCH STATES. It’s just a 5 hr/week commitment! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Sign up here: https://t.co/A4iMWgilgf πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


RT @RevDrBarber: No only is @mrdannyglover in new movie—& old movies like Lethal Weapon—he’s also a citizen & human rights activist who has joined the team to help build the #PoorPeoplesCampaign toward Mass Assembly & Moral March on Washington, June 20, 2020. Join us! https://t.co/UVcp8Jnx3m https://t.co/W4zdobf1al


RT @PresenteOrg: A grassroots movement is fighting to stop construction of a toxic, fossil fuel-powered @RockwoolNA factory right by a Title I school in West Virginia. We're proud to join this statement of solidarity with their climate justice fight. #BoycottRockwool https://t.co/BFHqZdpQ9L


To the people using fear and mistruths to preserve the status quo, you will not win. New York must enact these historic reforms AS IS on January 1st. Thank you to all of our leaders who are holding the line. People all around the country are watching. https://t.co/ommB3y7KTt


RT @pamelacolloff: An extraordinary editorial by an ex-prosecutor in Florida: “I urge Gov. Ron DeSantis to grant executive clemency to James Dailey and not to execute a man who was convicted and sentenced to death on the basis of unreliable jailhouse informant testimony.” https://t.co/MiI7YY58fO


Kim Ogg wants to hire more prosecutors when DAs should be focused on decreasing the amount of people who go through the legal system. That’s why @AudiaForDA will not prosecute drug possession or other offenses that target poverty. Join the movement now: https://t.co/d6nSJ6TGfI https://t.co/0EImK4vTzO


Tuesday, 10 December 2019

RT @ThatRabbiCohen: It is really, *really* frightening for us to be defined as a nationality. The trope of "dual loyalism" is classic antisemitism. It encourages people to view American Jews as professing greater loyalty to Israel than to the United States-- thereby making us untrustworthy. https://t.co/PyuqK1lLZX


RT @BGPolitics: Gov Beshear said he'll sign an executive order on Thursday restoring voting rights to more than 100,000 felons, to show that "we all matter." ^JC


RT @Taniel: 4% of KY's adult population is about to gain right to vote, in one stroke of pen. That's huge. Also, a massive indictment of a system that makes voting rights so condition, and at whim of politicians who want to restrict it (as Bevin did). (context: https://t.co/ZT00DY6cCO) https://t.co/INcsf0gJtW


RT @MeetMichael_: We need you here in Iowa...not in January, right now! We’re aiming to knock 35,000+ doors this weekend and we need your help. Can you drive here this weekend? Take a bus? Book a train ticket? Go to https://t.co/druxWPbLQN and find an office nearest you. https://t.co/0ds6MxQVsW


RT @jjz1600: Wow! #1 it’s bizarre that Trump thinks he has the right or power to determine that a religion in a nationality; #2 even if he does this, how will this “bolster” denying free speech to those who want to Boycott Israel for its violations of human rights; #3 “Deal of the Century?” https://t.co/iWPJwMs2Wm


Will Didi here in NYC https://t.co/BF74ZsEUda


RT @wendellpotter: The bottom line (that I know too well as a former health insurance exec) is this: The current system is built to deny people medical care and sock them with huge bills. Pete's health care plan protects this system. Now we have a clearer understanding of why. (7/7)


RT @wendellpotter: Pete says he didn’t work on stuff he “had a problem with.” Like Pete, I also worked for an insurer and turned a blind eye to the real world effects. Eventually I had a problem with a lot of it. It’s hard not to when your job includes denying care to Americans who need it most 6/7


RT @wendellpotter: Some context on the “it was only three months” talking point: Consulting is, by nature, temporary work. Often my insurance company would hire McKinsey for special projects to cut jobs and raise rates, that didn’t take very long. (5/7)


RT @wendellpotter: To really understand this work, and the climate in which it occurred, you might review this report from the Michigan AG in 2007. It’s called “Profits over People: The Drive to Privatize and Destroy the Social Mission of Blue Cross and Blue Shield” (4/7) https://t.co/kXZqH1OdRZ


RT @wendellpotter: In fairness, I can understand why Pete might try to minimize his role now, and make it seem like he was learning how to do spreadsheets. But trust me from experience, McKinsey is expensive, and hires Rhodes Scholars and Harvard grads like Pete for their brains and opinions. (3/7)


RT @wendellpotter: I see Pete describes his work there as just math. In a way, this is true. @BCBSM had a math problem: profits were down, and needed to go up. That’s when firms like BCBS and my old one bring in “whiz kids” like Pete to decide how high to raise rates and how many jobs to cut. (2/7)


RT @wendellpotter: It brings me no joy that my hunch that @petebuttigieg advised Blue Cross Blue Shield in the run-up to layoffs and rate hikes, was revealed to be right. Campaign spin aside, as a former insurance exec I know what that work really entails, and it is devastating. (1/7) https://t.co/kPxx3xBoWi


RT @The_Red_Nation: “Listen to Mother Earth”: Indigenous Youth Leaders at COP25 in Madrid Protest Fossil Fuel Extraction https://t.co/dkIrkLLPMz


RT @ninaturner: Opinion | Don’t Think ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ Can Win? You Don’t Understand His Campaign - ⁦@KeeangaYamahtta⁩ ⁦@nytimes ⁩ You did that Professor! πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ–€πŸ‘ŠπŸΎ https://t.co/iqyIRnh7Lr


RT @RashidaTlaib: He doesn't win Michigan. #NotMeUs https://t.co/nu1bjT50tV


RT @Taniel: Wow. McKinsey rigged a program & manipulated data to make it look like it was improving conditions & reducing violence on Rikers Island, but it was bogus. It also convinced NY to spend "millions on sorts of advanced data analytics" that didn't work well. https://t.co/6y9SV4Rc6M


RT @ryangrim: Buttigieg campaign confirms that while with McKinsey, Buttigieg had Blue Cross of Michigan as a client. After retaining McKinsey, Blue Cross raised premiums and fired workers. https://t.co/FP5oNIiPd0


RT @wendellpotter: If indeed the @petebuttigieg client was Blue Cross, this report by the Attorney General of Michigan in 2007 has a lot to offer. The title: “Profits over People: The Drive to Privatize and Destroy the Social Mission of Blue Cross and Blue Shield” (9/13) https://t.co/kXZqH1OdRZ


RT @aflores: US officials are issuing fake court date notices to immigrants in "Remain in Mexico" in order to keep even those who have been granted asylum or protection out of the country https://t.co/uNt8BRTfxQ via @haleaziz


RT @RAICESTEXAS: As fundamental as the right to freedom of expression, or freedom of thought. As fundamental as the right to education or the right to life. Migration is a human right today (#HumanRightsDay ) and every day. Join us & #StandUp4HumanRights https://t.co/2lfwlk9Vm5


RT @kai_newkirk: Obstruction of Justice is a crime. Poor people & folks of color go to jail all the time for the merest instances of it. It's undeniable that Trump has repeatedly, egregiously obstructed justice. What does it mean for democracy & justice in America not to impeach him for it?


RT @rob_bennett: The fight to stop @RockwoolNA in Jefferson County, WV is a climate justice fight. I'm joining 100+ global leaders in solidarity with this fight & joining the call to #BoycottRockwool until they abandon their plan to build this factory & make changes. https://t.co/DguDr71r6G


RT @dabeard: A group of doctors showed up at a Border Patrol detention facility to provide free flu vaccines for 100 migrant kids. The doctors said it would take a half hour. Three kids have died from the flu in federal custody. The doctors were refused entry. https://t.co/nTxHXdJxud


RT @AudiaForDA: Our criminal justice system can't solve problems like drug addiction and poverty. As DA I will not prosecute drug possession and offenses that target poverty. We will lower caseloads that way @keribla. https://t.co/kQ0Zbrr0XG


RT @karpmj: Donald Trump was practically designed by IKEA as a symbol of billionaire greed, but heading into 2020 Democratic leaders have instead assembled a hideous abstract sculpture of Ukrainian security theater, bipartisan "wins" on trade, and campaign trail whining about free college https://t.co/pnEdtZimpk


RT @chachachanise: For the record, I never touched this man. This was unprovoked. He acted alone. His wife was not present. I regret naming her in the tweet as she wasn’t there, and shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions. Please leave her out of this conversation. I apologize for naming her.


RT @chachachanise: I was just assaulted by this man at White Rock Lake Dog Park in Dallas, TX. He hit me twice, grabbed my neck, and called me a “fucking bitch” repeatedly. His name is Dale Coonrod. His wife’s name is Mickey Rayford-Coonrod and she’s the Assistant Attorney for the city of Dallas. https://t.co/u0IJ4Xx4Iu
